Aerial photographs from German POW Camp

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Henry Jones
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Aerial photographs from German POW Camp

Post by Henry Jones »


I am working for an german organisation who recover fallen soldiers and civilists from WW2 similar the Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge.
You can find information about us under

At the moment i'm researching about a German POW camp (Stalag) in Southern Germany and the burial place of some russian pow who died in the camp but their graves today are unknown.
Some of the pow were buried at the local cemetery but 8 soldiers known by name has still no burial place. In german documents from 1941-1943 are noted that they was buried "on the russian cemetery next to the camp" but today there is no grave for this pow.

Now I want to analyze some aerial photographs of the area to find the exactly location of the cemetery. I know that their exist allied aerial images from end of 1944 to August 1945, also in germany but $100 for each picture is definetly to high for me.

I seen that Matthew Abicht is moderator in this forum and helps the Volksbund with some old aerial images to find german cemeteries in Russia. Maybe he can help us also with aerial images from the NARA to find the exactly location of the pow camp and the burial place!

I hope that someone can help us!
Thank you very much,
best regards,

PS: Sorry for the bad english, i will hope that it is understandable
Henry Jones
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Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:45 am

Re: Aerial photographs from German POW Camp

Post by Henry Jones »


Abicht can you help here?

Best regards,
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