Roxy Music = Nazi Music

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Post by Hans »

No! There is a copy on the shelf in plain sight, at the Wallsend Branch of the Newcastle, NSW public library, subtitled. As this is Australia, I would assume there are copies elsewhere. Got to admit though I was amazed.

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Post by phylo_roadking »

Even rock stars are interested in history
Well, The Beatles' "Just Seventeen" was always a good Party favourite...MY emphasis :D :D :D
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Post by panzerschreck1 »

Actually Bryan Ferry saying such things is hard to imagine..i met him last year and my opinion is he hardly can't be a nazi worshipper...maybe it was a uniform thing ..aswell as he likes Armani for instance...maybe a fetish..LOL..he seemed to me as a typical rock n'roll star much sex!!

even at his age LOL!!
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Poxy Music

Post by greenhorn »

I think Bryan was trying to articulate his liking for the Nazi aethestic...

The uniforms, the grandiose stadia and the big orchestrated national events... Olympics, Nuremberg rallies etc.....

Rather than KZs etc.....

He could have been more judicious in the choice of words.
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Post by phylo_roadking »

He could have been more judicious in the choice of words.
....and, I'm willing to bet, the journalist could have been more judicious in her choice of questions :D :D :D which I see we don't see repeated in that article for us to judge if he was quoted out of context or not. But thats typical of the Press. Somehow I'm willing to bet Bryan Ferry wouldn't have gone into an interview about the Third Reich - I wonder what the REST of the interview was REALLY supposed to be about? :D :D :D
"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle." - Malcolm Reynolds
Paddy Keating

Post by Paddy Keating »

I can think of several famous people who have discussed Nazi aesthetics in interviews without running into trouble. Half the top fashion photographers shamelessly rip off the "Nazi" aesthetic when creating fashion magazine editorials and advertising campaigns, plagiarising as they do the work of Leni Riefenstahl. There are fashion designers who have sent Allgemeine-SS lookalikes down runways while yapping gaily about "Night Porter" as their influence.

One major house from Japan staged a show in Paris some years ago in which emaciated models staggered about in stripy pyjama suits with coloured patches on their chests. The venue had been a holding centre during the round-ups. That did cause outrage but only because the fashion house in question is not a major magazine advertiser so the journalists and editors felt safe in showing their disapproval. The culprits got all Japanese about it and pretended not to understand what the fuss was about and that they had no idea that their show evoked Auschwitz. Tricky one, that, given that the husband and business manager of the designer in question is Jewish.

One of the chief editors voicing the loudest objections at a gallery opening a day or so later would subsequently approach me a few years later when I returned from Albania and Kosova to ask if staging a fashion shoot in a refugee camp with "real refugees" was feasible and if there were any beautiful children in these camps.

I think dear old Bryan Ferry let himself be ambushed by some guttersnipe hack on an agenda. Fine...but I would be very surprised if any agents let that reporter near their artists in the future. There is a justice system in the media and when you get yourself a name for stitching people up in this manner, you drastically narrow your career options. You are identified as untrustworthy. Some hacks make a good living from this sort of reportage but openings for writers of this type are comparitively limited.

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Post by phylo_roadking »

Agreed - who is the more guilty....the speeding driver or the rabbit who's so bleedin' dumb he sits staring at the headlights...!
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Post by Knox »

The movies, the Riefenstahl produced for the NSDAP, this is still pure "Gaensehaut" material, even nowadays, and I am not a worshipper of the Drittes Reich.

Do you know the scene, when the RAD soldiers speak: "Kamerad, woher kommst du, von der Waterkant, aus Sachsen, aus dem Böhmerwald!", and at last: "Von der Saar...!"

All these RAD soldiers faces in focus, and after that, they swear the oath...

Very impressive, pure Propaganda, a masterpiece of movie history, no wonder that her movies are still on the index here in Germany.

Millions of germans would overflow the cinemas in Germany, even in the year 2007, just to watch these movies, produced before 1945.

Mansal D

Post by Mansal D »

Lol. Funny comments, somewhat tragic story...
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Post by 5RANGLIAN »

I never liked Roxy Music.

Now, if you're talking Joy Division, that's a different story. Look into their history, if you want confused double meanings and arguments about what names and songs mean. It's a bit too late to ask Ian Curtis what he was thinking, though.

And if the first twenty seconds of 'Love will tear us apart' doesn't make the hair stand up on the back of your neck, then there's no hope for you. Or, maybe you just didn't grow up in England in the early '80s. :wink:
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Post by Reb »


"Here come the warm jets" was pretty good. But Roxy always seemed to be into some kind of strange Judy Garland pathos thing which I found boring.

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Post by Rolf Steiner »

there's a classic line about joy div's name in that 24hr party people film, not sure if it's something tony wilson really said to a journalist in the heat of the moment or what... 'we also have a band called durutti column, have you never heard of post-modernism?' or something on those lines
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