Demjansk pocket maps

German campaigns and battles 1919-1945.

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Mansal D

Demjansk pocket maps

Post by Mansal D »

Can anyone show me some good maps of this area. Does anyone have any books on it?

Post by Snefens »

There are some at ... eningrad42

Is it the geography of the area or troop maps you are looking for?

I played a bit with one of the maps at the above links and made it an overlay in Google Earth.
Good to get a sense of the infrastructure (or lack thereof) in the area.
The fit isn't perfect, but close enough.

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Tom Houlihan
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Post by Tom Houlihan »

Snefens, I don't suppose I could convince you to send me a shot of that overlay? I'm curious about what it would look like.

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Post by Snefens »

Ehm?, it should be linked at my first post. Just click on the "Demyansk42" line.
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Tom Houlihan
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Post by Tom Houlihan »

Oops! Didn't pick up on that. I just tried to open it here at work, but the computer couldn't figure out what kind of file it was. I'll try from home tomorrow.
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Post by Abicht »

Tom and K_98, drop me a PM with your home email. I have a copy of the the entire "Der Feldzug gegen die Sowjet-Union der Heeresgruppe Nord Kriegsjahr 1943" - a large map book covering everything A.G. Nord did in 1943. There are 2 very detailed maps on every unit location and movement in and out of the pocket (or into for the Soviets) from Feb 14th to March 6th.. one map for the Germans and one map for the Soviets. You will not be disapointed.
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Christoph Awender
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Post by Christoph Awender »


I am not at home at the moment but I have a large map of a veteran who was in the pocket. At the moment I have just this small part of it online but if you like I can make bigger scans of the map. ... jansk1.jpg

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Re: Demjansk pocket maps

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; here goes just a little story dealing with this subject..................

A hard fight south of the Lake Ilmen.

After the settlement of the pocket of Wiasma, the 5 ID was transported to the West and quartered in France, about 200 kilometers south of Paris in order to be converted into a light division; the IR 14 left the division and remained in Russia. The new 5 Le. ID would be part of a Light Army Corps that would be used in the Caucasus. At this point the crisis erupted in the northern sector of the eastern front, where the Russians launched an offensive in January 1942 which managed to break the German front and besiege an army corps in Demjansk. So in late January 1942 the new 5 Le ID ​​again was transferred to the Russian front.

The division was transported by rail towards Staraja Russa, being the terminal point the station of Tuleblja about 10 kilometers west of the city, where the units landed under heavy Soviet artillery fire. On February 9, 1942 the IR 56 composed of two infantry battalions and without artillery, went to the attack against troops of the Soviet 1st Assault Army which was concentrated against Staraja Russa, with temperatures of 35-40 degrees Celsius below zero and in deep snowpack .


Source: Vor 30 Jahren – Harte kämpfe am Ilmensee von Max Sachsenheimer, Generalmajor a.D.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
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Re: Demjansk pocket maps

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows..................

A hard fight south of the Lake Ilmen.

The units which were coming later, were thrown straight into combat west and south of the hard pressed city in order to regain the ground won by the enemy. Bloody battles were developed in a dense forest along the line Garisha - Starina - Grigorowo - Goruschka - Utsje - Derekowka and Kosanka forest.

As part of the Group of Assault Seydlitz, composed of the 5 Le. ID and the 8 Le. ID in the center plus the 329 ID and the 122 ID on both flanks, the hunters went on the attack on March 21, 1942 by taking part in Operation "Brückenschlag" in order to free the seven German divisions encircled at Demjansk by the Soviet armies 11, 27, 34, 53 and 1 of Assault.

After a heavy artillery fire and air support from Stukas, continued the attack against Utschno (IR 75 to the right) and Lissi-Gorki (IR 56 to the left), already in the first day of the offensive was reached the frozen bed of the Porussja. However on March 22, 1942 the enemy resistance stiffened in the profuse woodland between the Porussja and the Redja.


Source: Vor 30 Jahren – Harte kämpfe am Ilmensee von Max Sachsenheimer, Generalmajor a.D.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
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Re: Demjansk pocket maps

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; last part..................

A hard fight south of the Lake Ilmen.

On March 23, 1942 the 56 IR could conquer Kutschanowo by assault. After a fierce battle in the woods, especially around the Point 38.1, on March 25, 1942 the IR 75 won the decision in the crucial struggle: in the morning stormed and conquered the villages of Goruschka and Bol. Gorby on the banks of the Redja. With the crucial aerial support of bombers He-111 and assault guns of the 8. ID, after noon the IR 75 crossed the river by Bol. Gorby and pressed toward Mal. Gorby. The regiment passed through the town, which was on fire, and by evening assailed Jaswy with its I. and II. Battalions, rejecting several violent Soviet counterattacks. A huge success was reached as it was managed to cut the road Staraja Russa - Ramushemo - Demjansk where transited most of the supplies of the enemy. While the IR 56 seized the towns of Dmitrowo - Michalkino and on March 26, 1942 reached Ssytschewo on the road .

From Jaswy the attack proceeded eastwards along the road, but now between water and swamp, after the cold winter give way. The casualties, counting frozen and wounded, was so high that the last days of fighting the companies were reduced to between 8 and 10 men, the soldiers were so worn out that it was no longer possible to carry out further offensive operations. On March 14 1942 the weakened elements of the division took defensive position astride the road to Gridino in order to secure the road, while units of the 8 Le. ID continued the attack towards Ramushewo, conquering this locality by April 16, 1942 after fighting in the woods. There they shook hands with elements of the Kampfgruppe Zorn.

Roland Kaltenegger Schicksalsweg und Kampf der "Bergschuh"-Division ... c&start=15

Source: Vor 30 Jahren – Harte kämpfe am Ilmensee von Max Sachsenheimer, Generalmajor a.D.

It's all folks. Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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