Medal entitlements

German uniforms, clothing, and awards 1919-1945.

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sid guttridge
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Post by sid guttridge »

Hi Andy,

The Atlantic fortresses were of such little interest and so little irksome or embarrassing to the Anglo-Americans that they didn't even put troops opposite most of them.

It was the French who found it most embarrassing because their pride was hurt at the prospect of Germany surrendering before all of France had been liberated. For reasons of national prestige, they therefore made an effort in the last days of the war to begin to roll the Atlantic Fortresses up from south to north. The first one (Royan?) resisted quite strongly but the next fell more easily and the remainder looked increasingly shaky. However, the war ended before they could be attacked.


Paddy Keating

Post by Paddy Keating »

Rainy has stated that he is ex-1st Bn, GG. On his home page - Ron, you need to change your signature to as the one you have leads nowhere - he states that he didn't manage to get out via Dunkirk in 1940. So he's a veteran, if indeed this is the real Ronald Rainford posting here and not someone who has appropriated his identity for trolling purposes.

Now, much as I respect veterans, particularly those who embrace modern technology like the internet, I have to say that his crack about my not having firsthand experience of WW2 is really a bit out of order, given that he himself has no firsthand experience of the subject in hand, namely the Siege of Dunkirk in 1944 and 1945.

As for the two others, well, you guys just keep trying, don't you? Here we were, having a perfectly reasonable discussion and you ruined it. I am not even going to waste time responding to the points you make because it is a waste of time and effort. I mean, Andy, can you not see that in your haste to score some kind of point, you have contradicted yourself in this thread? And no, I don't know who you are. I'm not even very interested...

Knock yourselves out.


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Post by rainy »

Paddy Keating

Post by Paddy Keating »

Ah yes, the one with spelling mistake works. I don't doubt the war record of Ronald Rainford late of the RAF and Grenadier Guards but it doesn't give you a free pass to pick a fight with me, Ronald. I don't care how old or venerable you are...and that's the best form of respect I can pay you.

Anyway, let's be friends. Your reference to the "alleged eyesight problem" for which the RAF took you off flying duties is interesting. Sounds like you got a raw deal. What sort of planes did you fly in and what was your job? It would be interesting to have your account of your journey through northern France and into Brittany. A cousin of mine took much the same route but left through St Malo.

Last edited by Paddy Keating on Sat Oct 14, 2006 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by rainy »

A real doubting Thomas. You need help.
Paddy Keating

Post by Paddy Keating »

Well, I edited my post in the interim. As I initially said, I don't doubt the existence of Ronald Rainford but I am wondering if "Rainy" is the real Ronald Rainford. However, on reflection, I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I look forward to your posts in the appropriate forum here about your wartime exploits. I am sure that as soon as I read them, it will become clear that I was, indeed, being a Doubting Thomas. Being doubtful comes with the job I do.

Looking forward to your posts. I think your time and energy might be better employed in educating young people about war through the medium of this forum than in trying to goad me over nothing at all, when it all boils down to it.

Paddy Keating

Post by Paddy Keating »

Andy H wrote:As far as I've read, the Allied commands were frustrated and irked by the continuing resistance of the fortress ports, but I haven't come across the word embarassment.
That's because I did not use the word "embarassment", Andy. I used the word "chagrin". Look it up.

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Post by John W. Howard »

Hello Gents:
This thread has gone off-topic. You gents can continue your discussion by PM or E-Mail if you so desire.
John W. Howard