SS-Sturmbannführer Dr. med. August Bender

German SS and Waffen-SS 1923-1945.
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SS-Sturmbannführer Dr. med. August Bender

Post by Fehlfarben40Pf »

Hello everybody,
I am a history student from Germany and I am researching the biography of the SS doctor Dr. med. August Bender (SS-Sturmbannführer / Oberstabsarzt).
I am looking for photographs of Bender. May someone help me? I added two photos from the SSO file for comparison:

If necessary (and / or of interest) I can provide more information! Thanks a lot in advance!

Here are some information about the person:
* 02.03.1909 Kreuzau
† 29.12.2005 Düren
NSDAP: 01.05.1933
SS: 01.11.1933
Waffen-SS: 01.11.1938 (SS-TV)
Religion: gottgläubig (church departure: 04.03.1941)

09.11.1938 SS-Untersturmführer: 3rd San.-Staffel of the SS-Totenkopfstandarte "Thüringen" (Troop and Family Physician KL Buchenwald), with the beginning of the war: 3rd SS-Division "Totenkopf" (departmental physician in the Aufklärungsabteilung)
23.06.1941 SS-Obersturmführer: Participation in the Westfeldzug
01.09.1942 SS-Hauptsturmführer: Participation in the Ostfeldzug (departmental surgeon in the Panzerjägerabteilung); January 1944: Transfer back to KL Buchenwald (command staff, first troop and family doctor, from August 1944 2nd camp doctor)
30.01.1945 SS-sturmbannführer
American Captivity: 06.05.1945 at Mittersill (Austria)
Defendant in the Buchenwald trial (sentenced to 10 years imprisonment)
21.06.1948: Early release from the WCP Landsberg
afterwards: work as a country doctor in Vettweiß-Kelz
Member of the HIAG-Ortsgruppe Düren from its foundation to dissolution
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Prosper Vandenbroucke
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Re: SS-Sturmbannführer Dr. med. August Bender

Post by Prosper Vandenbroucke »

You have an artikel about A. Bender in the “Aachener Volkszeitung from the 25th of august 2012 ... t-1.432168

You have also something about him on Wikipedia (in german)

Also via this link here below in german: ... er100.html

According to this website: ... page/4909/
Dr. med. August Heinrich Bender
* 2. März 1909 in Kreuzau † 29. Dezember 2005 in Düren
Lagerarzt im Lager Buchenwald
1945 Festnahme und Internierung durch US-Besatzer
Urteil am 14. August 1947: Wegen Mithilfe und Teilnahme an den Gewaltverbrechen im Lager Buchenwald zu zehn Jahren Haft verurteilt, Reduzierung auf drei Jahre Haft
Juni 1948 Entlassung aus dem US-Militärgefängnis Landsberg
Nach seiner Entlassung gab Bender an Eidesstatt zu Protokoll, dass er in seinen Verhören durch die US-Offiziere misshandelt worden war.
Er fand ins bürgerliche Leben zurück und praktizierte bis 1988 in Ketz als Hausarzt

A pic of A.Bender: ... Bender.jpg

I also made a quick search in several of my books in French language but I didn’t found something about Bender.
Kindly regards from Belgium and sorry for my poor English but’s not my native language.
Prosper :wink: :wink:
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