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Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2002 2:20 am
by Der_Dolmetscher
Anyone have any info regarding Swinemunde and Maureb?

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2002 7:32 am
by Jason Pipes
What information are you looking for?

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2002 11:44 am
by Der_Dolmetscher
Jason Pipes wrote:What information are you looking for?
Jason, here's the message i posted earlier with the request for Auskunft .....

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 11:24 am Post subject: Swinemunde am ende des Krieges....


Excellent topic of discussion.
I posted arequest for information shortly before the message forums changed.
The issue is Swinemunde.
I recently met an ex-forced laborer from Poland, who worked in Swinemunde from 1942-45. He worked at the Marine Ausruestung und RestaurierungsBetrieb in Swinemunde. He doesn't really remember much along the lines of names etc.
He was taken initially to the Gemeinschaftslager Ostswine and later transferred to another camp close by. There he worked under an Oberwaffenwart Eitelborner and was under the jurisdiction of an admiral Jerwinski. He saw the Kreuzer Luetzow and the Cordillera go down qand left with the Kriegsmarine to Kopenhagen just before the german capitulation. the original goal was to blow up the harbor in Denmark to prevent it going to the British.............
He is fuzzy about a few things, but i have more extensive notes with dates etc. What i would like is a little more help with some of the names..
Namley the ships that left Swinemunde to denmark, Jerwinski and Eitelborner are also problematic.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.