Infanterie Division 52 in Russia.

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52 ID and the LIII AK in Barbarossa 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello folks :D ; the story follows..........................................

18 July 1941 (afternoon).

Enemy offensive in Rogastchev area.

At 13:15 hours the IR 205 entered the ordered sector. At 15:00 hours the Divisional CP departed from Shilitschi. At 15:40 hours the 2./Pz Jg Abt 152 was moving to Kupowje.

At 17:00 hours the CP arrived at Trozkij. At 17:30 hours enemy attack in the IR 181’s sector on Kolotowka towards west and southwest, with artillery support.

At 18:00 hours artillery (Arko 27) order for the Drutj-Dnejepr-sector’s defense. IV./ AR 152 informed about one enemy attack at Sapolje (2 to 3 companies). At 18:20 Arko 27 informed about one enemy break through try 1 kilometer northeast of Sstrenki. At 18:45 hours Arko 27 informed about an enemy attack north of the motorway at Sapolje.

At 19:00 hours enemy attack in the IR 181’s sector on both sides of the motorway with artillery support and grasped Sstrenki. The III./ AR 152 took up fire positions in order to support the countershock. The III./ IR 181 set Sstrenki afire with the 14. Company’s shots, nevertheless the village could not be taken. At 19:20 the IR 163 radioed about one enemy attack over the Druth river east of Kostjaschowo.

At 20:00 hours new IR 163’s message stating that the enemy was attacking the entire regiment sector. The Corps was informed that the enemy attacked with strong forces, in several waves, with heavy artillery fire in the sector Kolotowka - Sapolje. It started with parts at 17:00 hours, with the masse at 19:00 hours. Own security on the heights east of Sapolje was compeled to withdraw. The enemy entered Sstrenki. The III./ AR 152 was in difficult situation.

At 20:00 hours the IR 181’s Commander commited one rifle company from the reserve Regiment on the road Nowosellje - Jassenowka in order to take part in the III./ IR 181’s counterattack. The soviets attacked from Sstrenki.

After talking with the Regimental Commander the Divisional Commander cancelled the conquest of Sstrenki. Taking advantage of the terrain’s feature with great skill german forces infiltrated up to the old MLR between Nowosellje and Sstrenki; during the night’s hours the breach was enlarged.

On Jul 19 the IR 181 was to seize back the whole old MLR. At 20:40 hours it was ordered that the IR 205 send one battalion on Division orders (the IR 205 detached the III. battalion). At 20:50 hours the IR 163 informed that it held the heights east of the line Myk - Chapany.

At 21:00 hours one Divisional Order was issued as follows:

At noon the enemy launched an attack at Sstrenki and Sapolje. The 52 ID was defending the motorway’s sector west of Rogatscheff - Oserany. Hptm Kraft with the 1./Pz Jg Abt 152 and 9.(radfahr)/ IR 205 took over the security of the roadbridge at Liskowskaja. The Pz. Jäg. Abt. 152 was deployed on both side of the motorway. The Pi Btl 152 carried out recce and mine tasks in the sector Kostjaschowo - Oserany. Shock groups’ operations for bringing prisoners.

At 21:30 hours the IR 163 radioed that the MLR was in german hands. Strong enemy attack rejected; the russian went in masse over the Druth river through peatonal bridges. At 21:40 hours IR 163 radioed about one soviet tank attack on the sector to the right; artillery shells was lacking. At 22:12 hours radio message to IR 163: attack cancelled, defend the line Jassenowka - -Myk. Order will follows. At 21:50 the IR 163 radioed that own heavy artillery had shelled own forces east of Chapany.

At 22:10 hours the AR 152 informed that the IV. Abt had not open fire towards the mentioned direction. At 22:30 arrived the Corps’ order for the defense on Jul 19 1941.

At 23:15 radio message to IR 163, IR 181’s left flank at Sswiatoje (allegedly); IR 497’s right flank at Myk.

All day long under strong enemy artillery fire all along the sector and in depth.
Each push towards its objectives, even every isolated man, was supported by artillery fire; hence causing heavy casualties and material losses to our units.
Nevertheless the enemy could not breach the MRL and was driven back with bloody losses.

Source: "Luchas, Victorias y Derrotas" Lothar Rendulic. Círculo Militar. Buenos Aires.
Hinze's "Bug - Moskwa - Berezina"

It follows. Cheers. Raúl M 8) .
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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52 ID and the LIII AK in Barbarossa 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello folks; more follows..........................................

19 July 1941 (Early morning).

On July 19 1941, at 03:00 hours message to the Corps, MRL in own hands. At Sstrenki no enemy was seen yet. The soviets was not advanced towards Sstrenki till now. At dawn strong hostile artillery fire northwards of the motorway in the IR 181 sector. One rifle company of the regiment (181) moving towards the old MRL fell under hostile defensive fire.

At 05:00 hours IR 163 informed that the enemy renewed its attack; hostile artillery fire followed.
At 05:10 hours IR 181informed that reinforced enemy could be seen at Sstrenki; own artillery set Sstrenki afire.
At 05:40 hours, Oberst Peschel (IR 163 CO) informed: enemy main effort between Myk and Sapolje. Heavy artillery was not firing, light artillery was firing well. Material and human losses. The position`s real value was uncertain (two rifle companies and one Pz Jäg Company at Manjki; artillery and aerial support requested).
At 05:50 hours to ARKO 27 the Heavy artillery was to shell Myk.

At 06:15 hours, IR 163’s adjutant called: II. Battalion’s MG company without guns; company’s crew 50 men.
At 06:25 hours, IR 163’s adjutant called: the enemy attacked the right flank; contact with IR 181 lost.
At 06:30 hours, the enemy seized the north part of Sapolje. The Battalion acting as divisional reserve should join the IR 163 and was sent towards Manjki. Link with the Regiment should be established to the "R" of Rudnja.
At 06:45 hours, the IR 181’s Liaison Officer informed that Sstrenki was not recovered yet; the striking force was getting low, two weak companies as reserve. Cooperation with the artillery intact. The III./ AR 152 and the Schw Art. Abt 430 had requested more ammunitions.

At 07:17 hours the IR 181 radioed that the enemy attacked from Skatschki and Sstrenki against the regiment’s north sector.
At 07:20 hours was radioed the following message to the IR 205: rest the regiment should march estward to Lejtschizy.
At 07:20 hours the following message was radioed from the IR 497 to the IR 163: own artillery fire was to be shifted from Myk; the 10. Company requested urgently the cease fire. The Ia of ARKO 27 informed that the fire was on the NW of Myk but was to be stopped there and should be shifted to Kostjaschowo.
IR 163 requested the 1. Pz Jäg Company but It was told that the 1. Pz Jäg Company should be under Division orders and assembled at Rekta
At 07:42 the following message was radioed to AA 152: IR 163 company ready to march from Rekta towards Lejtschizy.
At 07:55 the Division Commander informed to Corps Commander the following:

a. The enemy attacked in several waves with Huge personnel losses. Strong artillery fire. IR 181 and IR 163 huge losses in material.
b. Artillery ammunition was required.
c. Sapolje was lost.
d. Reserve: IR 205, 1 Btl IR 163 and 1 Btl IR 181. No more reserve troops.
e. Summary: the Division holds but needs supply. Seemingly here the enemy main effort.

Source: "Luchas, Victorias y Derrotas" Lothar Rendulic. Círculo Militar. Buenos Aires.
Hinze's "Bug - Moskwa - Berezina"

It follows. Cheers. Raúl M 8) .
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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52 ID and the LIII AK in Barbarossa 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello folks; more follows..........................................

19 July 1941 (morning).

At 08:15 hours, the LIII AK’s 01 told about one aerial attack.

At 08:20 hours, the IR 181 informed the enemy attacked southward Sstrenki. I. Battalion couterattacked and seized the old MRL under heavy hostile artillery fire. The IR 497’s CO informed that Myk was in own hand. Attack rejected. The enemy held the ford. Myk was the main point, the reserves should be directed there. The advanced posts were returned to the west river bank.

At 08:30 hours, message radioed to the AA 152: broadcast to Battalion Zickwolf (I./IR 205) start the march, orders follows.

At 08:30 hours, order in writing to the I./ IR 205 by Officer, battalion was to march and reach Lejtschizy. Receiver in advance the IR 205 Commander. At Podssjoly was one security in company strenght.

At 08:40 hours the IR 497 radioed (issued at 07:50 hs) to IR 163, that this regiment (IR 163) joined with the 1./ IR 497 (Regiment’s reserve), nevertheless must join with the 10./ IR 497 at Myk. Myk was hanging in the air.

At 08:40 hours the IR 497 radioed (issued at 08:00 hs) to IR 163 that at 07:00 hours, one attack against the right flank was rejected. The enemy passed through the advance posts there. Ford eastward Myk seized.

At 09:15 hours the Divisional Commander explained the Unit situation over the map to the LIII AK’s CoS.

At 09:17 hours the IV./ AR 152 informed that there were fights on the west edge of Sapolje, westward of Sapolje the enemy had breached the MRL. The infantry gave pass. The artillery supported the own infantry with one light and two heavy groups (1 Le and 2 Schw. Abt.).

At 09:25 hours from Division Commander to IR 497 Commander, summary of forces to reinforce the right:

1 Btl Myk-bridge.
2 companies to the southern exit of Weritscheff.
1 security Nowaja Konopliza.
Bolschaja Konopliza was to be occupied by the AA 152.

At 09:40 hours the IR 181 radioed (issued at 09:20 hs) that the enemy had resumed its test on the MRL north and south of Strenki. One counterattack was conducted. The AR 109 loosened its barrages.

At 09:50 hours, the following message was radioed to AA 152, the abteilung was to asume the Bolschaja Konopliza’s security, releasing the IR 497’s parts.

At 09:55 hours, Oberst Peschel (IR 163 CO) informed: I. Battalion held, II. and III. Battalions withdrew towards the ridge west of Saploje. Hostile artillery deployed in open fire positions.

At 10:05 hours the IR 181 radioed that the MRL on both sides of the motorway was breached. Counterattack in progress. The regiment was flanked in the north. The 9.(radfahr)/ IR 163 and the 9.(radfahr)/ IR 181 were under regiment’s orders to seal the gap between both units (IR 163 and IR 181).

At 10:23 hours ARKO 27 informed about enemy on the ridge west of Sapolje.

At 10:40 hours the IR 497 radioed (10:25 hs) to IR 163: II./ IR 163 informed about enemy breakthrough southward it in Manjki direction south of Myk. The enemy attack was in westerly direction. Asking for the IR 205 to counterattack towards Manjki.

Source: "Luchas, Victorias y Derrotas" Lothar Rendulic. Círculo Militar. Buenos Aires.
Hinze's "Bug - Moskwa - Berezina"

It follows. Cheers. Raúl M 8) .
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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52 ID and the LIII AK in Barbarossa 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello guys :D , the story follows in this way................................

19 July 1941 ( noon).

At 11:10 hours order to IR 205, in writing by Officer, enemy breakthrough towards Manjki. IR 205 was to be engaged. Oberst Reymann (IR 205 CO) was to asume the IR 163’s sector between the bridge south of Myk and the east edge Manjki - west bank of the swamp (include till the second e of Ssemenkowitschi).

Forces: II./ IR 163 (left flank)
III./ IR 205 from the division in march towards Manjki.
Rest the regiment (less I. Battalion)
Southwards followed Oberst Peschel with the rest of his regiment; hand/take over in co-ordination with Oberst Peschel.
(message by phone to Olt Bockel, who should hand over to Oberst Peschel; message by phone in advance to Oberst Reymann at 11:42 hours).

At 11:25 hours a message was radioed to IR 497 as follows: IR 205 was to be employed along the line Manjki - bridge south of Myk.
At 11:35 hours. CoS LIII AK informed: Pi Btl 751 (Mot) toward Trozkij (13:00 - 14:00 Uhr). The acting commander advancing to the divisional CP. During the afternoon one Regiment (reinforced) of the 167 ID. Should orientate it over the map.

At 12:00 hours came the LIII AK’s Commander, he was orientated: the employment of one Schw. Art. Abt. of 267 ID was considered. Pi Btl 152 at division disposal. Needs of employment as infantry troops. One 167 ID’s infantry regiment arrival by today afternoon.

Field phone talk between Corps Commander and his CoS: yet one infantry regiment towards Trozkij today. LKW. Motorized Art. Abt. to 52 ID not yet.

At 12:05 hours, message from IR 163 (issued at 11:20 hs) russian unloaded infantry at Sapolje and Chomitschi with LKW (last kraft wagen = cargo trucks).

At 12:05 hours the AA 152 radioed that I./ IR 205 had received the march order at 10:55 hours. Battalion informed that seized Toschtochitza Station with one Platoon.

At 12:20 hours IR 163 informed that the enemy stayed esatwards Mankij. Stream westwards Sapolje was not reached by russian troops yet.
ARKO 27 informed that 1 hostile infantry battalion was moving from Kostjaschowo to Sapolje together with 1 Heavy artillery group.

At 12:30 hours was received the aerial photo of the allegedly Druth bridge, requested by the artillery.

Source: "Luchas, Victorias y Derrotas" Lothar Rendulic. Círculo Militar. Buenos Aires.
Hinze's "Bug - Moskwa - Berezina"

It follows. Cheers. Raúl M 8) .
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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52 ID and the LIII AK in Barbarossa 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello guys, the story follows in this way................................

19 July 1941 ( Afternoon).

At 13:00 hours radio message from IR 205 (issued at 12:45 hs) counterattack in progress with II./ IR 205 right and III./ IR 205 left.

At 13:30 hours, IR 181 informed that Chapany was in enemy hands. One radfahr company was counterstriking against the left flank and another radfahr company was blocking the enemy advance from Chapany to the west towards south.

At 13:45 hours talk with Oberst Reymann, Commander of IR 205. Self-confident. The russian LKW-unload exagerated.

At 13:45 hours the Pi Btl Commander in sight.

At 14:10 hours. LIII AK’s CoS called: the IR 8-10 kilometers westwards Trozkij stopped. Schw. Art. Abt. firstly would not come. The attack over Jassenowka (Highway) was resumed. The IR 181’s reserve entirely engaged. After this was decided that the Schw. Art. Abt. could arrive.

At 15:30 CoS’s call, russian batteries fired more to the rear. The enemy attacked on both sides of Nowij Bychoff. The I./ IR 181 had to seize again the old MRL between Sstrenki and Nowosselje. The breakthroughs of the MRL lasted all day long but all of them were driven back with counterstrikes.

At 16:10 hours ARKO 27 informed that Saploje was in own hands; likewise Kostjaschowo and the wood’s bit southeast of it. IR 205 Commander stressed that the entirely counterattack was carried out successfully. The II./ IR 205 advance posts on the heights eastwards Sapolje.

At 16:25 hours to IR 497 Commander was requested that the right flank should be moved forward taking advantage of the success.

At 16:35 hours message to LIII AK: Kostjaschowo and Sapolje were conquered.

At 16:55 hours radio message to AA 152 in the wooded land north of Sees a lot scattered troops.

At 17:30 hours, Oberst Mahlmann, IR 181 Commander; the MRL was held northwards Sstrenki. III./ AR 152 without ammunition.

At 17:45 hours the IR 497 informed that Kostjaschowo was not in own hands. Hostile LKW unloaded ammunition.

At 17:50 hours, Oberst Reymann was informed about; Kostjaschowo should be shelled with all the artillery on hands.

At 18:00 hours order to AR 152 all the batteries should open fire against Kostjaschowo.

At 18:15 hours the IR 497 informed that seemingly the russian were entrucking at Kostjaschowo.

At 19:10 hours the AA 152 radioed (issued 16:15 hs) Rudmizkij Less - Glinsk Tesnowoje free of enemies.

Source: "Luchas, Victorias y Derrotas" Lothar Rendulic. Círculo Militar. Buenos Aires.
Hinze's "Bug - Moskwa - Berezina"

It follows. Cheers. Raúl M 8) .
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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52 ID and the LIII AK in Barbarossa 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello chaps :D . After a while the story follows in this way......................

19 July 1941 ( night).

At 20:00 hours report to LIII AK. The russian with its undoubtful will, had attacked in depht with several waves achieving but little success being driven back all along the line.

The battlefield remained in our hands. The IR 163’s striking force could not be determined yet due to its isolation, nevertheless its losses were heavy.

The losses in general were not determined yet. Also there were losses in weapons and equipment due to artillery fire.

Report to Corps Commander:

The defensive struggle was won today.

Troops disposition:
MRL, Marussino - Eastwards Nowosellje - Westerly Sstrenki - South edge Chapany - West edge swamp lowlands South edge Manjki - Bridge Myk.

Artillery ammunition situation:

Concerned about IR 163: mood, casualties, weapon losses.

Risk areas:
a) Between Manjki and Myk. Main strike direction. Secured by the II./ IR 163.
b) Astride the Highway. Main strike direction.
c) Against Bronnoje. IR 163.

1) I./ IR 205 divisional reserve Lejtschizi north. Pi Btl 152 (less 1 comapny) attached to IR 181 for the night. 10./ IR 163 engaged at Rekta should be under its regiment again. Radfahr company IR 205 also follows.
2) With ARKO 27 co-ordinated. Main barrier (fire) Manjki - Myk - Highway. All night long harassing fire over Kostjaschowo and shifted on 129.

At 21:30 hours the AA 152 radioed that hostile security with machineguns was on the heights between Stanjkoff and Tesnowoje. Recon. Patrol deployed in the wood west Tesnowoje by means of fire and cut seemingly hostile patrols (1 to 2 Platoons) heading in southwesterly direction from Stanjkoff.

At 23:20 hours the Corps order for the next day arrived. Mission without changes.

Source: "Luchas, Victorias y Derrotas" Lothar Rendulic. Círculo Militar. Buenos Aires.
Hinze's "Bug - Moskwa - Berezina"

It follows. Cheers. Raúl M 8) .
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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52 ID and the LIII AK in Barbarossa 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all people :D ; the story follows...............................

20 July 1941 ( morning).

On Jul 20 1941, at 01:00 hour the enemy attacked towards Kolotowka in the IR 181’s sector. The attack was rejected.

At 02:15 hours a new attack followed in the same area, seemingly with strong forces, the attackers fell under heavy own artillery fire and retreated to its readiness area.

Since 06:00 hours onwards several hostile batteries opened fire upon the IR 181’s sector, even the Regimental CP.

At 08:00 hours second enemy attack astride the highway, main effort on both sides of Sawsatoje. The russian could not break nowhere. The attack stalled at 12:30 hours.

During all these attacks, several hostile batteries shelled as far as 7 kilometers behind the MRL.

At 09:00 hours the Pi Btl 654 reported in writing that eastwards of Tschirigirinka no enemy actions. During the 19 Jul 1941, from the Kuta’s height the enemy had crossed the Druth river coming from the east. Strenght 1 company, 4 officers and 200 men.

At 09:05 hours. ARKO 27 reported that the IR 163’s fire support was of importantance. In the Regiment area opened up I./AR 152, II./AR 152, IV./AR 152 IV./AR 267.

At 10:05 hours AA 152’s radio message (issued at 07:00 hs) enemy in battalion strenght with several guns moved through Malaja Konopliza. Inquiry: which direction. Answer: towards north.

At 10:05 hours the AA 152 radioed (issued at 09:20 hs) at 08:30 hours the enemy seized the southeast part of Rumok.
At 10:10 hours ARKO 27 reported that Beob. Abt 7 had detected 30 - 40 hostile batteries.

At 11:00 hours the review with regards to Infantry Regiments sector’s limits revealed the low striking force (specially in the IR 205)

II./IR 163: 5.Kp. 1 : 5 : 44
6.Kp. 1 : - : 65
7.Kp. - : 2 : 67
8.Kp. 1 : - : 55
M.G.K. 1 s.M.G.
1 Gr.W.
Others: 1 Zug le.I.G.
1 Zug s.I.G.
1 Pakzug

At 11:15 hours IR 163 reported: Sapolje free of enemy. Fire of three heavy Batteries fall against Tichinitschi.
At 11:30 hours the General to LIII AK:

1) Attack on the highway rejected.
2) Movements heading north:

a) Motor’s rumble from Rogatschev northwards.
b) At 07:00 hours one battalion with guns through Malaja Konopliza.
c) AA 152 reported that Rumok was firmly in enemy hands.
d) One company (infantry) at Kuta crossed the Druth river.

3) Manpower of the IR 163: losses due to artillery fire.
4) Pi.Btl.654 relieved at Tschirigirinka.

Source: "Luchas, Victorias y Derrotas" Lothar Rendulic. Círculo Militar. Buenos Aires.
Hinze's "Bug - Moskwa - Berezina"

It follows. Cheers. Raúl M 8) .
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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52 ID and the LIII AK in Barbarossa 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all people :D ; the story follows...............................

20 July 1941 ( afternoon).

At 12:00 hours the IR 181 radioed (11:30 hs issued) about one enemy attack at Nowosellje (the assault fall under our artillery fire and was driven back).

At 12:00 hours the Pi Btl 654 received the following order: reach, under divisional disposal, the wood northeast of Liskowskaja (highway) by means of motorized march. One company (no radfahr company) was to remain at Tschirigirinka as security. Request for LKW (trucks) to Corps Pi-Fuhrer.

At 12:55 hours the AA 152 radioed (issued 12:13 hs) that one enemy company through Kordon due north.

At 13:30 hours talk with LIII AK’s O1: the following arrangements for blasting the bridge, in case of one enemy tank attack, should be delivered. No more works shall be done. Those accomplished must be placed under vigilance.

At 13:45 hours message to IR 181: enemy movements Rogatschev - Kolotowka was to be attacked with artillery fire.

At 15:13 hours the IR 181 radioed that enemy positions on both sides of Sstrenki and heavy artillery fire over the
highway on both sides of Chapany.

At 15:25 hours the IR 497 reported in writing about its strenght and situation.

At 15:30 hours the LIII AK’s CoS arrived, he was told about the troops positions and situation. Artillery ammo and aerial support requested.

At 16:30 hours the IR 497 reported, through a Liaison Officer, that by means of ground observation 3 LKW and 3 companies were observed at Nowaja Konopliza.
Movements on the road through Nowaja Konopliza mainly in the early morning and late in the afternoon.
IR 497 pointed out especially the II. battalion’s wide (3 kilometers); asked about reinforce the regiment or take back the sector right of Myk.
Asked for engineers for setting mines on the road to Nowaja Konopliza.
In the wood south of Nowaja Konopliza 1 APC observed.

At 16:45 hours the Divisional Commander travelled towards the IR 163.

17:00 to 17:20 hours new limits between regiments were given orally to IR 163, IR 181and IR 497.

At 17:00 hours AA 152 radioed (issued at 15:15 hs) Kordon occupied by 200 men. In front of the whole sector of 1. and 2. Squadrons fortifications and movements, carriage of ammunition’s wicker basket, make of artillery positions. Artillery fire requested, if possible. To the afternoon should be surveyed by one Patrol.

At 17:00 hours the enemy attacks again on the IR 181 sector south of Sstrenki. The soviet ran under infantry and artillery fire in front of our MRL. At 18:00 hours the russian withdrew to the starting point. The IR 181 drove back three attacks on Jul 20 but its manpower diminished again and its guns were worn out. The last reserve was employed.

At 17:15 hours arrived ARKO 27 (General v. Krischer) he came back after surveying the IV./ AR 152’s fire position. He told that the MRL of IR 163 was uncertain.

Source: "Luchas, Victorias y Derrotas" Lothar Rendulic. Círculo Militar. Buenos Aires.
Hinze's "Bug - Moskwa - Berezina"

It follows. Cheers. Raúl M 8) .
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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52 ID and the LIII AK in Barbarossa 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all people :D ; the story follows...............................

20 July 1941 ( night).

At 18:00 hours enemy attack south of the highway against Sabolotje in the 255 ID sector. Was supported by 16 batteries.

At 18:10 hours hostile aerial attack on the Quartier Abt. at Peresseka.

At 20:00 hours arrived the Pi Btl 654 Commander.

At 20:30 hours Pi Btl 654 Commander reported, in writing, encounter and fire fight with enemy detachment between Kuta and Krutitschin it was wiped out, 24 prisoners.

At 21:00 hours oral Division’s order for the next day: the IR 181 with artillery support drove back three enemy attacks on the highway area. Some russian prisoners told us about renewed assaults during this night and tomorrow. The Division was to hold its positions.

At 22:20 hours oral order to all elements: the inhabitants of the villages located eastwards of the line Kupowje - Nowo Alexandrowski should be conveyed westwards up to the Dobysna area. One hour of time to pack up.

At 22:33 AA 152 radioed (issued at 19:00 hs) the following message: reconnaissance patrols checked that Rumok was occupied by infantry with infantry cannons and mortars. In the wood east of Kordon, 600 men with artillery placed in fire position.

At 23:25 hours Corps order: 52 ID’s mission without changes.

At 23:30 hours the oral order to all units issued at 22:20 hs: due to own foresighted aerial night attack the black camouflage now in use and the lack of yellow marking signals, the order shall not pass on to the troops.

At 23:50 hours order to Pi btl 152, in writing, in case of enemy tank attack, the highway bridge at Liskowskaja should be blasted. Should be avoided its destruction by means of sabotage. The order for its destruction should be given by the division.

At 23:10 hours message sent by the IR 315 (via radio) pointed out its location

Source: "Luchas, Victorias y Derrotas" Lothar Rendulic. Círculo Militar. Buenos Aires.
Hinze's "Bug - Moskwa - Berezina"

It follows. Cheers. Raúl M 8) .
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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52 ID and the LIII AK in Barbarossa 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all people :D ; the story follows...............................

21 July 1941 (morning).

On Jul 21 1941, AA 152 organized three combat patrols in order to get prisoners as follows:

a) To Rekta via Kordon - 2./ AA 152.
b) Kordon - Rumok - 1./ AA 152.
c) Malaja Konolpiza - 1./ Pi Btl 152.

At Kordon and at Rumok, heavy infantry weapons and fortifications. East of both villages 600 men with artillery in position.
Patrol north of Kordon reached as far as 10 kilometers eastwards in the wooded land without enemy contact.
Prisoners (1./ Pi Btl 152 took 50 of them) told that hostile troops were retreated behind the Dniepr river.
1./ Pz Jg 152 was covering the highway between IR 163 and IR 181. The enemy was approaching more forces.
From IR 205, combat patrols reported north part of Sapolje and the heights eastwards of the town were free of enemy. Also Chomitschi-Sapoljskije. The patrols were fired upon when closing to Kostjaschowo.

At 02:00 hours IR 163 reported that the enemy was assembled at Sapolje, attack would be expected onwards. Urgent artillery fire requested. (ARKO 27 told that one Abt. could shell against there firstly. IR 205 answered that it had not advance posts there.)

Contact between the regiments and ARKO 27 during the night: in the beginning, particularly, strong artillery combat with heavy shells. Then a pause. They had not the impression that the enemy yielded.

At 08:10 hours the IR 163 reported that Sapolje was free of enemy. The Regiment moved ahead. Please no more own artillery fire on the west bank of the Druth river.

At 08:30 hours Oberst Mahlmann (IR 181 CO) reported that occupied Sstrenki without resistance. More mortar fire than yesterday. Wachtfulness over the sector.

At 08:35 hours Oberst Wenk, IR 315 Commander, reported that was re-assigned from the 167 ID under 52 ID framework. Was to relieve the IR 181.

At 09:10 hours ARKO 27 reported that was to try harassing fire on the Druth river fording.

At 10:00 hours in the IR 205’s sector heavy enemy movements between Blisnezy and Kostjaschowo could be observed. The russian retreated due to the accurate fire unleashed by the II./ AR 152, mortars and infantry guns. Eastwards Chomitschi-Sapoljskije was detected an enemy battery in open ground and counter - battery fire was unleashed on it, some guns retreated to the rear.

At 10:15 hours the IR 497 reported that Kostjaschowo was grasped by the enemy.

At 10:40 hours Chomitschi-Sapoljskije free of enemy.

At 11:00 hours more downloads with LKW at Blisnezy were attacked with artillery fire.

At 11:00 hours the 1./ IR 181 well supported by the artillery recovered the MLR and at 11:45 hours seized the graveyard of Sstrenki. The enemy’s defensive positions eastwards of Sstrenki were in sight.

At 11:40 hours IR 205 reported that Sapolje was free of enemy. It was located with one Platoon with MG on the height eastwards of Sapolje. IR 163 sent patrols towards Chapany.

Source: "Luchas, Victorias y Derrotas" Lothar Rendulic. Círculo Militar. Buenos Aires.
Hinze's "Bug - Moskwa - Berezina"

It follows. Cheers. Raúl M 8) .
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Infanterie Division 52 in Russia.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all people :D ; the story follows...............................

21 July 1941 (afternoon).

At 12:30 hours IR 497 reported an enemy attack from Kostjaschowo to the west. However the IR 205 could not confirm the liaison with the II./ IR 163 eastwards of the Sapolje’s graveyard by means of its patrols.

At 12:35 hours the Corps Commander arrived and was orientated over the map, also he (Army Corps CO) informed that the Heeresgruppe had granted the withdrawal behind the Dobysna river, even behind the Berezina river if necessary. The Divisional Commander was sure his troops could hold the ground on the Druth and Dniepr.

At 12:40 hours IR 205 reported that the recce patrols informed at 11:00 hours the following: 330 meters westwards of Kostjaschowo weak enemy; in the town and eastwards strong hostile forces, moving to the east in the woods on the far banks of both rivers.

At 14:00 hours IR 181 reported that heavy enemy artillery fire unleashed over the regiment’s sector.

At 14:20 hours IR 205 reported that a second recce patrol had checked that Kostjaschowo was seized by the enemy in company strenght. Part of the wood 500 meters southwest of the village also enemy in company strenght could be observed. Between Kostjaschowo and the Druth river as far as the wood beyond the river enemy positions were discovered.

At 14:50 hours from ARKO 27: well directed hostile artillery fire with 6 - 8 batteries on both sides of the highway.

At 14:55 hours the Infantry regiments were leaded as a whole.

At 15:00 hours the enemy, with strong artillery support, attacked on the IR 181’s sector; the main effort was carried out on both sides of the highway against the III./ IR 181.

At 14:50 hours on the embankment road leading to Marussino two light tanks were destroyed with artillery fire. The infantry coming behind was driven back as well.

At 15:15 hours ARKO 27 reported about a direct hit on the IR 181’s CP, Oberst Mahlmann was slightly wounded, 3 Officers were seriously wounded and two orderlies were killed.

At 15:20 hours talk with LIII AK’s CoS, IR 315 had reached Rekta. One light Artillery Group was attached to IR 315.
Enemy tank attack against the 255 ID.

At 15:30 hours AA 152 reported in writing the enemy company at Kordon was entrenched. Enemy garrison at Rumok. One recce patrol reported that in the morning Malaja Konopliza was free of enemy. Mortars and Infantry Guns in position at Oserany. One prisoner was taken.

At 16:00 hours message radioed to AA 152 Pi company was relieved and was moving towards Oserany.

At 16:15 hours the following task was given to Pi Btl 152’s Commander: to reconnoitre a Druth river crossing with pontoon and bridge in order to carry the IR 315 across.

At 16:10 hours the IR 163 reported that the enemy was attacking its III. Battalion.
Talking between Divisional Commander and the LIII AK’s CoS. The 52 ID’s Commander told that he expected the river crossing at Malaja Konopliza and not at Rekta.

At 16:45 hours new enemy attack on both sides of the IR 181; about 18:00 hours the attack reached the I./ IR 181 in the middle. At 18:00 hours the enemy breached the MLR. The 2./ Pi Btl 654 counterattacked and drove back the russian troops reaching the old line.

At 16:55 hours radio message to Pi Btl 152, the arrangements ordered for blowing the bridge at Liskowskaja should to be done. After that the site should to be warded.

At 17:15 hours radio message to AA 152: tasks for AA and Pi company without changes.

At 17:25 hours from IR 497: one agent, from the russian side, reported on Jul 21 at 04:00 hours that:

1) Rogatschev more and more was stripped (evacuated?) by the russsian.
2) Strong forces at Blisnezy.
3) Within the wood in Blisnezy area 50 tanks and 1 heavy battery of artillery.
4) Along the main road heading Rogatschev from the northeast reinforces towards the city.
5) An attack was being planned.
6) Two russian groups in battalion strenght: at Lushki (with mortars) and at Rumok (with minelauncher).

At 17:45 hours from IR 181: at 17:15 hours enemy attack with battalion strenght on both sides of the limit between the 255 ID and the 52 ID. III./ AR 152 had its allocated ammunition retained (munitionssperre). The order was changed by the divisional commander.

Source: "Luchas, Victorias y Derrotas" Lothar Rendulic. Círculo Militar. Buenos Aires.
Hinze's "Bug - Moskwa - Berezina"

It follows. Cheers. Raúl M 8) .
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Infanterie Division 52 in Russia.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all people :D ; the story follows...............................

21 July 1941 (night).

At 18:00 hours IR 205 radioed (issued at 17:35 hs) enemy attack in the center and left flank at Sapolje, Chomitschi and the bridge 500 meters northwest of it. II./ AR 152 without ammunition. Please, fire support is requested. Due to Ib request 2000 shells were delivered towards the division.

At 18:20 hours from ARKO 27: at the stream's ground east of Bronnoje hostile and own troops were fighting.

At 18:25 hours from Oberst Peschel, IR 163 Commander: enemy reached with its advance parts the stream’s ground west of Sapolje.

At 18:30 hours from IR 205: attack rejected, the position stood still; on the left flank the situation was being calmed down.

At 18:45 hours talk between the Divisional Commander and the LIII AK’s CoS: the Commander decision was to hold in spite of any circunstances. The IR 315 should be at division disposal please.

At 19:20 hours from IR 163 strong enemy against our right, the left sector was not attacked.

At 19:25 oral order to IR 315: the regiment under Division order, was to reach the area northeast of Lejtschizy; liaisson with IR 205 should be established. Employment with the IR 497. The artillery group should be attached to divisional ARKO.

At 19:25 hours from IR 163: new attack from Sapolje against the north flank will be flanked from the south.

At 19:40 hours radio message from IR 497 (issued at 18:50 hs) 1./ Pi Btl 152 reported that was pulled out of Boljschaja Konopliza. Who was to take the sector there?.

Radio message to AA 152: reconnaissance by Pi Btl 152 Commander suspended. Should be come back. Pi Company remanined with AA 152.

At 19:45 hours talk with 255 ID’s O1: three new enemy divisions reached the area of Rogatschev; an attack during the night along the main road was planned.

At 19:55 hours radio message from 31 ID: which was the situation and where was the first line. Answer: situation like yesterday, strongs attacks all along the front.

At 20:00 hours from Ia and Commander of IR 315 (Oberst Wenk): the Regiment could not reach Lejtschizy, by now at the wood west and southwest of Olapischtscha.

IR 181: at 20:00 hours the russian entered Sabolotje. 1./ Pz Jg Abt 152 under Regiment should prevent the enemy movements to the line Wessjolyi - Nowosselje. Besides IR 181 should prepare one battalion, which was to counterattack on Jul 22 in order to seize back Sabolotje.

At 20:05 hours from IR 205: troops deployed at Chomitschi Sapolskije and high ground 1 kilometer west of there were requesting artillery support. (Message handed to ARKO 27).

At 20:20 hours inquiry to the infantry regiments: was the inhabitants evacuated?, answer: yes.

At 21:00 hours from IR 163: attack at Sapolje rejected. New attacks during the night were expected.

At 21:00 hours from ARKO 27: strong attack south of the highway against the southflank at Marussino.

From IR 205: by nightfall the enemy advance parts at height 1 kilometer west of Chomitschi - Sapoljskije, those villages and Sapolje occupied by hostile troops. The purpouse of drive back the enemy placed at height 1 kilometer west of Chomitschi - Sapoljskije, with the III./ IR 205, by sunset was not possible now due to ammunition shortage and the moonlight. Changed for Jul 22.

At 21:00 hours Corps order for next day 22 Jul 1941: mission without changes.

At 21:00 hours order to IR 315: the last battalion (no the ones with radfahr company) under IR 181 framework; battalion commander to IR 181’s CP. ARKO 27 issued the new artillery OoB.

At 22:42 hours radio message to IR 315: the battalion approaching from the south should be directed to Kupowje (highway).

At 22:45 hours order to IR 315 (in writing) thru Orderly Officer: the second battalion (without radfahr company) reinforced with one IG Platoon was to come back to the highway under IR 181 orders. Its commander towards the IR 181 CP at Gussarowka. The last battalion coming from the south redirected towards Kupowje (highway). Liaison Officer to the division.

Source: "Luchas, Victorias y Derrotas" Lothar Rendulic. Círculo Militar. Buenos Aires.
Hinze's "Bug - Moskwa - Berezina"

It follows. Cheers. Raúl M 8) .
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Infanterie Division 52 in Russia.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all people :D; the story follows...............................

22 July 1941 (morning).

On July 22 1941, at 00:05 hours radio message to 31 ID: MRL as yesterday. 21 strong attacks all along the entire front. It was expected anew on 22 Jul 1941. One Orderly Officer warned that he couldn’t find the IR 315 and the order (in writing) couldn’t be delivered.

At 00:15 hours the IR 331 Commander reported to the CP. It was discussed about convey one battalion with trucks ahead. Ia talk with LIII AK. LIII AK’s decision: the battalion could be employed. The employment of the truck column was also discussed. But if the battalion of the IR 315 arrived on time, it would be deployed. The battalion should be at the IR 181 disposal and should be detailed to Kupowje.

At 00:45 hours the Ib issued orders for the column’s march.

At 01:30 hours message from Oberst Wenk (IR 315 CO): the ordered area reached at 23:00 hours.

At 03:15 hours the IR 205 and IR 315 Liaison Officers met each other. IR 315’s battalion in march to the cross road. IR 331 Commander ordered that the regiment’s battalion be halted, the II./ IR 315 had arrived timely.

At 03:45 hours from the IR 181 Commander: II./ IR 315 arrived, late for attacking should be assembled at Wessjoly. Battalion Schmidt soon would get the situation cleared. Still a few soviet troops at Sabolotje.

At 04:45 hours the III./ IR 315 reported at the CP.

At 06:15 hours the III./ IR 315 in the ordered place, behind the IR 181. From IR 205: the night passed quietly; around 04:00 hours after a short artillery softening the 7./ IR 205 pressed against the height 1 kilometer west of Chomitschi-Sapoljskije and seized it firmly.

At 07:15 hours talk with the LIII AK with regards the situation. Corps’ reserve not counterattacked yet.

At 07:45 hours talk with IR 181’s Commander:

a) Gap between IR 181 and 255 ID at Sabolotje covered with only one PAK Platoon.
b) The forestalled battalion reserve’s MG Company deployed.
c) New enemy weapons at Strenki (IG, Gr W)
d) Southwards Chapadny quiet.
e) Key point (schwerpunkte) only one AV Kdo? At most one Artillery Abteilung.

At 09:00 hours talk with General Wetzel (255 ID Commander) concerning the Sabolotje gap.

At 09:40 hours radio message to AA 152: 31 ID advancing from Nowy Bischoff towards Rogatscheff. 1 KD eastwards Dniepr river to the south.

Source: "Luchas, Victorias y Derrotas" Lothar Rendulic. Círculo Militar. Buenos Aires.
Hinze's "Bug - Moskwa - Berezina"

It follows. Cheers. Raúl M 8) .
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Infanterie Division 52 in Russia.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all people :D ; the story follows...............................

22 July 1941 (afternoon).

At 12:00 hours message from AA 152 (radioed at 11:16 hours): Malaja Konopliza occupied by the enemy. Two MGs and riflemen observed. Two own cavalry patrols with artillery support pushed towards the Druth river.

At 12:00 hours the IR 205 reported: Chomitschi and Sapolje strongly occupied by the enemy.

At 14:30 hours IR 181 reported: reinforced by the 5./ IR 315 and with the fire support furnished by one half of the 13./ IR 181 and the III./ AR 152 plus the AR 109, the II./ IR 181 seized Sabolotje. Liaison with 255 ID established.

At 14:45 hours AA 152 reported the positions in the sector of Oserany being fired since midday with IG and mortars. Rudnizkij Less and the village 2 kilometers eastwards occupied by the enemy. MGs could be observed.

At 14:30 hours the 112 ID established communication with Oserany thru the AA’s radio set. AA 112 deployed at Dobyssna.

At 14:50 hours radio message to the 31 ID: asking about the frontline and intentions. Answer: Line Wercznaja Toschtschiza - Nishnaja Toschtschiza - Wiljachowka - Pokrowkij - Nowo Bischoff. Facing south. Foreseen a halt there, later moving towards southwest as well to east.

At 17:00 hours arrived the 167 ID's order. Answer to Divisional Commander from the Regimental Commander: none of the enemy intentions could be inferred. At Sstrenkij’s graveyard and its surroundings strong forces gathered (with PAKs and mortars). Report to LIII AK about the AA 152.

Source: "Luchas, Victorias y Derrotas" Lothar Rendulic. Círculo Militar. Buenos Aires.
Hinze's "Bug - Moskwa - Berezina"

It follows. Cheers. Raúl M 8) .
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Infanterie Division 52 in Russia.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all people :D ; the story follows...............................

22 July 1941 (at night).

At 18:00 / 19:00 hours oral order to the regiments. The Division should hold the actual position. The enemy withdrawal was soon expected.

At 18:15 hours radio messsage to 1 KD: asking about its situation and MLR. Answer: covering XII AK’s left flank in the Line Point 158 (Dnjepr) Reptischtsche - Koschelewskij - Bachanskije - Malyi Borki - Dalnije Borki against strong enemy actions.

At 19:25 hours AA 152 radioed Station Toschtschiza and the ground westward free of enemy. Inhabitans reported own troops parts to the east, parts to the west of the enbankment towards south.

At 20:10 hours from IR 181: the attacks launched against the II./ IR 181 all day long were rejected.

At 20:15 hours AA 152 radioed (issued at 19:10 hs) riders patrols reported in the ground eastwards Rumok, Malaja Konopliza, Nowaja besides West- and North of the edge of the wood also all the forks and cross roads occupied with MG’s positions. One artillery ammunition depot 2 kilometers northwest of the north edge of Malaja Konopliza checked by two own patrols.

At 22:30 hours reports delivered to the LIII AK.

IR 181 reported: around 23:00 hours an enemy attack, seemingly strong reconnaissance in force, at Nowoselje rejected.

Corps order for the 23 Jul 1941: 52 ID’s task without changes.

Source: "Luchas, Victorias y Derrotas" Lothar Rendulic. Círculo Militar. Buenos Aires.
Hinze's "Bug - Moskwa - Berezina"

It follows. Cheers. Raúl M 8) .
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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