ullles fur deutschland dagger- info please?

German weapons, vehicles and equipment 1919-1945.

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Re: ullles fur deutschland dagger- info please?

Post by kash »

Actually the insciption that was forbidden and needed to be ground off of the blades was a dedication to the men by Ernst Roehm. After his fall from grace, the order was to remove this to essentially blot out his memory. The early SA daggers had two insriptions. One read "Alles fur Deutschland" and on the opposite side of the dagger blade a second which read: "Im herzliche Komeradschaft - Ernst Roehm." Some men refused, or only ground off his name. Others apparently kept their old daggers and bought replacement daggers. Examples of each type are out there in collections - "partially ground" and "complete nscription" etc. Some men ground or filed them crudely themselves, while others had it professionsally done. Eitehr type is worth a fair amount due to rarity...Regardless the old SA motto ("Alles for Deutschalnd") was retained, and never dropped.
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Re: ullles fur deutschland dagger- info please?

Post by kash »

"Then, if anyone can tell me about that stylized "A" inset in the handle? I found a photograph of a much more ornate knife, different legend, but having in place of the "A", an ss logo. So I presume the "A" denotes some other branch of the military? thanks, Reid"

The sylized "A" of the inlay is actually an amulgumated "SA" for Sturmabteilung". The "SS" inlay was for the "Schutzstaffel".
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