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Re: Feldgrau Author: Charles Trang

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:58 am
by Charles Trang
Thanks a lot for these two very interesting anecdotes, one full of happiness, the other one nearly dramatic ! There are now very few veterans still alive so their stories have to be collected everytime it is possible to do so.

Re: Feldgrau Author: Charles Trang

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 4:07 pm
by langemarkregiment10
Charles thanks, I am writing all of this down as I remeber his stories. Willy said he always got away with so much and he was more afraid of his side shooting him than his enemies. His Panther survived the war with many hits but none penetrated.

When Willy went into the Waffen SS he took his basic training in Erfurt, not far from where he lived in Southern Nuremberg. His brother who whas in the 5th SS Wiking Division on the Eastern Front and had sent him an officers cap and great coat, so he took it with him to basic training. Every chance he could he would through over the great coat on the fence and go shack up with his girlfriend. When he got back there was no time to climb the fence so he would put on the great coat and officers cap and march back to camp being saluted by the guard. I don't know if he did this once or many times.

When his division was around Tarnopol he was trying to recover a Panzer, however the soviets were waiting for them and he received shrapenel from a grenade in the ankle. He said it bled like a stuffed pig. He stayed on the line and for two weeks had to have his dressing redone everyday. He did not receive a would badge for it.

When he was in training in Grafenwoehr, Germany he had a good friend that I have a picture of that was caught stealing items from the post. His whole section had to witness the man being shot.

Willy also said when the Normandy invasion had started he was in Vienna, learning about the Panther tank and received orders to report to his division as it arrived in France. Even though there are no documents stating the Frundsberg had Panther tanks, Willy said they did get them (I read in one book Frundsberg was in the process of getting Panthers, but they had to turn them over to the 21st Panzer Division fighting in Normandy). As I have read, many reports were fudged so they could keep the equipment they had and more. Willy also said he made it through the Falaise Gap with his Panther too. He also said, "I know they were Panthers as I had to repair somany tracks on them as we went through the Champagne Region and it was wet and threw off many tracks. As they retreated they also ransaked many wearhouses full of coats. Willy had a dozen and they were able to get hot meals from the French and Belgians for a coat.

He also has a letter to the day from his brother asking him for some warm clothing as they were on the Eastern Front. Unfortunately the Post was so broken he knew it would not reach them. His brother had also sent him some French Franc's in a book, but willy did not find them in the book until he was out of France.

Another was a day or two after he saw his parents on the Western Front in January 1945 his tank was going across the Rhine. Halfway across the engine caught fire and all he could think about was what a way to go as he couldn't swim. Fortunately for him they put out the fire and when they got to the other side the engine started.

I have another one that is longer and almost got him shot, by his own of course.

Re: Feldgrau Author: Charles Trang

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:59 pm
by John P. Moore
langemarkregiment10 - This forum concerns Feldgrau Published Authors and their works. This is NOT the place to post stories from veterans. There is another forum for that. It is the Veterans and Vet Info. Your stories would be welcome there.

John Moore

Re: Feldgrau Author: Charles Trang

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 11:24 am
by markbg
I have just finished reading Charles Trang's book 'Totenkopf' and found it to be hugely stimulating. I found that the more I read of it the more interested I became. Its a super book, meticulously researched and written by someone who obviously takes pride in their writing, I highly recommend it to anyone and am certain anyone who reads it won't be disappointed.
I am now looking to read more of Charles' work and wonder if anyone can tell me whether the 'Leibstandarte' books are available and where I can get them or if there are other books by Charles available.
Thank you.

Re: Feldgrau Author: Charles Trang

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 4:02 am
by Charles Trang
Thank you for these very positive comments. Unfortunately, I think "Leibstandarte 1933 - 1942" and "Leibstandarte 1943 - 1945" are both out of print. Only 3.000 copies of each volume were produced so it is not surprising that they are not available any more. Maybe RZM Publishing and/or Casemate Publishing still have a few copies left but I am not sure of it. The problem is that they are both located in the USA so the postal costs could be very high.

Re: Feldgrau Author: Charles Trang

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:38 pm
by John P. Moore
Charles Trang makes an excellent point concerning the limited number of copies of a book that a publisher prints. Most smaller publishers are not able to have a lot of their capital tied up in unsold inventory for very long. Popular books like Charles writes are probably going to sell out quickly and are unlikely to be available later on as a used book at a lower price. When a new book comes out that looks interesting it would be a good idea to send your order in quickly rather than wait to read the reviews of others before making a purchasing decision because it might be too late by that time.

Re: Feldgrau Author: Charles Trang

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:35 pm
by leib1
Mark you can find Charles books here ... prevpage=2
or on E-Bay
Best Jamie

Re: Feldgrau Author: Charles Trang

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 2:41 am
by HenryLee
Dear Charles

I would like to get your book 'Leibstandarte: 1943-1945' but I cannot find it in the web except E-bay the price for successful bid is unaffordable.

I will travel to France next week. Do you know of any book shop in Paris or southern France where I can find your book (please advise the full address if possible)

Have you discuss with Heimdal to see if there is any chance to re-print this book?

Re: Feldgrau Author: Charles Trang

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 3:27 pm
by Charles Trang
I am sorry for the late reply as I did not visit the site for a few days. I discussed the matter with Georges Bernage, the director and owner of Editions Heimdal. He is currently weighing the advantages and the disadvantages of a reprint. Concerning a bookshop in Paris, I think you should try "Histoire et Fortifications" (8 rue de Crussol, 75011 Paris) or "Armes et Collections" (Boulevard de la République, 75011 Paris). These two bookshops are about 500 yards away from each other. There is a specialized bookshop in Toulouse but I do not know the exact address. Did you try Abebooks ?

Re: Feldgrau Author: Charles Trang

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 7:05 pm
by Marc Rikmenspoel
I haven't been in Colorado in over four months, so I haven't checked the stocks at the Aberdeen Bookstore, but the last I knew, Tom still had copies of Charles' LAH volumes.

Re: Feldgrau Author: Charles Trang

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:13 pm
by Charles Trang
Just a few words to tell you that my last book was published last week. Its title is "Leibstandarte Dictionnaire". It has been written with Thomas Fischer. It contains more than 600 photos and a lot of documents which had never been published before. It is constructed like a dictionary. Letter "A", for instance, contains a paragraph concerning the LAH Artillery, with plenty of photos of the SS-Pz.AR1, letter "D" contains the biography of Konrad Denecke, letter "P" is about the Panzer-Regiment and so on ... The editor is Editions Heimdal.

Re: Feldgrau Author: Charles Trang

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:22 am
by Jan-Hendrik
Sounds good :up:

Hope you remember me :D

All the best from vacation


Re: Feldgrau Author: Charles Trang

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:16 am
by Kelvin
Hi, Charles, I own " Totenkopf" and still try to find " Leibstandarte", I hope some days have reprints. Do u think about make series like Das Reich, Hohenstaufen, Hitlerjugend, at least they all fought in France , Hermidal maybe have interest in it and if these series published and will be good news to reader worldwide, including me. :wink:

Re: Feldgrau Author: Charles Trang

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:05 am
by Charles Trang
Hi Kelvin,

I do not think that Heimdal will work again on the Hohenstaufen division. However, there are many new projects in preparation. I am working on a 3 volume history of "Wiking" and Stephan Cazenave is a HJ and SS-Pz.Rgt.2 specialist. But you will have to wait until 2012 to read something about these subjects.

Re: Feldgrau Author: Charles Trang

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:25 pm
by Kelvin
Wiking is same as Totenkopf format ? in English ? And Steven Cazenvae has new book for Hitlerjungend and Das Reich ?