Two Countries

General WWII era German military discussion that doesn't fit someplace more specific.
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Post by Wolfkin »

Good point, my good Commissar!

You really got me thinking now, I forgot anout Hungary! Very good point! :!:

Now, it is Four Countries...heeheehee....ok we got the troops and oil and such from Romania...we got the tanks and arms and such from Czechoslovakia...we got the troops and such from Hungary...we got the troops and support from Finland...Hmmmmmm??? :?:

Ok, now that I really think about it, I would have to say Romania and Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia in an indirect way...if one would say directly then maybe Romania and Hungary. :idea:

Heeheee... :D I am still in debate with myself...Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Finland. :?:

Hmmm...most probably Romania and Czechoslovakia.


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sid guttridge
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Post by sid guttridge »

Hungary was not vital to the German war effort. It had achieved all its war aims before the attack on the USSR, against which it had no claims. In doing so it had alienated three other German allies: Romania, Slovakia and Croatia. It was therefore disruptive within the Axis. Its army was potentially the best of Germany's allies as it had a strong military tradition, a long general-staff history and a reasonably literate population widely capable of handling advanced weapons. However, neither its population nor government had any incentive to fight the USSR and its army consequently performed without distinction on the Eastern Front.

I would put the Romanians and Finns, by virtue of their motivation, performance and strategic position ahead of Hungary as the key German allies against the USSR.


Victor Nitu
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Post by Victor Nitu »

Commissar D, the Evil wrote:It's frightening to think that Rumania was indispensible.
Ok, what does that mean? :?
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