Panzerjäger Abteilung 352

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Panzerjäger Abteilung 352

Post by Skarn »


Could someone tell me when this unit was raised ?

I found that on January 1st 1944, the 352. Infanterie Division had only a Divisions-Panzerjäger Kompanie with five Pak40 7,5cm and 13 light machine-guns (Anlage zu 352. ID Ia Nr. 38144 geh. v. 4.1.44), but most of the sources agree that on June 6th 1944, there was a complete Panzerjäger Abteilung 352 under 352. Infanterie Division command, with 14 "Marder II" and "Marder III", 10 StuGe III Ausf. G and nine Flakpanzer 38 3,7cm Flak.

I'm looking for the days of official constitution of the unit and arrival of these vehicles (probably in March 1944), and also their internal organization ("Marder" in 1./PzJäg. Abt. 352, StuGe III in 2./PzJäg. Abt. 352 ? etc).

Thanks for your help,

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Post by Brian67 »

Do you understand German or do you need a translation?
Aus dem Lexikon der Wehrmacht:
Panzerjäger-Abteilung 352

Aufgestellt am 13. November 1943 aus dem Stab der Panzerjäger-Abteilung 254, einer Panzerjäger-Kompanie (Sf), einer Fla-Kompanie und der Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 1352. Die Abteilung wurde im Juli 1944 in der Normandie vernichtet.
Neu aufgestellt am 21. September 1944 bei Flensburg durch die Panzerjäger-Abteilung 1581 für die 352. Volks-Grenadier-Division mit vier Kompanien. Die Abteilung wurde im März 1945 in der Saarpfalz vernichtet.
Neu aufgestellt am 14. April 1945 nur mit der 1. Kompanie.

Ersatztruppenteil war die Panzerjäger-Ersatz-Abteilung 13.

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Pz.Jg.Abt. 352

Post by Martin Block »

The creation of Pz.Jg.Abt. 352 was ordered by OKH/GenStdH/Org.Abt. Nr. I/15013/43 g.Kdos. on 2.1.1944 in the following organisation:

1.(Sf.) Kp. (14 s.Pak-Sfl.)
2.(Stu.Gesch.) Kp. (10 StuG)
3.(Fla) Kp. [no Flakpz. 38, just 9 towed 3,7 cm flak guns!]

Stab Pz.Jg.Abt. 352 was renamed from the former Stab Pz.Jg.Abt. 254. Personnel for the 1. Kp. was to be supplied by Pz.Jg.E.u.A. 13, for the 2. Kp. by Pz.Jg.E.u.A. 8. The 3. Kp. was to be supplied by Wehrkreis VI. By an Org.Abt. order dated 9.3.1944 a Stabskp. was also added.

The 14 Marder III for the 1. Kp. were shipped from an ordnance depot on 3.2.1944 (=4), 23.2.1944 (=5) and 5.3.1944 (=5). I don't have the dates of arrival.
The 10 StuG III for the 2. Kp. - since 14.2.1944 renamed to Stu.Gesch.Abt. 1352 - were shipped on 18.2.1944 (=5) and 15.3.1944 (=5). I don't have the dates of arrival.
The 3.(Fla) Kp. was ordered to transfer from W.K. VI to the division on 22.1.1944.

Martin Block
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Post by Skarn »


Excellent post, as ever. It was exactly what I was looking for.

Just one thing unclear to me : you mentionned a Sturmgeschütz Abteilung 1352, which became 2./Panzerjäger Abteilung 352 on February 14th 1944. The website Brian quoted also refers to this unit, but I found nothing about it. The only thing I'm sure, it's that it doesn't appear in the Anlage zu 352. ID Ia Nr. 38144 geh. v. 4.1.44 for January 1st 1944. Could you tell me when it was raised (between January 2nd and February 14th 1944 I guess) ?

Brian, I'm not able to read German fluently, but I understand sufficiently military terms to read such a website page. I always read and other internet ressources before asking my questions on feldgrau, it is an excellent website.
Anyway, it has different information about this topic than a primary source I have (it is written raised on November 13th 1943, whereas it didn't appear in the divisional Gliederung before January 1st 1944, and Martin's post confirm it was wrong*), so I prefered ask to eminent Feldgrauian expertise ;)

Thanks again Martin and Brian,
Very best regards,


* Another illustration of the differences between these websites and original sources about 352. Infanterie Division is that almost every websites indicate that this unit traced its origin to the disbanded 321. Infanterie Division, whereas it seems that its real parent units were the second 389. Infanterie Division (III./Grenadier Regiment 546, III./Artillerie Regiment 389, Aufklärungs Abteilung 389, 1./Panzerjäger Abteilung 389, 3./Fahrkolonne 389, a platoon from Pionier Bataillon 389 which were used to form Kampfgruppe "Normandie" on September 25th 1943) and the 356. Infanterie Division (II./Grenadier Regiment 869, III./Grenadier Regiment 871, 1./Panzerjäger Abteilung 356, which joined Kampfgruppe "Normandie" under order of September 29th 1943, arrival late October 1943).
371. Infanterie Division furnished its Pionier Bataillon 371 on October 3rd 1943.
352. Infanterie Division is officially raised from Kampfgruppe "Normandie" on November 10th 1943, but elements of the disbanded 321. Infanterie Division joined only early December 1943 : Divisionskommando 321 and Kartenstelle, Stabs Füsilier Bataillon 321, Stabsbatterie Artillerie Regiment 321, Stabs Pionier Bataillon 321, elements of Fahrkolonne 321, of Werkstatt Kompanie 321, Schlachterei Kompanie 321 and Bäcxkerei Kompanie 321, Veterinar Kompanie 321 and Feldgendarmerietrupp 321, with Stabs Grenadier Regiment 589, Stabs I./Artillerie Regiment 321 and 2., 3. and 7./Artillerie Regiment 321. Only small units, and much less than the divisions previously mentionned.
So I prefered ask concerning this division ;)
Even if there are maybe some corrections to do to this list...
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Post by Brian67 »

Skarn wrote:Martin,
I always read and other internet ressources before asking my questions on feldgrau, it is an excellent website.
Good to know.

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Stu.Gesch.Abt. 1352

Post by Martin Block »


The order to raise the 2.(Stu.Gesch.)/Pz.Jg.Abt. 352 was issued by Org.Abt. on 2.1.1944 to the Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres (BdE). After checking his available resorces his office in turn passed the order to raise the unit on to Wehrkreiskdo. VIII on 11.1.1944 (OKH/Chef H Rüst u BdE/AHA Ia(I) Nr. 214/44 g.Kdos.). W.Kdo. VIII now was obliged to sent the order further down the line to Pz.Jg.E.u.A. 8 and that's were finally the actual unit stepped together. Unfortunately I do not have this particular order but from other examples I know that such an order by the responsible Wehrkreis was then issued sometimes on the same day than the ObdE order or very few days later. Nevertheless under normal circumstances the date of the Org.Abt. or sometimes the date of the ObdE order is viewed as the 'date of birth' of a certain unit. But this can lead to confusion, depending on which author prefered to use what.

As long as a certain unit was raised under the BdE it was not obligated to sent any status reports to its new parent unit. This changed only after it had been transfered there and thus became part of its organisation.
I do not have the exact date when Pz.Jg.E.u.A. 8 sent the personnel for the new 2./352 to the area of H.Gr. D, but it shouldn't have taken too long since the ObdE order states 'umgehend' i.e. immediately.

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Post by John Nelson »

To add some confusion the Stu.Gesch.Abt.1352 was declared ready for employment "verwendungbereit" or "vb"on Feb.20.44 according to I/1577/44 g.v.20.2.44. This was even before any Stu.Gesch. were sent to the unit. Since the unit was going to an occupied area of France, and not in a combat zone, it did not need Stu.Gesch. before being sent to the "Front." Any combat units going to the front were usually outfitted with their Stu.Gesch.or Panzers before being declared verwendungbereit, and issued orders to be transported to the Front.

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Post by Skarn »

Thanks for your precious help.
Even if it didn't clarify everything concerning the Sturmgeschütz Abteilung 1352, it enlightened a lot of things about the antitank unit of the 352. Infanterie Division.

Very best regards,

"On ne relève pas Picardie !" (Picardie Regiment is not relieved !)
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