Luftwaffe officers, April 1944

German Luftwaffe 1935-1945.
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Luftwaffe officers, April 1944

Post by D_Dutch »


Today I received two photo Luftwaffe photo's that are (in my opinion) really nice.
The two photo's show 7 Luftwaffe officers and one other person who's rank insignia I can't identify.
The highest ranking soldier is an Oberstleutnant or Oberst, I can't see if he has two or three gulls on his collar patches.
He is wearing:

-Eisernes Kreuz II Klasse mit 1939 Spange zum Eisernes Kreuzes II Klasse 1914.
-Eisernes Kreuz I Klasse.
-Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber.
-Kriegsverdienstkreuz I Klasse Mit Schwertern.

He is also wearing a large ribbon bar.

The backside of the photos are heavily described and are dated, April 1944.
Also a location is given and it looks like Mill or something like that.
There are also names written on the backside, but they are unreadable for me, maybe someone can read them.

Photo 1:
Luftwaffe officers, photo 1.jpg
Backside photo 1.jpg
Photo 2:
Luftwaffe officers photo 2.jpg
Backside photo 2.jpg
Posts: 123
Joined: Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:08 am

Re: Luftwaffe officers, April 1944

Post by D_Dutch »

Thanks to forum member Lorenz these two photo's are identified! :D
he gave me the following information:

The officers on the photo belong to the Leichte Flak-Abteilung 668.
This unit was stationed in The Netherlands from fall 1942 until the end of the war.

06.12.42: Eindhoven/Holland under Flak-Rgts.Stab 652;
09.43: Eindhoven under Flak-Rgts.-Stab 8;
03.44: Eindhoven/Holland under Flak-Rgts.-Stab 8 (Rotterdam);
15.07.44: Volkel under Flak-Rgts.Stab 8/19 Flakbrigade;
01.03.45: Culemborg/Holland area SE of Utrecht;
07.05.45: Ijselmeerdamm/Holland.

It had four batteries, each having four platoons (Züge) of light 20 mm Flak. The 16 platoons were used to defend the numerous Luftwaffe airfields in Holland. Some airfields had one platoon of Flak, others had 3 and sometimes 4 platoons of Flak. So, while the Abteilungstab was at the locations given above, the batteries and platoons were located at various airfields, including Eindhoven and Volkel.

The Kommandeure were:
Maj. Hubert Franz ( ? - 25.02.43)
Obstlt. Otto Täffner ( ? - 31.10.44)
Maj. Paul Kallfelz (01.11.44 - 08.05.45)

Täffner would have been the Kommandeur in April 1944. ( The photo's were made in april 1944.)

Oberstleutnant Otto Täffner is also on the photograph, second from right, first row.

Lorenz also gave me additional information about Oberstleutnant Otto Täffner:

TÄFFNER, Otto. 01.10.39 Maj., in III./Flak-Rgt. 9. 01.03.42 promo to Obstlt. 06.44 appt Kdr. Feld-FAS (West) 31 (to 09.44). 07.44 Obstlt., Kdr. le.Flak-Abt. 668. c.10.44 Obstlt./Oberst, appt Kdr. Feld-FAS (Ost) 40 (to 1945).

His appointments in 1944 do not appear to coincide, so I am assuming that he was Kommandeur of 668 during 1943 and 1944, and then 06.44 he was appointed Kdr. of Feld-Flakartillerieschule (West) 31 located at Chartres, France. His last appointment, Feld-FAS (Ost) 40, was located at Senica in Slovakia during the time he was there.

Thanks to Lorenz these very nice photographs are identified with much information! :D
But, if there are more people who can give additional information about Otto Täffner like date of birth, place of birth, his fate etc.
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