A bomb

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Rodger Herbst
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A bomb

Post by Rodger Herbst »

Its anniversity time again,time to blame the US for dropping the bomb,well, i and a lot of other soldiers,sailers and marines are damm glad they did and i'll bet if you ask the Brits who were sweating thier ass off in Burma they'll say the same thing.
Ernest Penfold
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Post by Ernest Penfold »

I watched the news earlier today and was shocked to see two persons holding up a banner that said "America deeply regrets dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima".

Horrific as the bomb was, surely the casualties (both Japanese and American) would have been far worse had an invasion of Japan taken place using conventional warfare.
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Rodger Herbst
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Post by Rodger Herbst »

I see were your comming from Ernest,i was watching a TV program with a bunch of "ivory tower" types,they had more damm ideas of what we should have done,but as usual,wise after the event,a lot of those things
were found out after the war.They did a lot of talking but never came to
the point of what i and a lot of others was the main point,a lot of guys were going home alive,a lot of prisoners would be freed,i belonged to that
old SWP saying"home alive in fourty-five" or "the golden gate in fourty
eight",we had lot of sayings,it was a long war.
Just a side note Ernest,i hope you Brits don't buy into that "multiculture and diversity crap,YOU CAN SEE WHAT IT BOUGHT YOU, keep your eyes open or you can end up dead.I was reading were a town in UK was going
to build a mosque with tax payers money,who ever came up with that idea is nuttier than a fruit cake.A tavern in Scotland wanted to move some tables outside so people could enjoy a drink,but the muslems objected,they don't use alcohol i guess,i hope the Scots gave them the old"one finger salute" and told them to leave if they don't like it.
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Post by solietjake »

Ernest Penfold wrote:I watched the news earlier today and was shocked to see two persons holding up a banner that said "America deeply regrets dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima".

Horrific as the bomb was, surely the casualties (both Japanese and American) would have been far worse had an invasion of Japan taken place using conventional warfare.
those people who said that america deeply regrets dropping the bomb on hiroshima, they are idiots and should have their legs chopped off. If we didnt drop the bomb, killing thousands of japs, thousands upon thousands of our soldiers were going to die due to the japanese way of life, fight to the death, the civilians were going to fight the americans to the death, we saved their entire population from total destruction by dropping the bomb
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Rodger Herbst
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Post by Rodger Herbst »

You know the type Jake,always yelling peace or be nice to them,until they get thier ass shot off,these people can't get it through thier head.
Beppo Schmidt
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Post by Beppo Schmidt »

I was reading were a town in UK was going
to build a mosque with tax payers money,who ever came up with that idea is nuttier than a fruit cake.
Are Christian churches built with taxpayers' money?
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Post by Paul »

ahh come on guys , get real!

Seems like alot of double standards to me.

It seems like Britain and America set the standard for acts of terror in ww2..................fire bombing, bombing of entire civilian targets in german,france etc....................and of course nukeing 100,000's of innocent Japanese civilians.

I dont actually recall any nation bombing american civilian cities in ww2.

How many innocent American civilians lost there lives in ww2.........?? like none maybe ??

Like i have said before , one leads by example, and the contempt that was shown in ww2 is absolutly disgraceful.

The excuse that america saved lives by making toast out of innocent japanese civilians, thus making the Japs give up without an invasion does not hold water.

Japan was already dead in the water before they got nuked, so the stupid idea of having to invade a already defeated country sucks

Besides Japan had virtualy no recouces left anyway.

Maybe somebody can clearly explain what purpose there would of been to invade a already defeated country..............

More like america did not have the recouces herself to be able to invade japan if it really had to for some good reason whatever that could be, and at the same time stand off against the russians in europe

thus they got value for money into showing russia we have the bomb, and we will use it to get our way, even on civilian targets, and also got to test it on a nice juicy target.

Whats even more pathetic and a double standard is how everybody whines about minor acts of terror like the recent bombings in london or sept 11..........as compared to the act of terror of making toast of 100,000's of innocent japanese,germans etc
Beppo Schmidt
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Post by Beppo Schmidt »

Whats even more pathetic and a double standard is how everybody whines about minor acts of terror like the recent bombings in london or sept 11..........as compared to the act of terror of making toast of 100,000's of innocent japanese,germans etc

Perhaps 9/11 wouldn't seem to minor to you if you had a relative or loved one among the 3,000 victims.
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Post by Patrick »

Japan was already dead in the water before they got nuked, so the stupid idea of having to invade a already defeated country sucks

Besides Japan had virtualy no recouces left anyway.

Maybe somebody can clearly explain what purpose there would of been to invade a already defeated country..............
Japan may have lost her capability to sustain an offensive, but she was far from vanquished and could still put up a stiff defence. Don't forget that Japan still maintained a large army in China and Korea. Consider the fight put up by the Japanese in Iwo Jima and Okinawa - that is the sort of thing the Allies expected on the Japanese mainland. Without the A-bomb, the Pacific war was far from over.


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Post by M.H. »

A question for the americans here:

What get your children teached about Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
(The official, PC version also...)
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Post by solietjake »

M.H. wrote:A question for the americans here:

What get your children teached about Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
(The official, PC version also...)
sry mate, dont understand the question
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Post by M.H. »

solietjake wrote:
M.H. wrote:A question for the americans here:

What get your children teached about Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
(The official, PC version also...)
sry mate, dont understand the question
Ummm...what are the teacher telling the children?
(excuse my bad english :oops: )
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Rodger Herbst
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Post by Rodger Herbst »

Beppo if they used public money to build a church in US,i'm not talking about churches on army posts,etc you'd have the separation of church and state people going nuts.

I think all out war started during our Civil War,Sherman's march from Atlanta to the sea was one big bonfire and destruction of food and shelter.
Most of the men were gone and it fell on women and children,most southeners can lose a battle,and a lot of Northeners say the south is still fighting the Civil War,lose an honorable oneyes,but not against women and children.Women had a very special place in the south and many a duel was fought over some chance remark over a womens honor,that many Southerners could never fogive. The damm Yankees made war on women
and children by God.
Beppo Schmidt
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Post by Beppo Schmidt »

And what about keeping women and children as slaves, or selling children away from their parents, or selling women away from their husbands? Only the "damn Yankees" were dishonorable?
Beppo if they used public money to build a church in US,i'm not talking about churches on army posts,etc you'd have the separation of church and state people going nuts.
My point was that, since you found the idea of spending taxpayers' money to build a Muslim mosque so outrageous, what about spending taxpayers' money to build a Christian church?
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Post by Rodger Herbst »

Like i said to use taxpayer money to build any church in the US would have the seperation of church and state people up in arms,it also might be banned by the constitusion for creating a religion.

I and most Americans have no use for slavery,it was an some thing Americans are not proud of,and we made and still make mistakes,thats why i can't understand why so many people want to come to this awfull country of ours.
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