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DKiG Hauptmann of the 15 PzDiv PzJagAbt 33

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 7:46 am
by ITALIAStorica
Hello everybody!

I need help concerning a tunic I bought of a Hauptmann of the 15 PzDiv, with numerals "33" on the Hauptmann Boards with Pink Waffenfarbe, for the PzJagAbt 33. Considering the authentic looking loops for a DKiG on the right pocket, and the two pairs of loops one above the others on the left one for a Bar to the Iron Cross 1st Class 1939 (Spange 1939 zum E.K. 1 Klasse 1914), the Officer has to be a WW1 veteran; the Tunic also has a silver bullion Adjutant aiguillette/schnur. Any suggestion to where I can look for some documents to investigate for his name?

From the 15 PzDiv DKiG listing the possible names in the Leutnant-Hauptmann range could be:

Kempf, Walter, 16.08.1942, Hauptmann, 2./Pz.Jäg.Abt. 33
Tocü, Erwin, 03.08.1942, Oberleutnant, 3./Pz.Jäg.Abt. 3
Geissinger, Robert, 18.06.1943, Leutnant d.R., Pz.Jäg.Abt. 33


Re: DKiG Hauptmann of the 15 PzDiv PzJagAbt 33

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 6:28 am
by Simon H
I would suggest you ask at the Wehrmacht Awards Forum - as that is largely populated by collectors. I would personally doubt you have Walter Kempf's tunic - very well known and for sure his uniform relics if they exist will be known of. Did you get this from an auction house, if so they may have information they can pass on to you.