Samodzielna Grupa Operacyjna - SGO Narew 1939.

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Samodzielna Grupa Operacyjna - SGO Narew 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a brief story........................

Independent Operational Group "Narew".

The Polish war plan was not a ripe fruit of long-term studies, but was born suddenly in the form of a decision of the Inspector General of the Armed Forces, the future Commander-in-Chief, taken under the pressure of the political situation, which was the territorial demands of Germany.

The foundation of the Polish plan of war was the conviction that the main German attack would be directed precisely at Poland and that it would be necessary to withstand the pressure of the overwhelming enemy forces until the allied Franco-English troops successfully attacked in the West. From this assumption resulted the basic points of the plan:

1. Defensively oppose the German advance.
2. Accept the fight on the main defensive line, covering the vital centers of its own supply and protecting the largest possible number of the Polish population.
3. If it is impossible to maintain the main defensive line, withdrawal and go to defense on the line of final resistance along the Narew, Vistula and Dunajec rivers, beyond which the army will have the best, natural conditions to oppose flanking enemy actions.
4. Group most of the operational reserves of the Commander-in-Chief on the left bank of the Vistula River in readiness to counter the enemy advancing from the Silesian area, and leave the rest of the reserves on the Narew river ready to counter the enemy advancing from East Prussia towards Warsaw.
5. Coastal defense should be treated as an isolated activity.
6. Observation of the eastern border with KOP (Korpus Ochrony Pogranicza -Border Protection Corps) elements.

As a result of this concept, the course of the main defensive line was determined in detail. It consisted of three parts:
1. Northern, set against the attack from East Prussia.
2. Western, set against the attack from the Reich.
3. Southern, set against the attack of TS. Slovakia.

The northern part, about 600 km long, covered the Augustów Forest and ran along the Biebrza, Narew and Bug Rivers to the Vistula. At the mouth of the Bug, it covered the suburb of Modlin. From that point, it went down the Vistula and along its left bank to the mouth of the Brda, embracing a suburb near Toruń on the right bank of the Vistula.


Cheers. Raúl M 8).
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Re: Samodzielna Grupa Operacyjna - SGO Narew 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more.......................

Independent Operational Group "Narew".

Almost from the beginning of 1939, reports from the 2nd Department of the General Staff (Intelligence) alarmed about the continuous and increasingly intense call-up of reservists in Germany for exercises and training, but that they were not released after a certain period of time. In addition, they reported that fast units were moved from central and western Germany to the eastern borders.

Therefore, on March 23, 1939, General Czesław Młot-Fijałkowski, Commander of the 18th Infantry Division, was summoned for a briefing before the General Inspectorate of the Armed Forces in Warsaw. After acquainting the future army commanders and the created independent operational groups (SGOs) with the general political and military situation, General Młot-Fijałkowski received guidelines on the operational task of the Independent Operational Group "Narew".

A strict staff core of SGO "Narew" was appointed, consisting of: Lieutenant Colonel (ppłk) Stanisław Podkowiński as Chief of Staff, Major Dipl. Jan Gorzko as head of Dept. III (Operations) and Capt. Dipl. Felicjan Majorkiewicz as Officer of Department III. To cover up, this team, under the leadership of General Młot-Fijalkowski, began working as part of the 18th Infantry Division. As the threat grew, the number increased, which was ready in the first days of August.

In the general plan, the task of the SGO "Narew" was to hold the north-eastern sector of the Polish front based on the Lithuanian border, and then along the Narew and its swampy tributary of the Biebrza. The western border of the SGO "Narew" was Chorzele. The neighbor of SGO "Narew" was the Army "Modlin" with the task of covering the direction to Warsaw and Płock. Between the SGO "Narew" and units of the army "Modlin" (Mazowiecka Cavalry Brigade near Chorzele) there was a gap of 30 kilometers, partly supervised by patrols of the 42nd Infantry Regiment (pp).

The width of the area of operations of the SGO "Narew" reached 200 km, and the depth (measured from the Narew and Biebrza lines) between 35-70 km. Very small forces, however, did not guarantee the defense of the designated section. The action plan, developed in mid-April by the General Staff of the SGO "Narew", assumed that the main effort of the enemy in the north would be directed at Warsaw, that is, at the "Modlin" Army. In this case, the SGO "Narew" had to deal only with smaller covering forces.

Source: ... -342-3.jpg

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
General Czesław Młot-Fijałkowski........................
General Czesław Młot-Fijałkowski........................
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Re: Samodzielna Grupa Operacyjna - SGO Narew 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more.......................

Independent Operational Group "Narew".

Therefore, the HQ of the SGO "Narew" decided:
1. Concentrate the main defense effort on the Łomża-Nowogród-Ostrołęka section.
2. Close the directions leading the enemy to Białystok in the Osowiec area and in the Wizna area.
3. The cavalry brigade was to cover the Grodno direction and the northern wing of the group.
The Narew, Biebrza and Netta front was divided into five defensive sections: Ostrołęka, Nowogród-Łomża, Wizna, Osowieć and Augustów.

By decision of the Commander-in-Chief, on August 29, Group "Grodno" was formed with the task of defending the Augustów Forest and the area west and north of Grodno. The above decision led to a significant reduction of the defense section of the SGO "Narew".

SGO "Narew" initially consisted of the following units: 18th Infantry Division, 33rd Reserve Infantry Division, Suwalska and Podlaska BK (Cavalry Brigades). The Group was then strengthened with the allocation of non-divisional units: KOP Regiment (*) with one battery, one heavy machine gun battalion (not attached), one light artillery squad (not attached), three National Defense battalions (only one was organized), in the "Augustów" Regiment. Aviation assigned to the group consisted of the 13th Escort Aviation Squadron, the 51st Escort Aviation Squadron, the 51st Reconnaissance Squadron, the 151st Fighter Squadron and the 9th Liaison Platoon. The Group's aviation Commander was Lieutenant Colonel Nazarkiewicz.

The three western sections were to be defended by the 18th Infantry Division, Osowiec received a separate crew (from the composition of the 33rd Infantry Division), BK Suwalska was to operate in the Augustów section, reinforced with KOP infantry. The troops had to defend the lines of the Narew and the Biebrza closing the main crossings of these rivers. In case of strong pressure, a planned withdrawal towards the designated lines was foreseen, where, as regards the western sections, the intervention of the reserve forces, composed of the 33rd Infantry Division (without the 135th Infantry Regiment with the 2. Group of the 32nd Light Artillery Regiment (pal), which constituted Osowiec's crew) and the BK Podlaska after their return from the front. They were to concentrate in the Czerwony Bór (Cavalry Brigade) area and in the area southwest of Łomża.

For the period of initial operations, BK Podlaska received a special task: "Group in the Stawiski-Korzeniste area to cover the concentration of the group's troops in the area south of Łomża. Prepare to leave the Stawiski-Korzeniste area for a deeper reconnaissance on Bialla-Johannisburg (Biała -Jańsbork). In case of withdrawing from the first line, go to the group reserve".

At the end of April 1939, the construction of fortifications and modernization of the old Russian fortress in Osowiec began in the section designated for SGO "Narew". Firstly, fortifications were erected in the area of Wizna and Giełczyn, then in the area of Łomża, Osowiec, Nowogród and the Augustów forest. It was decided to base the Łomża fortifications on outdated forts, supplementing them with light dugouts. Light shelters were built near Ostrołęka, as well as in the Augustów area.

(*) Korpus Ochrony Pogranicza - Border Protection Corps


Cheers. Raúl M 8).
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Re: Samodzielna Grupa Operacyjna - SGO Narew 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more.......................

Independent Operational Group "Narew".

The area in the zone of action of SGO "Narew", abounding in wide, swampy valleys, gave the defense a serious support. However, the drought in the summer and autumn of 1939 made the impassable swamps along the Biebrza and Narew rivers accessible even to motor vehicles. Attempts were made to build two dams on the Narew in the area of Nowogród and Ostrołęka (near the road bridge). The works were not completed, and the dams were only 30 percent ready.

The number and arrangement of reinforced concrete shelters is shown in the table below:

Section (area) - Number of shelters - As of September 1, 1939
Ostrołęka - 6 - Part in formwork
Novgorod - 13 - 8 - finished
Łomża - 2-16 - almost finished
Wizna - 12 - including 6 heavy shelters without ventilation devices. Shelters in the area of Giełczyn not completed
Osowiec - 6-8
Augustów - 4-5 - almost finished

As the course of the fighting showed, the fortifications, although not finished, fulfilled their task. During the period of preparations to repel the German attack, partial mobilization was announced in Poland. It was the so-called "silent mobilization": reservists were drafted individually. The 33rd Regiment in Łomża received an order to mobilize and put one battalion in combat readiness.

Its task was to secure the main crossings over the Narew River in Łomża and Nowogród against German sabotage from East Prussia, 40-45 kilometers away. The daily orders of the 33rd Infantry Regiment in Łomża from March 23 to March 29 contain long lists of reservists directed by the KRU (*) in Łomża, Ostrołęka, Małkinia, Warsaw, and Mińsk Mazowiecki to perform service. A group of reserve officers and cadets was also called up for service.

(*) Komenda Rejonu Uzupełnień: Replenishment Area Command - military authority competent in matters of replenishment of the Armed Forces of the Second Republic of Poland and administration of reserves in the area entrusted to it.


Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Zone of action of SGO &quot;Narew&quot;........................<br />Wrzesien_1939_roku_na_Bia_ostocczyznie_.pdf
Zone of action of SGO "Narew"........................
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Re: Samodzielna Grupa Operacyjna - SGO Narew 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more.......................

Independent Operational Group "Narew".

On the eve of the war.

According to the information coming mainly from the Western Branch Office of the Second Department in Bydgoszcz, from April 1939 it was possible to follow the increase of enemy forces and resources in the immediate foreground. On their basis, it was possible to establish quite strict hypotheses as to the expected actions of the Germans on the northern front:

A strong blow was expected in the direction of Modlin, Warsaw and a bypass through the central Narew and Bug rivers. On August 15, all reservists were called up in East Prussia, which gave the Germans the opportunity to field nine divisions in full combat readiness. Fighter and bomber squadrons were at that time intensively transferred from the Reich to East Prussia.

From August 25, the Germans conscripted the oldest generations of reservists, the last echelon, to the Landwehr units. Opposite the section of the SGO "Narew" troops were concentrated, which were part of the left wing of the 3rd Army under General von Kuchler:

- 1st Cavalry Brigade and part of the 12th Infantry Division near Friedrichshof/Rozogi (north of Myszyniec);
- 206 ID Landwehr and the "Lotzen" Infantry fortress brigade (area of Pisza, Drigelsdorf/Drygał, Lyck/Ełk);
- "Goldap" Infantry fortress brigade (in front of Suwalski BK).

In this situation, the commander of the SGO "Narew" received an order from the Supreme Command on August 30 to take the starting positions and achieve combat readiness at midnight on August 30/31. The first echelon of the SGO staff was in Łomża, ready to be moved to Śniadowo. The second throw was already in Zambrów.


Cheers. Raúl M 8).
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Re: Samodzielna Grupa Operacyjna - SGO Narew 1939.

Post by Prosper Vandenbroucke »

Many thanks Raul, nice post!!!!
Prosper :wink: :wink:
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Re: Samodzielna Grupa Operacyjna - SGO Narew 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more.......................

Independent Operational Group "Narew".

On the eve of the war.

The action plan of the SGO "Narew" was expressed in the following grouping and tasks of the group's troops:

1. Sector "Augustów"
The Suwałki Cavalry Brigade had the task of covering the direction towards Grodno and at the same time providing cover for the northern wing of the SGO. In addition, the section was defended by the KOP "Sejny" and "Słobódka" battalions and the forest guard of the Augustów Forest organized into companies. The group was missing a part of the 3rd KOP Infantry Regiment with a gun battery, which was still on the railway transports, and also the 3rd Infantry Regiment.

2. Sector "Osowieć"
The task of delaying the enemy's actions from the East Prussian area towards Osowieć, Goniądz was given to the 135th Infantry Regiment KOP (with the 33rd Reserve Infantry Division, reinforced with the 2/32nd Light Art. Reg.), the Peace Fortress Detachment KOP "Osowieć" (with a heavy machine gun battalion) from Sarny, plus 2 fortress artillery platoons with active personnel.

3. Defensive lines of the 18th Infantry Division
a) Sections of Łomża and Nowogród:
The crew consisted of the 33rd Infantry Regiment with three front-line battalions, a heavy machine gun company and the 18th Light Art. Reg., minus an artillery group. The 71st Infantry Regiment, minus one battalion, as a reserve of the 18th Infantry Division in the Sławiec and Bożenica area, was to operate mainly in the Nowogród and Łomża sectors. A company of cyclists from the 18th Infantry Division was transferred to the front, to the Kolno area, and a divisional cavalry squadron to the Łyse area (east of Myszyniec). The 18th Heavy Art. Group gave additional support to the defensive section,

b) Sector "Ostrołęka":
The crew consisted of the 42nd Infantry Regiment, reinforced by the Battalion ON "Ostrołęka" a squadron of the 5th Uhlan Regiment with the support of a group from the 18th Light Art. Reg. Their task was to defend the Narew River crossings at the Wojciechowice, Rozoga, Kamianka and Strzemeczne rivers. On the outskirts of Myszyniec, coverage towards Ostrołęka was carried out by a separate unit composed of:
1st Company of the Battalion ON "Ostrołęka" and 1st Squadron of the 5th Uhlan Regiment with the 14th Heavy Battery.

4. Reserve of the SGO "Narew"
The reserve of SGO "Narew" consisted of the 33rd Infantry Division without the 135th Infantry Regiment and the artillery group. Divisional artillery units of the 18th Infantry Division were general artillery in the Łomża and Nowogród area, ready to support both sectors. The reserve, grouped in the northern part of Czerwony Bór and in the Uśnik area, focused mainly on operations towards Ostrołęka, and then towards Łomża and Nowogród.

The Podlaska Cavalry Brigade was also included in the SGO reserve. The brigade was deployed in the area of Stawiska, Juriec, ready to cover Łomża from Szczuczyn and Kolno or for reconnaissance operations in the direction of Szczuczyn and Biała Piska. After completing the task, the brigade was expected to depart across the bridges over the Narew River and move to the group reserve.


Cheers. Raúl M 8).
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Re: Samodzielna Grupa Operacyjna - SGO Narew 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more.......................

Independent Operational Group "Narew".

The first days of the war in the Łomża region.

On the day of the outbreak of the war, September 1, 1939, the SGO "Narew" was operationally ready.

At 4:45 hours German aviation began the attack. Bomber and fighter squadrons flowed in waves over the area of operation of SGO "Narew". Approximately At 5:00 hours, the third Division of the SGO headquarters (POps) received reports about skirmishes with German patrols along the border, and the Germans carried out raids in the following directions:

Myszyniec, Szczuczyn, Grajewo; They achieved success in the Myszyniec and Ostrołęka directions. The direct threat of the western wing of the defense caused the entire formation from Myszyniec to withdraw in panic. The inept counterattack of the Company ON "Kadzidło" did not produce any results and Myszyniec remained in enemy hands.

In order to strengthen the personnel of this section, the 3/42nd Infantry Regiment, as a separate unit, was sent to the border of Łodziska. All units located on the outskirts of Ostrołęka were subordinated to the battalion commander. In order to identify the enemy forces in the Myszyniec area, on the night of September 1-2, an interview was conducted with a company of the 42nd Infantry Regiment, which did not detect any Germans in Myszyniec.

In the morning hours of September 2, German cavalry units, reinforced with infantry, took over Kadzidło, and in the evening they entered into contact with Polish troops near Łodziska. The SGO air reconnaissance detected a motorized German column marching from Myszyniec towards Dylewo. The column was bombed by a bomber squadron.

On September 3, the 71st Infantry Regiment (without a battalion) was sent west of the town of Laski with the task of carrying out reconnaissance of the enemy by combat. During the day, the Germans dug in opposite the 3/42 pp position and carried out a number of local actions.

Reconnaissance in the direction of Kadzidło determined that many tanks and cars had passed through this town, heading for Baranowo. In fact, after the main forces of the German 3rd Army attacked Mława and Krzynowłogi, the Germans transferred the Panzer Division "Kempf" from the left wing through Baranowo to Przasnysz. The action of the Germans in the direction of Myszyniec and Łodzisko was insurance (cover) for the "Kempf" Division.

In this position, the SGO commander took into account primarily the need to attack the flank or rear of the enemy, who was operating along the right bank of the Narew against the units of the "Modlin" Army, with the maximum forces of the Group. In the afternoon of September 4, the enemy broke away and withdrew in cars from the position of the 3/42nd Infantry Regiment from the outskirts of Ostrołęka.

http://kurpie-historia-trwanie.blogspot ... czyka.html

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Kadzidło in German hands............................
Kadzidło in German hands............................
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Re: Samodzielna Grupa Operacyjna - SGO Narew 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more.......................

Independent Operational Group "Narew".

The first days of the war in the Łomża region.

On the morning of September 2, the Commander of the Podlasie Cavalry Brigade, General Ludwik Kmicic-Skrzyński, gave the order to carry out reconnaissance in enemy territory and take prisoners on the other side of the border, in the direction of Milewo (Millau). -Kowalewo (Richtwalde)-Biała (Bialla) and Cibory (Czyborren)-Wojny-Myszki (Misken)-Drygały (Drigelsdorf), assigning the 1st and 3rd squadrons of the 10th Uhlan Regiment to this task. At approximately 3:00 p.m., both squadrons crossed the border. In the fight against the Grenzschutz (border guard) and Landwehr (territorial) units, the Uhlans captured the village of Brzózki Małe (Birkental) and took prisoners. The squadrons withdrew at nightfall towards Milewo (Millau).

The next day, the brigade commander received the order from the commander of the SGO "Narew" to launch a raid on East Prussia with all his forces to reconnoitre the enemy forces by combat. By order of General Kmicic-Skrzyński, the attack was carried out at dawn on September 4 with two columns. After crossing the border, in heavy fighting, the Brigade reached the village of Sokoły Górskie (Sokollen) with the 5th Uhlan Regiment and the forest northeast of Brzózki Wielkie (Birkenberg) with the 9th PSK (mounted riflemen), where they captured heavy equipment and prisoners. Other attacks failed due to the arrival of German reinforcements.

In this situation, the brigade commander decided to put the Reserve,the Uhlan Regiment, into action to seize the Kowalewo (Ritchwalde) area. The Brigade's attack did not achieve its objectives until the afternoon due to the enemy's overwhelming fire superiority. Only the 18th cyclist company, supported by an armored light vehicles squadron (TKS), pushed the weak enemy forces and destroyed Dłutowo (Dlottowen), reached Jeże. Given the situation, General Kmicic-Skrzyński ordered the troops to separate from the enemy and head to a safe position in the area of Chełsta, Brzeźno, Grabowo and Kumelsk.

The brigade's raid, although it did not reach the designated area, concluded that there were no significant German forces in the direction of Biała (Bialla). The captured prisoners came from the Grenzschutz and Landwehr regiment of Ełk (Lyck), reinforced by motorized infantry, supported by armored vehicles and numerous 105 mm howitzers.


Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Samodzielna Grupa Operacyjna - SGO Narew 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more.......................

Independent Operational Group "Narew".

The first days of the war in the Łomża region.

On September 1 and 2, Cavalry Brigade Suwalska (BK) its concentration, reaching the starting group. On September 2, the Germans made a raid on Bakałarzewo, but were thrown back with losses. Until September 4, the action on this section was limited to bilateral raids. On the night of September 3-4, Suwalska BK carried out a raid with two squadrons, with great success, to Mierunsken (Mieruniszki), beyond the border of Prussia.

However, the high command ordered the Suwalska BK to be moved to the forests between Pułtusk and Ostrów Mazowiecka, as a consequence of the planned attack from the Pułtusk area against the wing of the enemy troops moving south along the western bank of the Orzyce and Narew rivers.

On the night of September 4-5, the Brigade began its march from the Suwałki area to Zambrów through Dąbrowa, Romanówka, Knyszyn and Tykocin. The defense of the "Augustów" section was taken over by the 3rd Infantry Regiment KOP with one battery and battalions KOP "Słobótka" and "Sejny". Before the "Osowieć" section, the enemy was very active from the beginning, especially in the direction of Grajewo and Osowieć. In the first days of the war, Grajewo passed from hand to hand. On the night of September 2-3, a battalion of the 135th Infantry Regiment carried out a raid on Prostken (Prostki), which was captured after a battle.

On the evening of September 2, the 3rd/71st Infantry Regiment (from the 18th Infantry Division) was withdrawn from Wizna. Therefore, the remaining personnel of the "Wizna" section were incorporated into the "Osowiec" section and reinforced with a company from the 135th Infantry Regiment (8./135).

From September 3, Łomża was systematically bombed by German aircraft. On September 5, at At 8 p.m., Major Chmielewski, in accordance with the order of the commander of the 42nd Infantry Regiment, began to withdraw the unit beyond the Narew. After crossing the river, the bridges were blown up.

Since the ON "Ostrołęka" battalion took over surveillance of the Narew River on the Korczaki and Kamianka section on September 3, 3rd/42 pp relieved the Battalion ON "Ostrołęka", which moved to the forest in the Kamianka area as a reserve. The high command informed the commander of SGO "Narew", General Młot-Fijałkowski, that on the entire front in the country, our troops are gradually moving to the main position: Narew-Wisła-San.


Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Samodzielna Grupa Operacyjna - SGO Narew 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more.......................

Independent Operational Group "Narew".

The first days of the war in the Łomża region.

Therefore, the threat to the right wing of the "Modlin" Army became more and more visible, which was undoubtedly greatly influenced by the enemy's armored column that had slipped through our section. The Commander-in-Chief issued an order to regroup the forces of SGO "Narew" to the left wing, with the readiness to support the Army "Modlin" in defending the crossings on the lower Narew. As a result, the SGO reserve was grouped in the Borowo area, the Kamianka and Korczaki Czarnowo forests were ready to attack southwards: Ostrołęka, Goworowo, Pasieki on the enemy wing, which would cross the Narew River in the Różan area and push the 41st Infantry Division back east.

The 3rd PSK was subordinated to the commander of the 18th Infantry Division and on the night of September 5-6 it marched from Czerwony Bor to the Grodzisk area. The next night, most of the regiment was directed to the town of Rabedy, 13 km southeast of Ostrołęka.

Podlaska BK, after resting on September 5 in the Stawiska area, from the evening of that day, in accordance with the order of the SGO commander, began a march in two stages: through Łomża and Nowogród to the Nadbory area south of Śniadów.

In the first stage of the march, the Suwalska BK reached the area of Jastrzębno, Starokamienna, and then on the night of September 5-6 it passed through Dąbrowa to the forests in the area of Romanówka, Kumełka and north-west of Sokołówka.

The Ostrołęka sector was still manned by the battalion of 42nd Infantry Regiment . The Nowogród and Łomża sections were manned by 33rd Infantry Regiment. The Wizna and Osowieć sections were occupied by battalions and companies from the 135th Infantry Regiment. At the same time, units of the "Modlin" Army were retreating to the main defensive line of Bug - Narew. On September 5, the Germans began an attack on the bridgehead of the 41st Infantry Division near Różan.


Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Actions in the SGO sector from September 1 to 5, 1939......................<br />Wrzesien_1939_roku_na_Bia_ostocczyznie_.pdf
Actions in the SGO sector from September 1 to 5, 1939......................
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Samodzielna Grupa Operacyjna - SGO Narew 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more.......................

Independent Operational Group "Narew".

Defeat at Różan.

Throughout the entire day of September 5, the suburb of Różan, defended by the 115th Infantry Regiment, stubbornly repelled subsequent attacks by the overwhelming, stronger and air-supported German Armored Division "Kempf".

Although extremely exhausted by the day's fighting, the 115th Infantry Regiment did not let the enemy pass beyond the Narew River, nevertheless, on the orders of the commander of the 41st Infantry Division of Reserve, the troops occupying the foreshore left their positions at dusk and retreated across the river, destroying the western part of the bridge behind them.

On the night of September 5-6, a unit of dismounted German cavalry made a sortie through Narew towards Dzbądz-Brzuze south of Różan. It pushed aside the weak defense forces and took over these towns, causing confusion that the defenders were unable to eliminate until the morning hours. The enemy established a resistance point there, from which from the morning of September 6 it continued his operations towards Czerwin, Ponikiew Mała and Duża, and in the morning hours occupied Chełsty. The counterattack of the 114th Infantry Regiment failed.

The contact between SGO "Narew" and the Army "Modlin" was extremely threatened. Thus, the southern wing of SGO "Narew" as well as the southern flank and the entire rear area of the 18th Infantry Division were threatened. In this section, on September 6, they were positioned on their initial bases, with an offensive task planned for them in favor of the Różan sector: the 33rd Infantry Division of Reserve (two-regiment, without the 135th Infantry Regiment and the artillery group) reserve division of the commander of SGO "Narew"; two artillery groups (2/18th pal and 18th dac), moved from Łomża and handed over to the commander of the 33rd Infantry Division of Reserve for the planned action on Różan; the 71st Infantry Regiment, reserve of the 18th Infantry Division, by order of the SGO commander, intended to cooperate with the 33rd Infantry Division reserve in this action.

The situation in the section of the 41st Infantry Division was critical. Around 6.30 p.m., Marshal Rydz-Śmigły, in a telephone conversation with General Młot-Fijałkowski, transferred the 41st Infantry Division under the orders of the commander of SGO "Narew" on the condition that the Narew line would be maintained at all costs. To cooperate with the 41st Infantry Division, the 33rd Infantry Division was directed to the south-west. So, instead of attacking along the Wyszków - Pułtusk axis, a night attack of the 33rd Infantry Division was launched to capture Różan and maintain the defense line on the Narew River.


Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Attacks on Różan..............................
Attacks on Różan..............................
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Re: Samodzielna Grupa Operacyjna - SGO Narew 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more.......................

Independent Operational Group "Narew".

Defeat at Różan.

In the darkness, the 33rd Infantry Division changed the direction of its march from east to south. The troops and the camps got mixed up. The marching columns stretched over a large area. In addition, the Division during its march south, at approximately 11 p.m. (September 7) it crowded and crossed in the area of Goworowo, Ponikiew Mała with units of the 41st Infantry Division. Its fate was sealed before she entered combat.

At that time, the forests were burning and the enemy attacked both Divisions on a broad front with armor. The battle immediately broke up into a series of individual engagements. The surrounded battalions and detachments of the 33rd Infantry Division could not even advance at night to attack, and after a short fight with tanks, amid whistling light bullets, they panicked. As a result, the units of both Divisions dispersed, suffering heavy losses in combat equipment. The breakaway of the 41st Infantry Division from the enemy and the movement of the 33rd Infantry Division to the south took place without any cooperation because on the night of September 6-7, despite searching, the commander of the 33rd Infantry Division did not find General Piekarski, the commander of the 41st Infantry Division.

According to the order received by the commanders of the 33rd and 41st Infantry Division, the 33rd Infantry Division was to move to Bruk and the 41st Infantry Division to Wyszków. Their task was to defend the Bug River. Due to the premature blowing up of the bridge in Bruk, the units were trying to cross the only bridge near Wyszków. Following them, was to cross the 1st DP Leg. from GO "Wyszków", and then Masovian BK from Army "Modlin".

As a consequence of the departure of the 33rd and 41st Infantry Division, a large gap was created in the Polish group; the direction to Ostrów Mazowiecka, Zambrów and Małkinia was open to the Germans. After the defeat at Różan, the 33rd and 41st Infantry Divisions had no more than 4 battalions together, with almost no artillery. From the further course of the war it is known that their remnants were moved as far as Małkinia, and then fought in General Kleeberg's group.


Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Samodzielna Grupa Operacyjna - SGO Narew 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more.......................

Independent Operational Group "Narew".

Defeat at Różan.

Parts of the 1st Cavalry Brigade, the "Kempf" Armored Division and the German 12th Infantry Division took part in the battles against the 33rd and 41st Infantry Divisions. After defeating both Polish divisions, the Germans retreated to the Różański Forest and only on the night of September 7-8 did a part of the German 12th Infantry Division head to Ostrów Mazowiecka.

The 3rd Battalion of the Polish 42nd Infantry Regiment withdrew on the night of September 05/06, without contact with the enemy, across the bridge over the Narew River at Ostrołęka. The bridge and the unfinished dam were destroyed on September 6 at around 06:30 hours by the sapper platoon of the 42nd Infantry Regiment. From that moment on, no coherent unit remained on the north bank of the Narew, in the section of the 42nd Infantry Regiment.

The 3rd Battalion of the Polish 71st Infantry Regiment, after two night marches from Wizna through Giełczyn, arrived in Wojciechów on the morning of September 6, from where, after a few hours of rest, it joined its regiment in the area of Borowe. During the march it was bombed by enemy planes that attacked the village of Drwęcz. Dozens of civilians were killed in the airstrike and the village was completely burned. The army suffered no losses.

On September 5 and 6 in the Nowogród - Łomża area, peace reigned in the main defense position of the 33rd Polish Infantry Regiment.


Cheers. Raúl M 8).
German and Polish units in the Różan sector..........
German and Polish units in the Różan sector..........
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Samodzielna Grupa Operacyjna - SGO Narew 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more.......................

Independent Operational Group "Narew".


In the evening report of September 6 to the command of SGO "Narew" and the 18th Infantry Division, the commander of the 33rd Infantry Regiment provided information about the Germans' occupation of Kolno, Szczuczyn, and the march of motorized columns from Kolno and Stawiski to Łomża and Wizna. It did not cause any major concern among the staff of SGO "Narew". Due to an incorrect assessment of the situation, the magnitude and threat of the danger were not realized. The Germans continued on September 6 and 7 the approaching march of the XXI. Corps and were preparing for a general attack on Łomża.

Despite the clearly visible threat to the Narew and Biebrza rivers and the threat reports submitted by the 18th Infantry Division staff, the SGO command did not change the assessment of the threat level, referring to the lack of reports from its own air force on enemy movements from East Prussia. Ultimately, it decided that the gap between the Łomża section and the Wizna section may be dangerous, so the SGO commander will be presented with a request to send one cavalry regiment from the Suwałki BK, with a battery of cannons, to the Gać-Kossaki area. After the plan changed, the 2nd Uhlan Regiment was deployed. The regiment's task was to close the gap between the right (eastern) wing of the 33rd Infantry Regiment and the Wizna section and to secure the rear of the 18th Infantry Division from this direction.

On September 7, the Headquarters of SGO "Narew" was moved from Śniadów to Zambrów. In the afternoon of September 7, the motorized German column, after an unequal fight in Stawiski, pushed back a platoon of cyclists and a platoon of mounted scouts of the 33rd Infantry Regiment, approached the immediate foreground of Łomża and attempted to capture forts No. 1 and 2 on the march. The attempt to quickly capture Łomża crashed, according to the assessment General Heinz Guderian "for the brave defense of Poles, and also because of the insufficient combat experience of our soldiers."

The command of the 1st battalion of the 33rd Infantry Regiment, which occupied the Łomża forts, allowed the Germans to approach the firing positions several dozen meters away and only then activated the machine gun fire barrage. The Germans suffered heavy losses and several dozen prisoners were taken (including several officers).

In the afternoon, the Germans attacked twice more. As darkness fell, having suffered heavy losses in men and equipment, they withdrew towards the north. On the same day, patrols and security units sent beyond the Narew River on the Nowogród - Szablak section sent reports that they had detected the movement of a larger enemy column with artillery and armored cars on the road in the town of Korzeniste. At dusk, a motorized German unit, supported by artillery, tried to capture the Narew crossing in Nowogród by surprise.

The 3rd Battalion opened fire with all weapons. At the same time, the bridge on the Narew River was blown up. The German attack was concentrated on the northern bank of the river. The Germans started an artillery attack on the defense positions and the city. Approximately At 21:00 hours, the German artillery fire was corrected. The Germans used smoke shells and assault groups on pontoon boats started under a smoke screen.

The concentrated fire of the defenders, and above all the flat barrages of heavy machine gun fire from the fortress company, destroyed the attacking Germans on the river. After trying to cross the Narew River for over 2 hours, the Germans failed to cross to the southern bank and suffered heavy losses. Another attempt to break through the Janków area during the night was also repelled.


Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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