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Post by Timo »

Beppo Schmidt wrote:self-proclaimed "adults".
...what's a "self-proclaimed adult"? Someone is either an adult or not, it depends on his age not on his behaviour.
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Post by Nibelung »

Beppo Schmidt wrote:
Maybe that's the problem; you "teens" are to wise for your age. The dictatorship of child's and teen's rights are a real problem nowadays. You talk when you should listen.
I'm not going to name any names, but some of the teenagers on this forum and AHF are more intelligent and open-minded than the self-proclaimed "adults".
I'm not an adult, I admit it, but still, if you can't realise and respect some people that are far more knowledgable than yourself (Christoph), then something is wrong with such "teens".

Beppo, I agree with you in every aspect (even in the case that reffering to me).

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Beppo Schmidt
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Post by Beppo Schmidt »

Beppo, I agree with you in every aspect (even in the case that reffering to me).
Nibelung, I wasn't referring to you, I was just saying that certain immature individuals shouldn't give the other members a negative opinion of all of the teenage members we have on here and AHF.
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Christoph Awender
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Post by Christoph Awender »


I think it is not so important how much knowledge someone has about WW2. What I don´t like with some members here is the attitude towards this forum which was originally considered to be a "research tool".
I don´t like those members which think this is a schoolyard chitchat about how "awesome", "elite" the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS was because they saw a toy Panther tank and found it cool.
Those members who really research WW2 (and we have many) with analysing orignal sources, compare sources, dig up information themselves etc... know how long it takes to get an at least overall impression of how things really were back then.
And then someone like 2ndSSPanzer passes by and tries to start discussions with knowledge from two books and some websites. He boasts with correcting his history teacher, he asks for training videos to see who was better trained, he admires Skorzeny knowing nearly nothing about him etc, etc.... All this shows a naive, careless attitude towards a forum which is dedicated to "research".
Of course I could ignore him like many other members do but I see no use in letting him spread his nonsense and just watch.
There are many forums which have place for such people but I can´t understand why they are allowed to be here and why they want to be here because I can´t see that they are seriously interesting in information - just in information which supports their already biased views.

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Post by sniper1shot »

Everyone has good points.
I totally agree with Christoph on the research point and idle "chit-chat"
I also remember not having a computer in my day or forums to talk to veterans, researchers, ppl w/ the same interests as I do.
I think 2SSDR has to understand he has A LOT to learn and LISTEN to those that do know quite a bit on the subject and not fly off the handle with abusive remarks.
On our end we do have to remember he is 15yrs old and we all started somewhere.
If anyone knows of as good a site for his age to goto then maybe we can suggest it to him.
2SSDR, for your part......listen and read....you don't have to be in every conversation to learn.

Well, that was my two-bits.
Only he is lost who gives himself up as lost.
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