Researcher needed urgently for a relative search. Krim 1944

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Researcher needed urgently for a relative search. Krim 1944

Post by NIka »

Hello everyone!

I am looking for a professional researcher who could assist me in finding my grandfather who had most likely been killed at the end of the Crimean campaign in 1944. The available information may seem scarce, however the research I've conducted on my own may be helpful, while the actual story would be fascinating from both historical and personal points of view.

Please let me know if any one of you is interested in the project. I would be happy to financially reward the person who'd help me find my grandfather and/or his relatives.

Thank you!

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Re: Researcher needed urgently for a relative search. Krim 1944

Post by U.Holthausen »

Hello Nika

can you tell us what you have?
Grandfathers name and date of birth.

WASt-information? Take a look at this side:

Do you have the last army postal service number?

contact this sides:

and ... 46&lang=en
Yours sincerely

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Re: Researcher needed urgently for a relative search. Krim 1944

Post by NIka »

Hello Uli!

Thank you very much for the links!

Unfortunately I don't have the most basic information that archive and research centers such as WAST ask for. I don't know the date of birth of my grandfather, can only approximate, neither do I have his last name, only first name, which is Rudolf. I know, however, that he was a commanding officer, Austrian, and most likely involved with the mixed German-Romanian 17th army. It looks like he was in charge of a motorcycle division, maybe associated with the coastal patrol, since in Dec 1941 -early 1942 he was in the Evpatoria vicinity during the Soviet navy attack and the partisan search, and was able to give orders to Romanian soldiers. He would have been one of the first to enter Crimea at the end of October 1941, taking a route towards Evpatoria, perhaps towards Simferopol, like it was done by the Korne Motorized Detachment "who entered Crimea through the Perekop Isthmus and made a quick advance and intercepted the Simferopol-Yevpatoria highway on 31 October."
I have also presumed he was a part of LIV, due to Manstein's map of the peninsula and perhaps more exact- of the 73.Inf.Div.

Then in 1944, I believe, he was transported by sea from Sewastopol to the port city of Nikolaev by Dnepr river. There, in the Kherson region, in the Spring of 1944 I believe he was killed during an artillery attack in the town of Gornostaevka and buried at a local cemetery. The old cemetery was eventually vandalized by the town's authorities who turned it into a parking lot/dance floor in the 1960', I must note here that it was not a purely German soldiers', or "enemy's" cemetery but a very old local cemetery.

The original facts upon which I've built my grandfather's service scenario derive from my great aunt's recollections, the last surviving witness to the war and Rudolf, who is no longer alive, and some of the facts that came from my father who had been kept oblivious throughout most of his life. My grandmother's family lived in Crimea during the war and would have been considered "sympathizers" and "enemies of the state" after the war and had the story of my grandparents' relationship slipped out severe persecution would have followed. Having survived the Russian revolution and severely "punished" by the new government as a "wrong class" once, they were reluctant to take any further risk.
My grandmother was on her way to the evacuation together with my grandfather Rudolf when it all came to a halt in the Spring of 1944. Her name may appear in the list of potential evacuees if such list exists.

I've been wondering if there are any sterbebild books, or books of division commanders with photos, like a book dedicated to the cross holders. That would be extremely helpful for the simple reason that my father strongly resembles my grandfather Rudolf, and therefore it would have been easier to recognize him amongst other high ranking officers named "Rudolf".

Unfortunately my German is very limited and that makes it difficult for me to research any German language based websites, or have any productive research at the archives in Berlin. Therefore I was hoping there would be people, either military history enthusiasts, or professional researchers, who would assist me in finding my grandfather and my family on Rudolf's side after 60 years of being separated.

Thank you very much for any further recommendations or suggestions.

Best regards,
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Hans Knospler
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Re: Researcher needed urgently for a relative search. Krim 1944

Post by Hans Knospler »


My friend's grandfather also partook in the Krim 1944 evacuation. He was an Unteroffizier in 2./PiBtl.198. It took me a very, very long time to find any information on him (His grave was only discovered in early 2008!). Do you have any photos that belonged to your grandfather?

It would be very difficult to conduct your research without a last name. All I can say is don't give up! Send what information you know to the WASt in an email and hopefully they will be able to help you. In the mean time, try to research your family history and discover his last name. That would be a great aid to you.

All the best
-Brendan Hunt
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Re: Researcher needed urgently for a relative search. Krim 1944

Post by NIka »

Thank you very much for your kind words, Brendan!

I've been feeling a little desperate...I was hoping to have some assistance in the search, but so far I am left on my own. I just really wish to find my grandfather and our relatives before my father gets too old...

As for the photos- I was told that Rudolf took very many of my grandmother and her family, and I am guessing of his stay in Crimea in general to send home. Those photographs that were left in Crimea were hidden or destroyed after the war in order to survive persecutions. So, I don't have any.

When I wrote to WAST they responded promptly but without any helpful information. In fact, they used my grandmother's Ukrainian last name and my grandfather's first name to come to the conclusion that such person did not serve in Krim. Very amusing and sad.

Do you think you may know of any commanding officer during the evacuation, maybe even in the 2./PiBtl.198. with a first name of Rudolf?

Thank you!

With friendly regards,
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Re: Researcher needed urgently for a relative search. Krim 1944

Post by Hans Knospler »

From what I've seen in Kampf und Ende der 98. Infanterie Division, I didn't quite pick anything up. Are you certain he served in Krim? The family of the man I was researching were bent that he served by Stalingrad (Although he never did). I think it was more of an excuse to make up what happened because they were never really sure... :(
-Brendan Hunt
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Re: Researcher needed urgently for a relative search. Krim 1944

Post by Richard Schoutissen »

I would strongly suggest that you first do a 'basic information research' regarding your grandfather, there are just to many "Rudolfs" out there.

If you need help please mail me.

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Re: Researcher needed urgently for a relative search. Krim 1944

Post by NIka »

Brendan, I am quite sure my grandfather served in Crimea, because that's where my grandparents met. I just need to identify him amongst a few hundred other Rudolfs in the area at the time... This sounds overwhelmingly difficult and yet possible.

Richard, I have done the "basic information research" as far as I could and have ventured into something more advanced. The problem is I don't really have a way of finding out the most basic information like his date of birth and his last name anymore, since pretty much all of the witnesses are dead now... I have, however, some information that, I am sure, would make it much more obvious as far as to where to look for and how to identify my grandfather for most researchers, I hope. I would like to write you a more detailed recollection, if it's still okay with you.

Thank you and best regards!
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Richard Schoutissen
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Re: Researcher needed urgently for a relative search. Krim 1944

Post by Richard Schoutissen »


Doing several researches each year I know the difficulties to find out more regarding a German soldier without having his last name and date of birth. Feel free to contact me (see url link below) to help you find some basic information first. From there it's easier to access the 'Wehrmacht archives'.

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