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Joined: Thu Jun 05, 2003 12:44 pm


Post by twilhelm »

I have created a new site: http://3rd-reich.com

Yes, my forums section is already on that web site name, as many of you might have wondered about... up until now I have been creating a site behind the scenes. Well, turns out I really didn't like the way it was going and totally scrapped it for something a bit more "adventurous."

I have created a wiki site. :shock:

The scary part of this announcement is that it means anyone can contribute to the site. Those people interested in doing so are welcome to check it out and sign up. In fact, those people who are members of this message board are extremely encouraged to swing over there and add info - the reason I would prefer people like those here is they are more likely to actually know what they are talking about, as opposed to those who just want to vandalize pages (which can happen, but is easy to manage with the wiki software) or sound knowledgeable but aren't.

Right now I have a LOT of work to do to transfer information, images, more images, media, etc. to the new site.. but I've written it (more than) once so I'm guessing it'll only come out better this time.

Anyway, check it out and feel free to sign up and contribute. Thanks!


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