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Post by munchener »

Could I please suggest an Amnesty for the self confessed and other multiple aliases using this site.Come forward <your'e already IDd anyway>and admit you are a Fraud and then we can all get back to heathy discussion in relation to the Germans in ww2.I can't see the benefit of more than one user name anyway?Maybe someone can explain why they do it? :?: :evil: Munchener
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Fraud amnesty

Post by Beershark »

I guess that from the lack of response to your message, that nobody thought there was a problem anyway ? As a newbie to this Forum I am intrigued as to there being a fraud problem in the first place. Could you please explain more and maybe that will generate a useful response.
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Post by Jock »

Shame you missed old munchener, Beershark, he was a hoot. Used to tell stories of his neighbour playing Horst Wessel at high volume, and threatening him. And many other tales...Search his past posts for a laugh.

I think he posted this because he has/had an alias himself. He stopped posting a while ago, so who knows who or where he is.

You getting a DB9? Lucky ducky. Actually, your post has given me renewed energy into my writing...I thought only Clancy got that rich, not the poor historical writer!

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Post by Beershark »

Hello Jock,
How're ye doing ? It's a shame that the guy you refer to has dropped off the scene, since he seemed to be at least capable of making people laugh, and that is half of what I access these forums for !

The one thing I have come to learn about getting a book written and published, is that you do need a colossal amount of opportunity/luck/networking and generally just having the bleeding gods smiling down upon oneself ! Of course, if one gets that far and does get the bugger published, then it is comparitively plain sailing after that, just as long as one can continue to come up with a suitable subject.There is no doubt in my mind as to my being inordinately lucky with all the breaks I have had, and when from time to time I review how things panned out for me, I am just awestruck that I could have been so sodding lucky ! However, do not despair, since sometimes the tiniest bit of good luck can be transposed into a mammoth amount of opportunity or networking, and then it will just all fall into place plucked, stuffed and oven ready !

Yeah, I am going to get a DB9. I have run 911's for donkeys years, but have felt for a long time that I would like to drive a British car again. I owned a DB6 many years ago and made a huge amount of moolah on that when I sold it, so think that it is about time I had another Aston again.
Incidentally, since paying my ten grand earlier this year to get on the build line for my Aston, I have had several offers since then for my place in the queue- the last offer was fifty big ones, so I may be tempted ! All the more so since I recently asked a pal of mine, who is a motoring author and journalist, to do an analysis of expected used DB9 prices in three years time. Having constructed some software especially for the purpose, he has projected that in three years time the cost of a three year old DB9 Volante will be about £40-50 k on a dealers forecourt ! I put his forecast to the members of the Porsche Club of GB forum and asked for their views- very few of 'em disagreed with him ! So maybe I'll sell my deposit receipt for £50 k and then look for a three year old DB9 in 3 years time !
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