How could Germany win the war?

General WWII era German military discussion that doesn't fit someplace more specific.
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bf109 emil
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Re: How could Germany win the war?

Post by bf109 emil »

Germany to win the a sense they did for a limited time in a sort of sense, then what?? The type and form of government they intended to impose on the masses of people had they defeated or occupied Great Britain, and in a fantasy sense got the Soviet Union to surrender, what now? Yes they could have raped the conquered lands of wealth/goods/ gains, but did they have a structure of government in place to remain or hold these ill gotten booties in place or a working government, one which could hold power,fairness and remain in place and tact...a lot of formed empires/regimes/colonies have been controlled in the past by a central country or peoples but without a system in place to establish this as a good form of governing, they have eventually succumbed or collapsed.
Did the Soviet Union not win WW2, establish numerous territories,wealth,satellite nations, yet a strong arm can't hold the tide forever as the collapse of a lot of totalitarian regimes have come to pass. Did Germany have enough strength or power to rule these conquered territories for the proposed thousand year Reich, it is hard to imagine....i suppose it would have left it's mark as did the former USSR has done in Europe as well as N.Korea, Cuba, Viet Nam, but are the people better for the previous control of sorts, will these forms of governing the people continue, or will they eventually pass and become history as the NSDAP is history today??
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Re: How could Germany win the war?

Post by joefraser »

Just coming into this thread late and trying to avoid the arguments. I haven't bothered to look up the figures so I can't quote any. However, isn't there a school of thought that the Russians were gearing up to invade Germany and that Barbarossa yielded so many prisoners because the Russians were building up forces just behind the lines. The thought being that if Germany hadn't invaded Russia, it wouldn't have been too long before the Russians went the other way. I don't know how right this is, but speaking to people who were involved in Barbarossa,( only ordinary troopers ) they have spoken of large fuel and arms dumps located just inside Russian territory. Anyway, to get back to the thread, this ( if it is true ) would suggest that had Germany not attacked when it did, they could have lost the war earlier, let alone had a chance of winning it.
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Re: How could Germany win the war?

Post by Klaus_Arzt »

Speaking of the Germany’s readiness for the Russian campaign and even the European one. Germany wasn’t prepared properly for a lingering war. Foreign policy and war preparations were limited by the economic setbacks of the 1930s. The Polish campaign in 1939 is regarded by many scientists :[] as kind of a ploy on Hitler part to avoid economic difficulties. That’s why Hitler needed short campaigns (Blitzkrieg wars) to avoid the impending crisis. But we do know that the German rearmament after 1936 wasn’t as great as Hitler wanted, even though in 1939 Germany’s armed forces were strong enough to lunch and sustain a European war but still that wasn't suffice to bear the burden of the world war.
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