11. Panzer-Division...

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11. Panzer-Division...

Post by Timo »

I am looking for acounts of the action of 11.Panzer-Division at Kursk on 08.07.1943 (July). Anybody has a unit history or KTB? Anybody has the BA-MA entry for the KTbücher (Divisional or subunits), if these still exist?

Thanks in advance,
Kamen Nevenkin
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Post by Kamen Nevenkin »

I have:

2. A copy of: A.Donnhauser. W.Drews, "Der Weg der 11.Panzer-Division, 1939 - 1945", 1982

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Post by Timo »

Just what I need Kamen! Could you please check the book for 8 July 1943 info for me?

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Frederick L Clemens
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Post by Frederick L Clemens »

I will check whether I have the KTB pages for 8.7.43. If not, I will try to remember to copy them next time at archives.

Can you describe the 11.PD book? (length, maps, photos) I have Schrodek's photo book on 11.PD as well as an excerpt from Schrodek's PR15 text history. I am very curious to know what is in the Drews book, especially for the period Jul 43 to Jul 44 when my research subject, von Lauchert, was commander of PR15. Also, it would be interesting to know what is said about the I./PR15 and its transfer to Germany around Dec 42 for refitting as PA52(panther).
Is there any chance you would consider selling a photocopy of part or all of the book if the binding allows it?
Kamen Nevenkin
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Post by Kamen Nevenkin »

Atn Timo:

"...Nachdem in der nacht zum 8.7. rege feindliche
Fliegertatigkeit fur grosse Unruhe sorgot - der Russe
kommt massiv mit Bombenfliegern - nimt das der Division
unterstellte GrReg 339 am Morgen POKROWKA und die Hohen
nordlich davon. - Gegen Mittag kommen vom Korps neue
Befhele, die das sofortige Anterten der 11.PzD nach
Norden fordern - Ziel ist die Ortschaft BOL.MAJATSCHI.
Der Angriff kommt nur langsam vorwarts und bleibt gegen
Abend ganz liegen; die feindlichen Pak- und Panzerriegel
sind nicht nur sehrgut im Gelande verteilt, sondern auch
zahlenmassig sehr stark. Trotzdem wird am spaten Abend
noch das Hochengelande nordostwarts von NOWOSELOWKA
genommen und gegen zahlreiche Gegenstosse das Gegners
Am 9.7. fallen....."

p.113, "Der Weg der 11.PzD"

Kamen Nevenkin
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Post by Kamen Nevenkin »


the book is aprox. 300 pp-long, soft cover, aprox. 6x9", w/o photos and with very
few maps which give no details. The text is not very detailed.

I collect unit histories of german panzer divisions and archive materials about
them that cover events after Kursk. I prefer not sell, but to trade my collection.

I have the unit histories of almost all of the Heer-panzer-divisions, but I'm
allways looking for something that I don't have. I can offer you an exchange:
I can send you a xeroxed copy of choosen divisional history and you can send
me something that I don't have - copy of a book or archive materials. You can
contact me in private area.

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Post by Timo »

Interesting stuff Kamen. I take it that BOL.MAJATSCHI and Mal Mahatschi are the same towns. I hope the KTB or the book mentioned by Frederick can give some exact time for their meeting with AA LAH there.

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Dave Zimmer
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Post by Dave Zimmer »

At 2015 on 7 July, XLVIII PzK ordered 11th PzD and PzGD "GD" to
begin construction of a defense line from the outskirts of
Pokrowka to the Suhhaja Woods to Krassnaja Dubrawa.

By 1900 7 July the 15th Pz Regt was some 500m N of 251.2, facing
a tank barrier which ran along both sides of the highway near
Krassnaja Dubrawa. Behind the barrier were 12 tanks, the forward
elements of the Russian tank force coming from the N (see Other
Significant Events for 7 July). At 2015 XLVIII PzK ordered 11th
PzD and PzGD "GD" to commence construction of a defense line from
the outskirts of Pokrowka to the Sukhaja Woods to Krassnaja

Soviet TB-3 bombers and TW-7 aircraft--nuisance raiders--bombed,
with big bombs, and strafed artillery positions, vehicles, and
roads all night.

During the night of 7/8 July, 11th PzD finished construction of
the defense line as ordered. Near Krassnaja Dubrawa Soviet
resistance was slight. The 11th Pz Recon Bn met some Soviet
troops in Pokrowka and forced them back. The Pz group was W of
251.2, ready to jump off toward the NNW. It was reported that the
Soviets had abandoned Gremuchij. At 0900, after mopping up
Pokrowka, the 11th Pz Recon Bn took up a defensive position
facing a very strong Soviet force, including 20-30 tanks.
Isolated Soviet attacks were beaten off. The panzer group of the
div was ready to advance as soon as PzGD "GD" gained ground.

Moderate Soviet air activity continued in the morning.

To the right, near Bol Maljatschki, the div established contact
with II SS-PzK. The assault group of II SS-PzK, which with the
1st SS-PzGD "LSSAH" attacked in the Weselyj--Griasnoje area,
encountered strong Soviet tank forces, and some 50-100 additional
Soviet tanks were reported moving into the area. In view of that
news, the 4th PzArmy CO suggested by phone that 11th PzD should
begin advancing immediately. He asked whether the div could be
diverted toward Griasnoje to help II SS-PzK cross the Psel River.
The XLVIII PzK CO replied that the Corps was facing two strong
Soviet tank groups--30-40 tanks in the Krassnaja Poljana area,
the second, even stronger, around Ssyrtsewo. Because of this,
11th PzD could not advance alone toward Griasnoje, and the Corps
suggested that the 339th Gren Regt of the 167th ID defend in the
threatened area instead. The panzer group of 11th PzD could then
break through NW of Gremuchij toward 247.1, on the highway just W
of the Stanowoje Woods, while at the same time the div's infantry
would move along both sides of the highway. The Army CO agreed
with the Corps CO.
At 1040, telephone communications with 11th PzD were disrupted,
so the Corps CoS sent the following order via radio and via the
admin officer: 11th PzD is to widen its defensive positions along
the highway as far as 247.1, and the panzer group is to prepare
for further attack, the direction of which will be given later.
At 1100 telephone communications were restored. At 1115 the div
reported large Soviet columns moving S on the highway near Hill
260.8. At 1120 the div reported that it intended to advance along
the highway toward 247.1. An advance W of Gremuchij would be
difficult because of the terrain. The Corps CoS approved, and the
div planned to move out at 1200. At 1210, however, the Corps CO
decided to stick to the old plan and have both 11th PzD and PzGD
"GD" attack to the N toward the Psel River, with the 11th PzD
attacking toward Kotschetowka and "GD" toward Schipy. At 1225
11th PzD was ordered to advance from 242.1 toward Pokrowskij and
At 1205, meanwhile, the 339th Gren Regt of 167th ID, attached to
the 11th, took Pokrowka and the area N of Bol Maljatschki--246.7,
thus releasing the II/110th Gren Regt, the Pz Recon Bn, and
elements of the 111th PzGren Regt. That meant for all practical
purposes that the div was free to carry out its offensive
mission. The div started N via 246.7 thus: the 15th Pz Regt with
the attached 911th Assault Gun Bn, I/119th Pz Arty Regt, and 11th
Pz Recon Bn echeloned to the right rear. The 110th PzGren Regt
(minus I Bn) and the 111th PzGren Regt were to be brought up on
the road. The 339th Gren Regt (167th ID) was behind the Recon Bn.
By 1300 the advance of the div toward the N on both sides of the
highway was proceeding according to plan. The 110th Gren Regt was
advancing to the left of the road, while the 111th Gren Regt was
to the right of it. The 11th Pz Recon Bn and the 339th Gren Regt
(167th ID) were following behind across the ravine toward
Krassnaja Poljana, echeloned to the right. At first the attack
made good progress, but it was pinned down at Hill 244.1 by about
30-40 Soviet tanks. The 11th Pz Recon Bn was assigned to screen
against Russian tanks at Krassnaja Poljana on a line from 246.7
to the SE peak in the Stanowoje area. At the end of the period,
the div was in the process of stopping a counterattack by 40
Soviet tanks advancing from Pokrowskij toward the SW.

In the afternoon Soviet air activity increased, with bombing and
strafing. German bombers, fighter-bombers, and fighters flew many

The Corps summary stated that both the 11th PzD and PzGD "GD" had
been engaged all afternoon in heavy tank battles in the area E of
Werchopenje, and that neither division had gained any ground.
11th PzD was engaged in a tank battle N of 242.1.

Div claimed to have captured or destroyed 9 tanks, 6 AT guns, 3
mortars, 25 LMGs, 9 AT rifles, 14 SMGs, 65 rifles, and 59
prisoners. Five planes were claimed shot down.

Other orders, issued at 2200 on 7 July, read: The 339th Gren Regt
and elements of the 11th PzD will construct a defense line from
Pokrowka to the river W of Gremuchij. The panzer group of 11th
PzD will concentrate on the highlands NW of Gremuchij, ready to
attack to the N as soon as PzGD "GD" reaches the same line.

Div CP at the NE edge of the woods NW of Dmitrijewka (B117371).
(Another report claims it is in the middle of the woods NE of
254.5, but this is clearly impossible as this would place the CP
in front of the divsion's front line by a couple of kilometers.)

Strong AT fire and AT obstacles on the hills W of Ilinskij.
Minefield just S of the road junction at Ilinskij.
Strong Russian tank forces on 260.8.
Strong Russian defensive position on the dominating high ground
on both sides of the Hf road fork.

During the night of 7/9 11th PzD and PzGD "GD" constructed a
defense line from the outskirts of Pokrowka to the Sukhaja Woods
to Krassnaja Dubrawa.

At 2130 on 8 July the main body of 11th PzD was on the N edge of
the Stanowoje Woods, while the panzer group was W of Pokrowskij.
The div was facing strong At fire and AT obstacles on the hills W
of Illinskij. The 339th Gren Regt, which was advancing from the S
(from the Sukhaja Woods), was W of Krassnaja Poljana (where there
were weak Soviet infantry and tank forces) and awaiting contact
with II SS-PzK. The 339th, part of the 167th ID, was reinforced
by an arty bn and elements of an AT Bn and was attached to the
11th PzD.

11th PzD had a quiet night. At 0400 the jumped off toward the
road fork and Illinskij Hill. By 0500 the div, after crossing a
minefield just S of the RJ at Ilinskij, was progressing to the
high ground around 260.8. The 339th Gren Regt was advancing
toward Krassnaja Poljana. At 0530 the div reached the RJ S of
Iliskij. At 0645 the div reached and captured its first
objective, Ilinskij Hill. However, its tanks, on the S slope,
were unable to push N because of strong Russian tank forces on
250.8 and their fire, which controlled the road. The div reported
that new kinds of AT weapons or assault guns had already
destroyed two German tanks. The field command reported that they
went completely to pieces when hit.
At 0720 the div reported that some units of the Gren Regt of PzGD
"GD," echeloned deeply on the road to the rear, were at the same
level as the forward elements of 11th PzD, NW of Ilinskij. At
0730 the Corps CO ordered the 11th PzD CO to continued the attack
on 260.8 together with elements of PzGD "GD." After heavy
artillery bombardment and dive bomber preparation, the attack was
to begin at 0815.
The air attack was a bit late, coming at 0830, but strong
formations of German aircraft made a well-placed attack on the
Russian tanks on 260.8; 12 tanks were set on fire. It was
expected that the joint attack would now get through. At 0840 the
339th Gren Regt captured Krassnaja Poljana and Beregowyj. The
II/110th PzGren Regt had pushed through Pokrowskij. By 0910 the
div's panzer group had reached the woods just SE of 260.8, but
the div was unable to make a frontal assault on the hill itself.
Captain Zachariae Lingenthal, CO of the lead battalion of the
15th Pz Regt, decided to swing E through the woods SE of 260.8
and envelop the Soviet forces from the flank. The surprise attack
was successful, and Soviet resistance began to falter, with their
tanks withdrawing to the N.
With the Soviets withdrawing slowly, the panzer group reached the
road fork at 0925. At 1200 the div, advancing E of the road near
240.4, encountered 10 Russian tanks. More Soviet tanks were
observed in the Ssitnoje Woods. There were 15 Russian tanks on
the road just NW of there, N of Hill 248.3. According to a recon
report, there were Russian tanks and motor vehicles concentrated
at the Hf road fork. The Soviets were apparently organizing their
main defense position on the dominating high ground on both sides
of the road fork. At 1330 the 111th PzGren Regt reached the SW
edge of Sukhoje Ssolotino and was advancing toward the E-W road.
Some Soviet tanks were seen N of the center of town. The 15th Pz
Regt was to the W, advancing toward the Ssitnoje Woods. At 1420
the 111th PzGren Regt drive the Soviets from their position and
from the church at Sukhoje Ssolotino.
At 1450 the div received orders to advance further N and screen
the turn by the Corps along the road between the Salotinka River
and the highway at the Hf. At 1505 it received new orders--seize
and hold the line from 227.0 just N of Kotschetowka--235.9--248.3
--road fork Hf--232.8. At 1505 the Corps asked Army to leave the
339th Gren Regt (167th ID) with the Corps to protect its N flank
(the 167th was being moved to 4th PzArmy's extreme E flank). The
Army decided to leave the 339th at the disposal of the Army in
its current sector on 10 July.
At 1540 the 110th PzGren Regt reached the SW corner of the
Ssitnoje Woods. At 1555 div elms reached the road fork 500m SE of

Repeated Luftwaffe dive bomber and bomber sorties provided
effective support throughout the day, but the Russians provided
more ground support for their troops and had more fighter planes.

Div CP at the NE edge of the woods NW of Dmitrijewka (B117371)

source KOSAVE Study
Thanks to Rich Anderson
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