Feldgrau Forum Photo Riddle ?

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Post by Njorl »

As I found out 'Dzierzynski' was the last vessel of SVERDLOV class (launched in late 1940s).

Owing to his ruthless methods, Feliks Dzierżyński was/is often called "krwawy Felek" (eng. bloody Felix) in Poland. He is said to be the very Pole responsible for the largest number of deaths of Russian citizens.

I suspect that Dzierzynski had our mystery politician killed.


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Post by kanzel »

Wasn't a Brit frogman named Crabbe killed while diving around a Russian cruiser visiting British waters?
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Buster Crabbe,

Post by kanzel »

The has to be it. Lost mysteriously investigating the Russian, pronounced Ohrjohnnykidsu, (can't spell it). Either an accident, or the Russians nabbed him, or it was even suggested he was captured because no body was ever recovered. Sometime in the early sixties.
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Post by Njorl »

Kanzel, the ship you have on mind is most probably SVERDLOV class cruiser Ordjonikidze.


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All the details

Post by kanzel »

Looked it up on the WEB, here are all the details bringing us up to date.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/insideout/south/se ... rabb.shtml
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Post by Waleed Y. Majeed »


Fantastic Ping-Pong between Njorl and kanzel results in kanzel running off with the final identification.
Yes, the hero was non less than Lieutenant Commander Lionel "Buster" Crabb who won his WWII fame
at Gibraltar and later in Italy - and even later again against former allies in the Cold War as a spy.

The Lionel "Buster" Crabb riddle-image link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/engl ... 068860.stm
"Commander Crabb" book by Marshall Pugh was later adapted into "The Silent Enemy", a 1958 Movie.

Grigoriy Konstantinovich "Sergo" Ordzhonikidze, Politburo member until his death 1937 (not by Stalin :D) link:

The ship was named after the Politician and served up through the 1950-60s. "Famous" because of
the ill fated MI5 mission which went so wrong.
The ship link: http://www.royalnavalmuseum.org/Curator ... ne2006.htm

Sold in 1962 to Indonesia and renamed Irian! The Indonesian Navy link: http://milparade.udm.ru/30/070.htm :D

Well done all... some better than others :wink: Over to you kanzel.


ps. I would also like to thank Magnus for his "Crab" picture!
"Buster" the Diver... :D
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Post by Doktor Krollspell »

Well, that was a good and cleverly constructed riddle Waleed! :D Hat's off! :up:

And the same goes to Kanzel and Njorl for solving it! :!: Personally I never managed to leave Western New Guinea... %E


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Post by Waleed Y. Majeed »

Ah Doktor, Indonesia was just a side kick, a confusing detour... :D

Had the riddle not been answered already I would have continued
in a different direction all together. First actor and early sci-fi hero Flash Gordon,
with 1932 Olympic gold winning swimmer Buster Crabbe starring,
or Laurence Harvey who played Crabb in the 1958 movie.
Even Buster Keaton was a possibility :D

Had this not been enough I would finally have reposted Magnus' crab-picture
from the previous riddle (not 167 pages - just one back). :wink:

Thanks for liking. Hope to see something good from Kanzel next.

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Post by Magnus »

Ooooh...that was a real sneaky one Waleed! :D

I first thought about going through the entire thread, wouldn't have really thought about going back just one page. Luckily, in this case at least, I've been too bussy to participate in this riddle. :wink:
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Next riddle?

Post by kanzel »

I'm trying to post a photo, but can't seem to get it to work.
Whomever can post a riddle first is fine with me!
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Post by Doktor Krollspell »

Hello Kanzel!

In order to post images on this Forum, do like this...

1. Scan or download the image into your PC.

2. Open an account on a photo hosting website, for example http://www.photobucket.com

3. When you're logged in on a website like that, upload your image into it.

4. Then copy your uploaded image's URL.

5. Paste the URL into the post you're writing here on the Forum.

6. Highlight the URL and hit the [Img] button just above you.

7. Then it should look like this in your post that you're writing: [img]URLfromPhotobucket[/img]

8. Hit the [Preview] button to see that the image actually emerges.

9. Hit the [Submit] button and every Forum member can see your interesting photograph/image contribution! :D

I'm maybe over-stating information for you but I copied an old instruction I've given before.

So Kanzel, hit us with a riddle! :wink:


"Wie es eigentlich gewesen ist"
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Waleed Y. Majeed
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Post by Waleed Y. Majeed »

Doktor, I think Kanzel is loading pictures from his album on
a "host" server which requires log in rights to view.

I have seen others with the same problem. Have no idea how to solve it...
besides using imageshack.us or photobucket.?


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Paulus II
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Post by Paulus II »

Hopefully Kanzel can get the images onto the forum someday soon but meanwhile I'll fill the emptyness on the riddlethread with an easy one.

A submarine:

What makes this submarine a "special"one?

To help a bit, this man had something to do with this boat:

More pictures will be forthcoming!

When I see the need to do that of course 8)

Riddling regards,

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Post by Doktor Krollspell »

Hello Paul!

First let me, as an archaeologist-gone-teacher to an archaeologist-gone archivist, congratulate you for breaking the 1000 post barrier here on Feldgrau! :up: :beer: :D Keep the good posts coming... :!:

Secondly, your riddle... Hmmm... Here's a first stab on this naval riddle. I think (as in don't know) the officer looks like Royal Navy so I'll go for the capturing of the U-110 in 1941 by the HMS Bulldog. This famous incident won the english an intact Enigma machine with all the code books and instructions. The Bulldog's commander was Captain Joe Baker-Cresswell (the officer picture???), and after having captured the U-110, killing it's commander Fritz-Julius Lemp and taking the Enigma, the Brits started towing the german Sub towards harbour but it finally sank (the Sub picture???)

My two cents (for now...)

Krollspell 8)
"Wie es eigentlich gewesen ist"
Leopold von Ranke (1795-1886)
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Paulus II
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Post by Paulus II »

Hello Krollspell!
First let me, as an archaeologist-gone-teacher to an archaeologist-gone archivist, congratulate you for breaking the 1000 post barrier here on Feldgrau! Keep the good posts coming...
Thank you, thank you, thank you :D

Now to your first couple of cents regarding the riddle.....uhm.........how to put it?
Let's make a translation to geography......if the answer to the riddle were to be found in Reykyavik, that great capital of Iceland, you would now be searching for it somewhere on the Nullarbor Plain in Australia 8)
Hopeless my friend, hopeless!

Here's the submarine again in better days:


And here's another gentleman who has something to do with this special submarine:


Whereas the first officer I showed was just one of the men that commanded this submarine this new one is the man that proposed the idea that would make this submarine stand out from others.

Which boat is it and why is it special?

Happy hunting,

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