Kriegsmarine WW II Rank/Rate Abbreviations

German Kriegsmarine 1935-1945.
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Kriegsmarine WW II Rank/Rate Abbreviations

Post by bbragg2 »

I have a document with the rank/rating abbreviations as below. Can anyone give an english translations of these please:

Fk Gef
Fk Ob Gef
Fk Ob Mt
Fw Mt
Fwk Mt
Masch Hpt Gef
Masch Mt
Masch Ob Mt
Masch Ob Gef
Matr Ob Gef
Mech Hpt Gef
Mech Ob Gef
Mtr Hpt Gef
Mtr Ob Gef
Ob Btsmt
Ob Masch
Ob Mech Mt
Ob Strm
San Mt
San Ob Gef
Schrb Mt
Sign Gef
Sign Ob Mt
Stbs Ob FK Mst
Stbs Fwk
Stbd Masch
Strm Mt
Ver Fel?w (overtyped see attachement)
Vern Mt
Verw Of Gef
Zim Ob Gef
Zim Ob Mt

Thanks in advance.
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Christoph Awender
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Re: Kriegsmarine WW II Rank/Rate Abbreviations

Post by Christoph Awender »


I will give you the correct german ranks and not a translation as I am the oppinion that translations regarding ranks have no use at all. I can tell you what job they did. With these two pages on my site you can determine how "high" these ranks were: ... eranks.htm ... eranks.htm

Btsmt - Bootsmannsmaat - sailor
Fk Gef - Funkgefreiter - "Funk-" is always related to radio and communication
Fk Ob Gef - Funkobergefreiter
Fk Ob Mt - Funkobermaat
Fw Mt - Feuerwerksmaat - ammo and explosives
Fwk Mt - the same
Masch Hpt Gef - Maschinenhauptgefreiter - Engines, Technicians
Masch Mt- Maschinenmaat
Masch Ob Mt - Maschinenobermaat
Masch Ob Gef - Maschinenobergefreiter
Matr Ob Gef - Matrosenobergefreiter - sailor
Mech - Mechaniker
Mech Hpt Gef - Mechanikerhauptgefreiter
Mech Ob Gef - Mechanikerobergefreiter
Mtr Hpt Gef - Matrosenhauptgefreiter
Mtr Ob Gef - Matrosenobergefreiter
Ob Btsmt - Oberbootsmaat
Ob Masch - Obermaschinist - engines
Ob Mech Mt - Obermechanikermaat
Ob Strm - Obersteuermann - navigations personnel
San Mt - Sanitätsmaat - medic
San Ob Gef - Sanitätsobergefreiter
Schrb Mt - Schreibmaat - administration
Sign Gef - Signalgefreiter - signal personnel
Sign Ob Mt - Signalobermaat
Stbs Ob FK Mst - Stabsoberfunkmeister
Stbs Fwk - Stabsfeuerwerker - ammo,explosives
Stbd Masch - Stabsmaschinist
Strm Mt - Steuermannsmaat
Ver Fel?w (overtyped see attachement) - Verwaltungsfeldwebel - administration
Vern Mt - ? typo?
Verw Of Gef - Verwaltungsobergefreiter
Waffenw - Waffenwart - weapons, arms
Zim Ob Gef - Zimmerer Obergefreiter - tailor
Zim Ob Mt - Zimmermanns Obermaat

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Re: Kriegsmarine WW II Rank/Rate Abbreviations

Post by bbragg2 »


Thank you for your work and the links. It will help me enormously.

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