56. infanterie-division in may 1940

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56. infanterie-division in may 1940

Post by Laurens »

Hello members,

At one point in the German campaign through Belgium in May 1940, the 56. Infanterie-Division took position to start an attack to the south of the Belgian city of Gent. Infanterie-regiment 234 moved on rather well untill stopped by enemy artillery fire. During the night from May 20 to May 21, the Belgians prepared a counter-attack which was focused in the town of Kwatrecht. They also made use of two Renault ACG1 tanks (also known as the AMC35)

During this counter-attack, one Renault tank was shot and destroyed by four (?) german 37mm pak's. The other one was damaged beyond repair.

My question here is to know which German unit claimed the victory over these two tanks? It is certain that the 37mm cannons were part of 56. Infanterie-Division so in my opinion, it should be one of these :
  • infanterie-regiment 192
  • infanterie-regiment 234
  • panzerjäger-abteilung 156 (the last unit being unlikely)
Perhaps someone who owns a copy from the divisional history may be able to tell me more. All other reactions are welcome too, off course!
Thank you for any clarification in this matter,
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