Oranienbaum - Regiment Norge

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Oranienbaum - Regiment Norge

Post by steinh6 »

I´m searching information of Regiment Norge positions on Oranienbaum front from arrival till the withdrawal in january-44.
Especially the positions of 9/23 around mid of january-44 – any military maps showing the positions or links to where to search the information?
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Re: Oranienbaum - Regiment Norge

Post by tigre »

Hello steinh6 :D; two cents.............................


In early December 1943, the III. SS Germanic Panzer Corps was enroute from Croatia to the frozen shore of the Gulf of Finland near Leningrad. On 05 December 1943, the various staff portions of III. SS Corps arrived at their designated headquarters in Klopitzy to the south of the Oranienbaum Pocket. Soon afterwards the SS Regiments "Norge" and "Danmark" reached the terminating points of their railroad lines and began motorized truck marches to their new front sector. At exactly midnight on 13 December, III. SS Corps was officially activated for duty on the Oranienbaum Front.

"Nordland" was given an 18 mile front sector to defend that ran from Gorbovizy in the west to Novaja-Burja in the east. Regiment "Danmark" was deployed on the western flank and "Norge" was put in place on the eastern flank. SS Rgt. 23 "Norge" held the line from Voronino to Novaja-Burja, with II./"Norge" to the west and III./"Norge" to the east. I. Battalion was kept in reserve at Lopuschinka and the Regimental HQ was in a bunker complex near Dolgaja-Niva.

On 28 December 943, the first elements of Brigade "Nederland" arrived from Croatia. On january 10 of 1944 the situation was as follows:

III SS Pz Corps HQ at Klopizy, 8 kilometres due north of Station Wolosovo.

54. SS Brigade Nederland (Mot) with 6.000 men, defending a front of almost 15 kilometers (western sector).

11. SS Pz grenadier Division Nordland with roughly 14.500 men defending a front of approximately 24 kilometers.

10 Infantry Division (Luftwaffe) with roughly 10.000 men defending a front of almost 17 kilometers.

9 Infantry Division (Luftwaffe) with roughly 10.000 men defending a front of almost 15 kilometers on the eastern sector.

Towards the east, covering the south of Leningrad, was deployed the L Army Corps (Gral Wegener)

Sources: Narva 1944: The Waffen SS and the Battle for Europe. Richard Landwehr.
"From Caucasus to Leningrad" by Lt Col Alberto MARINI.

Just in case. Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Oranienbaum - Regiment Norge

Post by steinh6 »

Thanks a lot for your information and found a part of the book of Landwehr on internet - many details here which is very helpful. When it comes to frontline details for III.Battalion and it´s HQ etc do you have any suggestions where to find such information/maps. The reason for searching these details is that I´m writing the story of one in my family who served in 9.kp. 23 Norge in Oranienbaum from desember-43 till february-44 (Jamburg). Again many thanks, Steinar
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Re: Oranienbaum - Regiment Norge

Post by tigre »

Hello steinh6 :D; take a look below.................

Der Weg der Freiwilligen von Oranienbaum bis Libau 1. 44 - 1. 1. 45


and SS-Regiment NORGE


Hope be useful. Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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