Fathers OT Diary June & July 1944

German auxiliary organizations 1919-1945.
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Fathers OT Diary June & July 1944

Post by canadien »

1. June 1944

no entry until 6. Jue 1944

6. June, Tuesday
Invasion begins at 1am. (The Invasion of Normandy)

Next entry 13. June 1944

13. June, Tuesday

14. June, Wednesday
Visit with Christa

15. June, Thursday
Say goodbye to Christa. Leave from O K R Z E J A at 6:35 pm.
Begin of missile attack with new explosives (probably missiles) from South England and London.

16. June, Friday
Arrive Chohn at 5:30 am, leave at 11am. Arrive Werdawa at 3 pm. New kind of explosives from South of England and London. Lehmann and Ley arrive.

17. June, Saturday
The bombing from England continues. Working on railroad track i. W. (in Werdawa) Gromm is leaving.

18. June, Sunday

19. June, Monday
Schmid went to Brest because of his eye (right). I went by orders of Reder to Lubina for sawmill possibilities. Not much wood and again partisans

20. June, Tuesday
Our guests are Reder and 2 main troop leaders. Birner is passing through. Richter is leaving for Munich

21. June, Wednesday
Reder is leaving.

22. June, Thursday

23. June, Friday

24. June, Saturday

25. June, Sunday

26. June, Monday

27. June, Tuesday

28. June, Wednesday

29. June, Thursday

30. June, Friday

1. July 1944, Saturday

2. July, Sunday

3. July Monday
Stopped all work. We are supposed to go Bohdansw. Nata is back

4. July Tuesday
Rode often

5. July, Wednesday
It looks like the Russians will be sooner in Bohdansw than expected. We should have left long ago.

6. July, Thursday
Swimming in the river Bug. Riding

7. July, Friday
Went swimming with Dr. Kreuter and Dr. Kroll. On horseback to the river Bug.

8. July, Saturday
Swimming in the river Bug, with Reuter, Kroll, Ruebe, Lehmann, Ley, Rosenkranz. Nice sunburn

9. July, Sunday

10. July, Monday

11. July, Tuesday
Leave Whodowa at 5:30 pm, arrive Brest at 8 pm.

12. July, Wednesday
Czeremcha, rain. Svislocz 6 pm, errands in town, back to Narewka at 8 pm.

13. July Thursday
Narewka with construction team Graf. 12 km to Svislocz. Clear woods.

14. July, Friday
In the woods, clearing

15. July, Saturday
There is no train to take us out of here. At noon we leave for Hajnowka, but return to Czeremcha, back to Hajnowka

16. July, Sunday

17. July, Monday
Mardy. Again, we don’t now were to go next. The destination changes constantly

18. July, Tuesday
Went for a walk with Dr. Kreuter und Nata to Mardy.

19. July, Wednesday
Mardy. Attempt on the Fuhrer

20. July, Thursday
They want to take us someplace west of here

21. July, Friday
We created a (? Lockstation mit Fussbetrieb?) It works. (Lock = locomotive, Fussbetrieb = pedal, foot operated device)

22. July, Saturday

23. July, Saturday
Went horseback riding to the country estate in Mardy. There we are getting vegetables, which will be delivered to us by truck. Leave Mardy at 8 pm

24. July, Monday
Suldce. Train people tell us the Russians are already in Lukow

25. July, Tuesday
Warsaw east. 6pm

26. July, Wednesday
Through Warsaw main station, arrive Litzmannstadt at 2:30 pm

27. July, Thursday
Leave Litzmannstadt at 10am, arrive in Kutow at1 pm leave at11 pm

28. July, Friday
Arrive in Phorn about 4 am

29. July, Saturday
Went as courier to Rastenburg. Look for unit, without success. Leave with the fast train to R. at 5:45 pm, arrive at11 pm.

30. July, Sunday
In Rostenburg. At 5 pm back to Gnesen , where the construction team Wamorow is nowhere to be found, where o.B.Z. Molke supposed to be is. Can’t find unit or how we are supposed to be called

31. July, Monday
5:15 am back with the construction team in Gnesen. Lehmann too wants to go to Lubbenau. Movie, “Ritt fur Deutschl.” (The Ride on Horseback for Germany)
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