musn't say that

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musn't say that

Post by pzrmeyer2 »

wonder if Hitler ever said "Guten Tag" or "Frohliche Weihnachten" ... 7020080520

German fire team says sorry over Hitler quote
Tue May 20, 2008 10:27am EDT
BERLIN (Reuters) - A youth team of firefighters in Germany has got into hot water after entering a contest with a famous quote by Adolf Hitler emblazoned on its T-shirts.

Spectators at a weekend fire-fighting competition near Cottbus were shocked to see a team from the eastern city in a set of blue shirts that proclaimed Hitler's description of the ideal German youth, authorities said on Tuesday.

"Flink wie die Windhunde, Zaeh wie Leder, Hart wie Kruppstahl" (Swift as greyhounds, tough as leather, hard as Krupp steel) ran in white gothic script across the backs of the eight-strong group from the Gross Gaglow area of Cottbus.

The Nazi dictator used the words, which make reference to the Krupp steelworks, in an oft-quoted address to the Hitler Youth that outlined how its members should be. Public displays of Nazi symbols such as swastikas are illegal in Germany.

The incident has revived concerns that parts of the formerly communist east lack sufficient awareness about the Nazi era, rendering it more susceptible to extreme-right propaganda.

Cottbus city council spokesman Peter Lewandrowski said the team had apologized for the T-shirts and handed them in.

Since 2004, far-right parties have won representation in three of the six state parliaments in eastern Germany.
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Re: musn't say that

Post by phylo_roadking »

Years ago, after yet another row with my ex-line manager, i suggested that "Work Makes You Free" would be a good motto to post up in the office and keep everyone motivated...he agreed, missing the irony - especially in relation to his dictatorial managerial ways. What was worse was - he was sitting reading a copy of Beevor's Stalingrad at the time on his lunchbreak...
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Re: musn't say that

Post by Hans »

Before long one won't be allowed to crap in Germany, because Hitler did it. What a sorry VOLK!

- Hans
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Du deutsches Vaterland?
- H Gehr IR 21./17.ID

Re: musn't say that

Post by pzrmeyer2 »

phylo_roadking wrote:Years ago, after yet another row with my ex-line manager, i suggested that "Work Makes You Free" would be a good motto to post up in the office and keep everyone motivated...he agreed, missing the irony - especially in relation to his dictatorial managerial ways. What was worse was - he was sitting reading a copy of Beevor's Stalingrad at the time on his lunchbreak...

(sigh) Oh i always say, Jedem Das Seine.... 8)
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Re: musn't say that

Post by phylo_roadking »

...but not in the workplace.
"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle." - Malcolm Reynolds
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Re: musn't say that

Post by Opa »

Well, looking at the reeducated morons running my old Heimat, I can only sigh "Dem Reinen ist alles rein, dem Schwein ist alles Schwein." :evil:
Honny soit qui mal y pense!
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