I'm a total n00b...

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I'm a total n00b...

Post by Wolery »

Hi everyone. Now I joined months ago, and while I've tried to make meaningful contributions, I'm totlaly outclassed by other posters esoteric knowledge. So I've just been asking a lot of questions. You guys aren't going to hold that against me, right?

I ask cause I wanna stay and learn and soemtimes netiquette is hard to figure out. Thanks.
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Paulus II
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Post by Paulus II »

Hi Wolery,

We all started as total Noob's regarding WW II at one time or another and all still are noob's on one subject or another :D
Everybody is here to learn and share there knowledge, ask all you want and try not to be put off by the unfathomable parts of the netiquette.

Best regards,

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John W. Howard
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Hang In There

Post by John W. Howard »

Hey Wolery:
As Paul says, everyone here was a "noobie" at this stuff at one time or another, and the subject is so vast that few have a total mastery of it, even if that were even possible. Read posts and learn and ask as many intelligent questions as you need to. The more I read, the more questions I have, and I think you will find that to be true also. Good books are still the best way to advance one's knowledge, but Feldgrau gives one the chance to discuss, ask for clarifications, and delve deeper into a subject. Feldgrau also helps one to find the best books about a particular subject, which are hopefully well foot-noted; this too helps one dive deeper and check the conclusions of an author.
So relax, be polite, read posts, and ask good questions; before long you will be an "Alte Hase" here at Feldgrau. Best wishes.
John W. Howard
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Post by sniper1shot »

esoteric knowledge.
soemtimes netiquette Thanks.
Well, I am outclassed with these 2 words.

I've been reading on WWII for over 22 years and I am always learning something new.
Only he is lost who gives himself up as lost.
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