The Battle by the High Warthe River.

German campaigns and battles 1919-1945.

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The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little about that great fight at the beginning of the Campaign against Poland in September of 1939..........

The Battle by the High Warthe River.

The opponents.

By the polish side was the Army “Lodz” under General Rommel (before with the Army’s Inspectorate) which had as its missión to cover the Lodz-Piotrkow zone being ready to move to Kalisz over Sieradz or to Kolo in order to support its neighbors, especially Army “Poznan”.

The Army was composed by 5 infantry divisions (all actives) and 2 Cavalry brigades.

It was deployed as follows: the 10 DP (General Dindorf-Aukiewicz) on Sieradz; the 28 DP (General Boncza-Uzdowski) on the junction between the Wartha and the Widawka and the 30 DP (General Cehak) to Szczercow. Both cavalry brigades were to cover the flanks. The 2 DP (Col Doja.Surawka) was protecting Piotrkow (the 22 DP never joined this army).

By the German side it was the 10 AOK under General der Artillerie v. Reichenau (before Commanding Officer of the Gruppenkommando IV at Leipzig), which had as its mission to carry out the main break trough, heading to Kamiensk-Radomsk-Piotrkow with its left wing, having Warsaw as its main target.

It was composed (broadly speaking) of one Armored Corps under General Hoepner (1 Pz, 4 Pz, 14 ID and 31 ID); one Mechanized Corps under General Hoth (2. Le and 3. Le) and one Motorized Corps under General v. Wietersheim (13 ID and 29 ID); besides were two Army Corps (18 ID and 19 ID) and (4 ID and 46 ID) plus the 1. Le Div.

Sources: Bój Wołyńskiej Brygady Kawalerii pod Mokrą1 września 1939 r. Piotr Witkowski.
Lexikon der Wehrmacht - 1_ Panzerdivision SR 1.htm
La Campaña de Polonia. Robert Jars. Círculo Militar. Vol 423.
Tres días en septiembre.
Artillerie-Regiment 14 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht.htm
LUCHA EN SEPTIEMBRE 1939, en las cercanías de Działoszyn
der Geschichte des 11. (Sächs. ) Infanterie-Regiments.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more about it..........

The Battle by the High Warthe River.


In this battle, the German offensive will be unleashed by the 8 AOK (against the right wing of Army Lodz) and the 10 AOK which will strike the left wing of Lodz Army and the right wing of the Krakow Army. The intention was double: On one hand, to split the Polish armies and…

On the other hand to prepare the breakthrough battle in order to send in depth large armored units (Pz divisions).

Situation on September 01 of 1939.

The actions in this article will be divided in the following parts:

Main effort.
Mokra. (4 Pz - 31 ID)

Secondary attacks in the wings:

Parzimiechy/. Działoszyn (19 ID)
Klobuck /Truskolasy (1 Pz/14 ID)

The first blow hit the security echelons of the 7 DP (General Janusz Gasiorowski) of Czestochowa, composed by the 25 pp, 27 pp and 74 pp, the 7 pal and a heavy artillery battalion. This division was deployed occupying defensive positions on an ample arc to the west of Czestochowa/Tschenstochau in a front of about 40 kilometers. This division constituted the right wing of the Krakow Army in contact with the Lodz Army. This Division saw, on its extreme right wing, the deployment of important armored forces that fell on the Cavalry Brigade “Volhynia” (Colonel Filipowicz) located a little to the northeast of it. The length of its positions was immense since it extended from Lubieniec in the south up to Krzepice in the north and widely surpassed the possibilities of an effective defense.

Sources: Bój Wołyńskiej Brygady Kawalerii pod Mokrą1 września 1939 r. Piotr Witkowski.
Lexikon der Wehrmacht - 1_ Panzerdivision SR 1.htm
La Campaña de Polonia. Robert Jars. Círculo Militar. Vol 423.
Tres días en septiembre.
Artillerie-Regiment 14 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht.htm
LUCHA EN SEPTIEMBRE 1939, en las cercanías de Działoszyn
der Geschichte des 11. (Sächs. ) Infanterie-Regiments.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Situation on September 01 of 1939.
Situation on September 01 of 1939.
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Re: The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more about it..........

The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Mokra – 01 Sep 1939.

On September 01 of 1939 following orders of the Führer, the German Armed Forces (Wehrmacht) has assumed the active defense of the Reich. From 05:45 hours onwards the fire has been answered. This is the reply to the terrorist acts against the German people….. Official notice of the OKW.

The XVI AK (Mot) deployed within the forest east of Olešná began to cross the border of the Polish state crossing the Liswarta River. The first assault went towards Krzepice. The 4 Pz advanced ahead in two columns, to the left SR 12 (reinforced with I./PR 36 and I./AR 103) and to the right IR 12 (reinforced) of the 31 ID. After crossing the Lisswarta River and having captured Stare Krzepice (II. /SR 12), the SR 12 went to the north to Krzepice where it met some resistance at 06:30 hours.

At 06:00 hours the advance post under ppor (2º Lieutenant) Joseph Berezowski reported that the enemy entered Krzepic.

The bombardments set afire part of the locality and its population fled in panic towards the east. The German troops knocked against a company of the national defense there, the 3. / ON Klobuck under por (First Lieutenant) Ludwik Pawlewski, who informed the Commander of the 7 DP and then went back slowly towards the forest to the north of Klobuck in the edge of the defensive positions of the Cavalry Brigade Wołyńska.

Sources: Bój Wołyńskiej Brygady Kawalerii pod Mokrą1 września 1939 r. Piotr Witkowski.
Lexikon der Wehrmacht - 1_ Panzerdivision SR 1.htm
La Campaña de Polonia. Robert Jars. Círculo Militar. Vol 423.
Tres días en septiembre.
Artillerie-Regiment 14 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht.htm
LUCHA EN SEPTIEMBRE 1939, en las cercanías de Działoszyn
der Geschichte des 11. (Sächs. ) Infanterie-Regiments.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Julius Rommel.
Julius Rommel.
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Re: The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more about it..........

The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Mokra – 01 Sep 1939.

The Cavalry Brigade “Volhynia” was composed by the following units:

12. pułk ułanów Podolskich (ppłk Andrzej Kuczek)
19. pułk ułanów Wołyńskich (ppłk dypl. Józef Pętkowski)
21. pułk ułanów Nadwiślańskich (ppłk Kazimierz de Rostwo Suski)
2. pułk strzelców konnych (ppłk Józef Mularczyk)
2.dywizjon artylerii konnej
21. dywizjon pancerny
53. pociąg pancerny ,,Śmiały”
11. batalion strzelców pieszych
IV batalion/84.pułku piechoty Poleskiej

The town of Krzepice was conquered around 07:30 (I./SR. 12) against light Polish resistance offered by reconnaissance elements of the 21 Pul under ppor. Josef Berezowski, which fell back towards the heights located to the east of Krzepice.

At 07:00 hours the Staff of the Wolynska BK received reports coming from the advance posts located on the heights 268 and 258,6. Shortly afterwards Captain Boleslaw Deszert (on hill 268) reported that ppor Joseph Berezowski was retreated from Krzepic towards Opatow with heavy losses. Simultaneously Major Kazimierz Mikołajewski, commander of 7 DP's divisional cavalry informed to Major Stanisław Starzecki, 21 puł's Deputy Commander, about the manpower and axis of the German forces coming against the regiment.

Sources: Bój Wołyńskiej Brygady Kawalerii pod Mokrą1 września 1939 r. Piotr Witkowski.
Lexikon der Wehrmacht - 1_ Panzerdivision SR 1.htm
La Campaña de Polonia. Robert Jars. Círculo Militar. Vol 423.
Tres días en septiembre.
Artillerie-Regiment 14 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht.htm
LUCHA EN SEPTIEMBRE 1939, en las cercanías de Działoszyn
der Geschichte des 11. (Sächs. ) Infanterie-Regiments.
Chronik des PGR 12. Schaub (Thanks JH).

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
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Re: The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more about it..........

The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Mokra – 01 Sep 1939.

Meanwhile around 06:00 hours the German recce troops (AA 7) had reached the positions of the 21 pul before Wilcowiecko and further south at Walenczow, before the IV./ 84 pp, which was covering the southern section of the railroad north of Klobuck. Its 10 company was looking northwest, its 12 company to the west and the 11 company towards the Kłobuck-Krzepice highway.

21 puł's Commander, ppłk. (Lt Colonel) Kazimierz de Rostwo-Suski disposed the following: to concentrate the fires against the pass between the woods with 2 and 4 batteries, one Platoon of MG and 3 antitank guns covering the field in southerly direction. The link with the IV./ 84 PP should be secured. Major Stanisław Starzecki with two Platoons of the 1./ 21 Pul and MG's under ppor Boleslaw Ostrowski should occupy height 258 in the area of Rębielic Królewskich covering the right flank of the brigade.

Contac should be maintained with the 19 puł deployed in the area of Kamieńszczyzna, Leszczyny. Also patrols should be detailed towards the border and hill 268 to link with Captain Deszert (3. squadron). 2 dak (heavy artillery group) should be ready to shell Mokra II and III. The bike Platoon (kolarzy) was to stay at the regiment CP.

Sources: Bój Wołyńskiej Brygady Kawalerii pod Mokrą1 września 1939 r. Piotr Witkowski.
Lexikon der Wehrmacht - 1_ Panzerdivision SR 1.htm
La Campaña de Polonia. Robert Jars. Círculo Militar. Vol 423.
Tres días en septiembre.
Artillerie-Regiment 14 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht.htm
LUCHA EN SEPTIEMBRE 1939, en las cercanías de Działoszyn
der Geschichte des 11. (Sächs. ) Infanterie-Regiments.
Chronik des PGR 12. Schaub (Thanks JH).

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more about it..........

The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Mokra – 01 Sep 1939.

Mass of refugees had reached the Polish defensive positions, so a serious situation had developed since the German tanks could take advantage and use the civilians as shield. pplk (Lt Col) Rostwo-Suski sent patrols in order to guide the refugees to both wings. After passing Wilkowiecko the german launched an assault against the 2. and 4. squadrons lines. The german artillery opened up with incendiary shells and the Mokra III's houses with its straw roofs were burning.

Then followed an aerial attack and the Stukas hit the regiment's rear; the 2 dak lost 5 ammunition's transports, also the Supply Column Commander ppor. (2º Lt ) Wacław Bielawski was wounded. When the German panzers had approached up to 150 meters from the resistance line the guns of por. (1º Lt ) Michał Stanisław Kochanowski returned fire knocked out two tanks, the rest turned back and fired upon the Polish position beyond of 400 meters. The German infantry which followed the tanks had not taken part in the battle yet.

At 08:00 hours a German mechanized column, composed by almost 40 vehicles of transport of personnel (schützenpanzerwagen - Sd Kfz 251) of the I./SR. 12 led by the 1. Company reached the Polish positions by Rebielice Krolewski but it was rejected due to the concentrate fire of antitank guns, anti-tank rifles and machine guns coming from Height 268. The same happened around the town of Wilkowiecko and in front of the defensive positions stood burning three armored vehicles.

Sources: Bój Wołyńskiej Brygady Kawalerii pod Mokrą1 września 1939 r. Piotr Witkowski.
Lexikon der Wehrmacht - 1_ Panzerdivision SR 1.htm
La Campaña de Polonia. Robert Jars. Círculo Militar. Vol 423.
Tres días en septiembre.
Artillerie-Regiment 14 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht.htm
LUCHA EN SEPTIEMBRE 1939, en las cercanías de Działoszyn
der Geschichte des 11. (Sächs. ) Infanterie-Regiments.
Chronik des PGR 12. Schaub (Thanks JH).

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more about it..........

The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Mokra – 01 Sep 1939.

At 08:00 hours three German columns comprising infantry, motorcyclist and tanks had been appeared in front of the 19 Pul (pplk Joseph Pętkowski). There it was deployed the 4. squadron por. Gumiński, defending to the north in the area of hill 216 and Kamieńszczyzny with an outpost at Dankowa; also maintained the contact with the 21 Pul's detachment deployed in Rębielic Królewskich. The 1. Squadron Kpt. Jerz defending towards the Lisswarta. The 3. Squadron por. Stanisław Górecki as blocking force under regimental orders. The 2. Squadron under Kpt. Antoni Skyby was deployed to the north in the bridge area and was in contact with the Polish 30 ID.

One german column advanced through Dankowa to Rębielice, the second to Leszczyny and the third directly towards the por. Guminski position in the area of Kamieńszczyzny and hill 216. The first column attacked through the outpost of Dankowa and seized Rębielic Królewskich. The second approached the 1. squadron positions but was rejected with losses, the third was also driven back next to the wood edge.

Sources: Bój Wołyńskiej Brygady Kawalerii pod Mokrą1 września 1939 r. Piotr Witkowski.
Lexikon der Wehrmacht - 1_ Panzerdivision SR 1.htm
La Campaña de Polonia. Robert Jars. Círculo Militar. Vol 423.
Tres días en septiembre.
Artillerie-Regiment 14 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht.htm
LUCHA EN SEPTIEMBRE 1939, en las cercanías de Działoszyn
der Geschichte des 11. (Sächs. ) Infanterie-Regiments.
Chronik des PGR 12. Schaub (Thanks JH).

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Mokra - Sep 01 1939.
Mokra - Sep 01 1939.
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more about it..........

The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Mokra – 01 Sep 1939.

Colonel Filipowicz realised how serious situation was and moved the reserve Col. Andrzej Kuczka's 12th puł (Lancer Regiment) to reinforce the defence of 21st puł. 12th puł. 4. Squadron and MG platoon already had its first skirmish with Germans but didn't suffer many casualties. Before, the 4. PzDiv. launched another assault and attacked Hill 268 defended by 3. Squadron of 21. puł. The polish Squadron suffered heavy losses and withdrew to Hill 236. Simultaneously at about 10:00 hours several batteries deployed W of Opatów fired on Wołyńska BK positions (Volhynian Cavalry Brigade). A motorcyclist column pushed back Polish guarding elements off the Hill 258 and captured Rębielice Królewskie. Farther movement of this column was stopped with fire from Kamieńszczyzno and Leszczyny area. Ppor. Bolesław Ostrowski's skirmishers element moved to Hill 229.

A Second, full scale, assault of the 4. PzDiv. was launched after an artillery preparation and aerial bombing at 10:15 hours. The Germans attacked in three groups:

- On Hill 216 defended by por. Gumiński's 1st squadron of 19th puł and through the forest due south on the left, undefended flank. Simultaneously, the enemy (ie. Germans), tried to outflank the positions of regiment and the whole brigade from the north, through Rębielice and Zawady;
- On the Mokra clearing with about 100 tanks,
- On positions of IV battalion of 84th pp (Infantry Regiment).

In the 19. pul’ sector, the panzers flanked polish positions east of Kamieńszczyzna and penetrated into the forest, gathering them near a road leading to Izbiska. About 10:30 am., they attacked the 4./19 pul from its back, pushing it into the direction of Leszczyny. On this way, the gap between the19 pul and the 21 pul increased dangerously. The Germans took an intersection in a middle of the forest, with roads leading to Izbiska and Mokra, and started clearing the woods, separating the 19 pul in the process. Its commander, Pętkowski, decided to bend his defence. This deteriorating situation alarmed Filipowicz, who allowed the retreat to Ostrowy village at 10:30 hours to save 19 pul from its destruction. But this way was already cut off by tanks and that order couldn't be executed. So, armoured train Nº 53 was sent for help, and arrived just in the nick of time, when first enemy tanks passed the railroad. The train simply ran into the swarm of tanks, and started firing all its barrels, bringing chaos and destruction and scattering german column. Meanwhile, the 19 pul slowly, but successfully retreated eastwards. Right now, enemy has put his main thrust in southern direction, trying to reach Mokra using a trail from the middle of the forest.

Sources: Bój Wołyńskiej Brygady Kawalerii pod Mokrą1 września 1939 r. Piotr Witkowski.
Lexikon der Wehrmacht - 1_ Panzerdivision SR 1.htm
La Campaña de Polonia. Robert Jars. Círculo Militar. Vol 423.
Tres días en septiembre.
Artillerie-Regiment 14 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht.htm
LUCHA EN SEPTIEMBRE 1939, en las cercanías de Działoszyn
der Geschichte des 11. (Sächs. ) Infanterie-Regiments.
Chronik des PGR 12. Schaub (Thanks JH).

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more about it..........

The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Mokra – 01 Sep 1939.

In the north and taking advantage of a clearing between the 4. Squadron of the 19 Pul and the 1. Squadron of the 21 Pul the SR 12 progresses and managed to break in towards Izbiska but it was stopped by the action of the armored train 53 Nº “Smialy” (little black girl) around 15:00 hours. At dusk the I./SR 12 finally reached Izbiska and established an all-round position to spend the night.

Meanwhile the I./PR 36 advanced from Wilcowiecko against the positions of the 4. Squadron of the 21 Pul and managed to roll over them, attacking later the artillery positions but it was stopped by artillery fire, the fire of the armored train and counterattacks of the 12 Pul. Later the PR could assemble itself in Height 216. Later attacked the whole Pz Brigade (PR 36 to the left and PR 35 to the right) but were stopped in the neighborhoods of the embankment, especially PR 35 was beaten off by the armored train suffering several casualties. Finally the German troops could reach Miedzno after 17:00 hours. In the meanwhile, at 15:00 hours, the II. /SR 12 occupied Mokra III without fight and prepared itself to defend the place during the night.

The third attack, carried out by the IR 12 (31 ID), managed to occupy the heights due south of Wilkowiecko around 18:00 hours, while the AA 7 assured towards Walenczow

Eventually the Brigade of Cavalry Wołyńska withdrew at dusk towards Lobodno suffering during the fight about 200 killed in action and 300 wounded ones; in addition it lost 300 horses.

Sources: Bój Wołyńskiej Brygady Kawalerii pod Mokrą1 września 1939 r. Piotr Witkowski.
Lexikon der Wehrmacht - 1_ Panzerdivision SR 1.htm
La Campaña de Polonia. Robert Jars. Círculo Militar. Vol 423.
Tres días en septiembre.
Artillerie-Regiment 14 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht.htm
LUCHA EN SEPTIEMBRE 1939, en las cercanías de Działoszyn
der Geschichte des 11. (Sächs. ) Infanterie-Regiments.
Chronik des PGR 12. Schaub (Thanks JH).

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Positions of the Armored Train Nº 53 Smialy.
Positions of the Armored Train Nº 53 Smialy.
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more about it..........

The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Klobuck – 1 Pz.

At the beginning of the campaign of Poland, the PR 1 (Oberst Johannes Nedtwig) was formed by 6 companies with a total of 39 light tanks Pz KW I, 60 Pz KW II, 20 Pz KW III, 28 Pz KW IV and 6 armored vehicles of commando. Whereas the PR 2 (Oberstleutnant Hero Breusing) had in the beginning of the campaign of Poland, a total of 54 Pz KW I, 62 Pz KW II, 6 Pz KW III, 28 Pz KW IV and 6 armored vehicles of commando.

To the south and to the right of the 4 Pz attacked the 1 Pz which did not find great obstacles in its advance towards Klobuck which was defended only by a battalion of National defense (ON Klobuck).


At 05:15 hours the first elements of the 1 Pz crossed the Lisswarta (AA 4) and around the 05:30 hours the mass of the SR 1 (Oberst Hans Freiherr von Boineburg-Lengsfeld) crossed the water obstacle and advanced on Panki.

Around 11:45 hours, the Regiment (SR 1), attacked from the line Panki - Pyri, while the AA 4 (Oberstleutnant Hans Koelitz) maintained the contact in Truskoljassy.

The PR 2 crossed the border with Poland on September 01 of 1939 by Grundsruh. At noon, the division got across the Lisswarthe River by a makeshift bridge constructed by the engineers.

Sources: Bój Wołyńskiej Brygady Kawalerii pod Mokrą1 września 1939 r. Piotr Witkowski.
Lexikon der Wehrmacht - 1_ Panzerdivision SR 1.htm
La Campaña de Polonia. Robert Jars. Círculo Militar. Vol 423.
Tres días en septiembre.
Artillerie-Regiment 14 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht.htm
LUCHA EN SEPTIEMBRE 1939, en las cercanías de Działoszyn
der Geschichte des 11. (Sächs. ) Infanterie-Regiments.
Chronik des PGR 12. Schaub (Thanks JH).

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
A panzerspähwagen Sd Kfz 221 of the AA 4 - Truskoljassy 01 Sep 1939.
A panzerspähwagen Sd Kfz 221 of the AA 4 - Truskoljassy 01 Sep 1939.
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more about it..........

The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Klobuck – 1 Pz.

The SR 1 pressed through the wooded zone towards Klobuck-South and at 20:30 hours the town was in German hands. That very night, the PR 2 was ready to jump on Klobuck. The locality was taken without much resistance.

Whereas in the Olesno - Częstochowa direction, the Germans pressed ahead from the zone of the village Przystań Panki, hitting the companies of the I./ 27 pp which, reinforced with an artillery battery, was in Truskolasy.

The CP of this battalion was bombed by Ju-87 airplanes and the Commander, Major Marian Szulc, was killed in action. After maintaining intense fights with the division that followed (14 ID) the battalion withdrew at dusk.

Sources: Bój Wołyńskiej Brygady Kawalerii pod Mokrą1 września 1939 r. Piotr Witkowski.
Lexikon der Wehrmacht - 1_ Panzerdivision SR 1.htm
La Campaña de Polonia. Robert Jars. Círculo Militar. Vol 423.
Tres días en septiembre.
Artillerie-Regiment 14 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht.htm
LUCHA EN SEPTIEMBRE 1939, en las cercanías de Działoszyn
der Geschichte des 11. (Sächs. ) Infanterie-Regiments.
Chronik des PGR 12. Schaub (Thanks JH).

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Movements of the 1 Pz in the first days of the Polish campaign.
Movements of the 1 Pz in the first days of the Polish campaign.
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more about it..........

The Battle by the High Warthe River.

14 ID - first day of combats (with the I./27 pp).

Soldiers of IR 11 shortly before the beginning of the hostilities.

On September 01 of 1939 at 04:45 hours IR 11 (Oberst Haase) crossed the Reich’s borders, to its right the IR 53 did the same. The III. /IR 11 (Major Oertel) had cleared two obstacles made with trunks due south of Dabrowa; the population of this town mostly had fled. The attack followed towards Kulieje; in the forests, on the heights to the north of Kulieje two enemy Platoon were observed and one Platoon of the 12. Company (Hauptmann Eckhardt - machine guns) engaged by the fire with them. After short preparation the assault was launched and the first prisoners (two) were captured.

New objective, Klepaczka. At 17:00 hours the III. Battalion mounted its attack with the 9. Company (Hauptmann Pfützner) to the right, the 11. Company (Hauptmann Sperling) to the left. The assault was supported by a Platoon of the 13. Company (Hauptmann d.R. Bilkernroth - infantry howitzers). The advance proceeded under fire coming from Klepaczka and more to the rear in Dlugi-Kat. The 11. Company reached the town and it was engaged in a fight house to house; the 9. Company fought in the western edge of the locality, here fell in action leading his Platoon Leutnant Baunack, (promoted on August 31 of 1939). At dusk the whole town was in flames. After the conquest of the town the unit received fire from the surrounding forests and the battalion intrenched to spend the night; the II. Battalion reached the same height to the right. There was not contact with others own forces.

Sources: Bój Wołyńskiej Brygady Kawalerii pod Mokrą1 września 1939 r. Piotr Witkowski.
Lexikon der Wehrmacht - 1_ Panzerdivision SR 1.htm
La Campaña de Polonia. Robert Jars. Círculo Militar. Vol 423.
Tres días en septiembre.
Artillerie-Regiment 14 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht.htm
LUCHA EN SEPTIEMBRE 1939, en las cercanías de Działoszyn
der Geschichte des 11. (Sächs. ) Infanterie-Regiments. ... n/14ID.htm ... /1PD-R.htm
Wehrdienst bei IR 11 Leipzig.ebay auction. Domingo, 18 de Enero de 2009, 13:21:34

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Klepaczka after being conquered by the III. /IR 11 - 01 Sep 1939.
Klepaczka after being conquered by the III. /IR 11 - 01 Sep 1939.
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more about it..........

The Battle by the High Warthe River.

14 ID - first day of combats (with the I./27 pp).

Whereas the IR 101 (Oberst Hans von Tettau) had crossed the border at 04:45 hours overcoming little resistance of customs civil servants and then crossed the Lisswarta River through a bridge constructed by the 2. /Pi Btl 14 in Erling. Almost without resistance the III. /IR 101 had advanced on Jaciska and Zetdzina; both towns were occupied by Polish troops and were set afire by the the artillery shots (AR 14). Due south of Truskol took place the first serious resistance against Polish troops deployed in field positions slightly organized. In Truskoljassy the battle was fought house by house and the town was set afire. On the first battle day’s end, had been reached the town of Golce. During the night together with the I./IR 101 (held in reserve) was rejected a Polish counterattack.

The AR 14 (Oberst Erich Scholz) reached at noon the sector of the Lisswarta River and took positions by the afternoon in Dombrowa. The 5. /AR 14 had fired only 17 shots in this day. When the night came the I./AR 14 together with the II. /AR 14 were in Pila, the III. /AR 14 in Truskoljassy and the I./AR 50 (Hauptmann Körner) had not arrived yet due to the bad road conditions.

The AA 14 (Maj v. Goerne) went to the border from Ostenwalde on August 30 of 1939. On September 01 of 1939 at 04:45 hours it crossed the international limit and after crossing the Lisswarta River, penetrated in Polish territory in the direction of Tschenstochau. At night from 01 to 02 of September of 1939 the Reiterschwadron (Cavalry squadron) had the first night battle in Wroczyca Wielka. Hauptmann v. Trotha suffered an accident with his vehicle and was evacuated, then Oberleutnant Frommer took over the squadron.

Sources: Bój Wołyńskiej Brygady Kawalerii pod Mokrą1 września 1939 r. Piotr Witkowski.
Lexikon der Wehrmacht - 1_ Panzerdivision SR 1.htm
La Campaña de Polonia. Robert Jars. Círculo Militar. Vol 423.
Tres días en septiembre.
Artillerie-Regiment 14 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht.htm
LUCHA EN SEPTIEMBRE 1939, en las cercanías de Działoszyn
der Geschichte des 11. (Sächs. ) Infanterie-Regiments. ... n/14ID.htm ... /1PD-R.htm
Wehrdienst bei IR 11 Leipzig.ebay auction. Domingo, 18 de Enero de 2009, 13:21:34

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more about it..........

The Battle by the High Warthe River.

19 ID - Parzimiechy/. Działoszyn

The 19 ID crossed the border State with Poland at 04:45 hours by Julianpol heading towards Dzialoszyn with two regiments in forward edge, the IR 73 to the right and the IR 59 to the left. The fact was reported by a Cyclist Platoon to under ppor (2º Lieutenant) Molteni. At 06:15 hours the Germans crossed the road Czerstochowa - Wielun. Ahead were waiting the Polish troops of the III. /83 pp (Mjr Mieczyslaw Olęderczyk) with the following deployment:

Its 9. Company plus a machine gun Platoon in the village of Parzymiechy; its 7. Company plus a machine gun Platoon in the heights due northwest of the town and its 8. Company with an antitank Platoon and mortars within the forest located 1 kilometer due east of the town.

The first contact took place around 08:30 hours between the I./IR 73 under Oberstleutnant Hoehne and the 9. /83 pp under por. (lieutenant) R. Gordon. Later were engaged by the polish side, the 7. Company and the 2. /30 pal unleashing its fire on the German troops which underwent several losses, a direct hit burst in the CP of the German battalion and its Commander received serious wounds (Oberstleutnant Hoehne died during the evacuation and was replaced by Hauptmann Wolf).

Sources: Bój Wołyńskiej Brygady Kawalerii pod Mokrą1 września 1939 r. Piotr Witkowski.
Lexikon der Wehrmacht - 1_ Panzerdivision SR 1.htm
La Campaña de Polonia. Robert Jars. Círculo Militar. Vol 423.
Tres días en septiembre.
Artillerie-Regiment 14 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht.htm
LUCHA EN SEPTIEMBRE 1939, en las cercanías de Działoszyn
der Geschichte des 11. (Sächs. ) Infanterie-Regiments. ... n/14ID.htm ... /1PD-R.htm
Wehrdienst bei IR 11 Leipzig.ebay auction. Domingo, 18 de Enero de 2009, 13:21:34

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: The Battle by the High Warthe River.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more about it..........

The Battle by the High Warthe River.

19 ID - Parzimiechy/. Działoszyn.

At 10:00 hours the 19 ID reassumed the attack with strong artillery support. The III. /83 pp received the order of the Commander of the 83 pp (plk Nadachowski) to maintain the position until dusk and then to fall back towards the Warta. At the same time he ordered to the II. /83 pp to mount an attack on Parzymiechy along the forest road to alleviate the situation in the town; nevertheless this attack was stopped and in the fight that ensued were killed in action the Chief of the 5. /83 pp (ppor. Stanislaw Wojcik) and a dozen of polish soldiers.

Meanwhile the I./IR 73 with the support of the III. /AR 19 had conquered Napoleon (between Parzymiechy and Lipie) and by 16:00 hours the situation of the polish defenders was already desperate. Around 20:00 hours and according to an order of General Cehak (Commander of the 30 DP) the Polish battalion withdrew after it underwent serious losses (the Chief of the 7. /83 pp ppor. Victor Biełowicz and near 30 soldiers of this subunit; the Chief of the 9. /83 pp R. Gordon was seriously wounded also).

The IR 74 (Oberst Schmidt) within the framework of the 19 ID advanced as reserve from Rosenberg (west of Brieg) in northeast direction.

The 19 ID did not carry out the pursuit and instead occupied defensive positions in the places it had reached during the night.

Sources: Bój Wołyńskiej Brygady Kawalerii pod Mokrą1 września 1939 r. Piotr Witkowski.
Lexikon der Wehrmacht - 1_ Panzerdivision SR 1.htm
La Campaña de Polonia. Robert Jars. Círculo Militar. Vol 423.
Tres días en septiembre.
Artillerie-Regiment 14 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht.htm
LUCHA EN SEPTIEMBRE 1939, en las cercanías de Działoszyn
der Geschichte des 11. (Sächs. ) Infanterie-Regiments. ... n/14ID.htm ... /1PD-R.htm
Wehrdienst bei IR 11 Leipzig.ebay auction. Domingo, 18 de Enero de 2009, 13:21:34

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Combats between the I./IR 73 and the III. /83 pp on September 01 of 1939.
Combats between the I./IR 73 and the III. /83 pp on September 01 of 1939.
image002.jpg (50.43 KiB) Viewed 10232 times
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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