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Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 12:33 am
by Grunt
Yes I think I understand, thanks a lot!

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 12:35 am
by TheFerret
I have an interst in the war in general. I have been called a Nazi but in a joking way by friends who find my interest in the war to be odd. I also read some books on the red army and have several badges I bought on ebay and was also called a communist once. But my interest is purely out of a sort of morbid fascination I have with the war in general. I do not see any harm in trying to understand the war from all points of view.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 5:44 pm
by Hans
My fathers medals naturally have the swastika on them. I refuse to have the sanitised rubbish issued in 1957 (?). As a result some people think I must be a nazi. As I hate the bastards, past and present with a vengeance, that's their problem not mine.

- Hans

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 12:17 am
by sid guttridge
Hi Hans,

I think you are right. The countries that attempt to retrospectively sanitise their pasts tend to be authoritarian, have no respect for the facts of history and so cannot learn from it.



Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 6:52 pm
by Michael N. Ryan
Those who fail to learn from the past are damned to repeat it; so what can we say of those who wish to keep everyone Ignorant of the historical facts?

Should we refrain from discussing slavery in the United States because it upsets blacks to remember their ancestors were sold to the whites by their other African ancestors in Africa? Should we have refrained from remembering Katyn and the attrocities of Stalin to 'keep the peace' during the Cold War? How's about 'Native Americans' who do not wish to remember how their ancesters behaved towards captives. (They were worse than the Japanese most of the time). They lost the conflict. As for the present discussion. There's a lot that needs to be made public. There's much that needs to be aired.

I started studying the nazis in High School when I asked myself What Is Evil? Hitler and his crowd are the standard everyone sites. I started reading up in the German armed forces since my father, a veteran of Korea, was facinated with them. He lived in New York as a kid.When he ran away from home, he was picked up when a cop mistook him for an escaped German POW. His older brothers served in the American armed forces of WWII. One fighting in Anzio. My old man was too young to fight in that war. He had some interesting stories before he died. One was how the fishing boat he was working on inadvertantly picked up a mine.

Overall, other than a few nuts in High School, I have so far not encountered anything negative.


Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 1:27 pm
by Imad
I once heard this fool call my cousin a Nazi because he supported Germany during one of the football world cups! I think some people's ignorance is not even worth commenting on.

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 2:22 pm
by Michael N. Ryan
There are a lot of fools out there. Remember Senator Dick Durbin comparing Guantanamo to a KZ and American Soldiers to SS men?

The entire democratic party establishment refuses to appologize for that one. Leftists seem to feel they have a patent right to compare conservatives and anyone they dislike with the nazis who were hardly family values church going types.

Anyway, it gets worse, there was this sight on the internet I used to enjoy visiting while researching my novel Sealion's Byte. He didn't show any politics. All the guy did had was photographs of German soldiers and civilians. He had a large collection, including manyf photoes of ordinary SS men. I used to look into the faces to try and look into their minds to think through my characters.

He got a lot of flak from people calling him a nazi.
His sight has closed down. It's like shutting down a museum. There a are a number of other sights I can't find anymore, perhaps for similar reasons.

And I must admit I'm quite disgusted.

Like I said before those who refuse to learn from the past are damned to repeat it. And hiding the material helps that stupid process.

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 9:33 pm
by solietjake
because im white i get called KKK by everyone cept white people and i get called a nazi cuz my interest in WW2 and the German Army :(

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 5:45 pm
by Reb

I never have that problem. Since I served in Africa I just tell people I'm an African-American! :D

When I taught at a job corps installation my rather energetic charges were engaged in a controversy over who's gangs were toughest - Baltimore or Philadelphia. I brought in a picture of a pal of mine called Corporal Mushalonga and told them about his gang (the African Rifles). That sort of settled 'em down! "You know that guy?!"



Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 2:36 am
by Uli
I'm terribly cursed by stereotype, so I know exactly what all of you are talking about:

Women continually tell me I'm as handsome as a prince, as athletic as a purebred greyhound, endowed like a stallion, and a figurative dynamo in the bedroom--and no matter how hard I try to convince them otherwise, they absolutely refuse to see things my way.... :wink:

Poor Brooke Shields. Alas, the kid turned to anti-depressants the very moment I called off our relationship, recently.

Women. You can't live with them, and you can't live without them. 8)

Ah...the curse of stereotype. It's a real bugger, isn't it?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 6:56 am
by Reb

Hang tough my friend. You may find, as I have found, that good looks and a marvelous personality don't take one as far as they used too.... :wink:


Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 1:24 pm
by Uli
Right you are, Reb!

Just once, I'd love to find a woman who loves me for my mind and not my body.

Just once, I'd love to find a woman who'd love to share a few hours over a good, cold Rhein wine discussing the Eastern Front.

(In fact, just once, I'd love to find a woman who's HEARD of the Russian Front!) :idea:

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 2:20 pm
by Reb

I overheard my wife telling a woman at church, "And he was pacing back and forth telling me about some Prussian field marshall who thought he was pregnant by an elephant - and what a fine guy this was...if he wasn't mine I'd probably have him locked up!" (well - yeah...Blucher!) :D

Worse - she doesn't have a favorite tank and considers it nutty that I do!


Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 5:06 pm
by Freiritter

I gotta be real careful about to whom I make my interest in WWII and the Wehrmacht known. Even a good buddy of mine gave me a funny look when he saw me on this board when he came over to visit.



Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 5:51 pm
by Walter Wulfsen
Hey guys (well some of you),

What's with all this hand-wringing, guilt-tripping, worry-wart developing nonsense? :D Relax your shattered nerves, my quivering komrads; reading and posting on this, or any WWII forum, is not illegal, immoral, or fattening. :D 8)

Regards, Walter