Results from WASt - need help piecing together

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Results from WASt - need help piecing together

Post by netsec »

Attached is a powerpoint capture of the WASt results on my grandfather. As I have said, he said that he was at Stalingrad and "had to fight his way out" on the 26th of December. It is a little puzzling since there are some holes in it. Here is what I think it says:

They are not sure when he joined, but they do know he was ordered to report to Wehrkreis-Ersatz-Depot VI in Munster on March 1st, 1940. He was there for basic training and then became a paymaster from 4 March 1940 until 1 Aug 1941 when he was forward stationed at Minsk. According to a tape he made years ago, he said that he used to shepherd units out to the Eastern Front, then turn around to Germany to pick up another unit. He then said that he became tired of shipping guys out and he never saw them again. According to the tape he became a mortarman at some point and was at Stalingrad around Christmas. He said they were told on 26 December, 1942 that they would have to fight their way out "and this is what we did."

The next line says they don't know anything from December 1942 until 8 January 1943 when he was put into Marschkompanie Panzergrenadier-Ersatz-Bataillon 4. I assume in Wuppertal. My assumption is that he was wounded (he said in the past that he had been wounded in Russia but my mom did not know when) and got out on one of the transports between 26 December and 7 January. Possibly, because he had just gotten out of Stalingrad, he was promoted to Unteroffizier. It is curious that he spent over a year with a training unit. Possibly he was recuperating during that time which could explain why there is no mention of hospitalization, more likely he was also training others (thus the unteroffizier status) considering his experience. It is also curious that his time as an Unteroffizier began when he was assigned to the Wuppertal unit and ended the day he went to the hospital for "stomach discomfort." Quite possibly it was his way of getting out of training others (busted back to private) to get back to fighting.

Then from 21 June 1944 until 10 Aug 1944 he was with Panzer-Grenadier Regiment 4 which was part of the 6th Panzer Division. That was around the time the Division was in Germany. They were refitting and getting replacement troops after getting pushed back from the East. They were apparently part of the group that tried to relieve Stalingrad as well as fighting at Kursk and Kharkov. The rest of the record looks like it came from the 6th Panzer Division's history.
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Re: Results from WASt - need help piecing together

Post by netsec »

I should add that I can translate any of these if someone wishes, but the basic translation is in the narrative.
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