The orbat of a fallschirmjager battalion

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The orbat of a fallschirmjager battalion

Post by Rob »

Can anyone shed some light on this. I have sources that say the compliment of LMGs is double that of a line infantry battalion....How were the companys and platoons orginized?

Thanks, Rob Deans.
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George Harper
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The orbat of a fallschirmjager battalion

Post by George Harper »


Typically, a Fallschirmjäger gruppe (squad) was of 12 men and had two MG's. A Zug (platoon) would have three Gruppen and a Zug HQ giving a total of 46 men. Three Zugs and some heavy weapons and HQ made a Kompanie. Therefore, a Kompanie had 4 officers and 166 NCO's and enlisted men, a total of 20 MG's, 3 mortars (8cm) and 3 anti-tank rifles (later Panzerschrecke).

A Bataillon consisted of 3 such Kompanien plus a heavy weapons Kompanie with 5/250 personnel, 8 heavy MG's, 4 mortars, 2 LG40's and 2 Anti-tank rifles.

I stress the above is only typical. Organisation often varied from one unit to another and was also greatly affected by casualties.

Hope this helps,

George S. Harper.
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