Uploading Avatar?

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Uploading Avatar?

Post by Truchses »

I have used a picture of the old German Kingdom (black eagle on yellow ground, heir to the Roman eagle) as Avatar at first in the Europa Universalis forum, and I have used it in other forums. Can I upload my own Avatar here?
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Post by KlemenL »

Yes, indeed. I'm having the same question. Is it possible to upload your own avator on this board?
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Proposal for expanded avatars

Post by Pylon »

May I suggest one of two systems for expanding the avatars available to the site membership (especially if the site administration is concerned about inappropriate avatars being used, or execessive server space being taken up).

(1) Perhaps you could add more galleries to the avatar section, including some military photos much like the ones that adorn the top of Feldgrau.net. Maybe a gallery for German personalities, such as Rommel, Lüth, Dönitz, etc. Also, an imperial symbol avatar gallery would be very neat. Adding at least several more galleries of more diverse, yet still related, avatars would allow you to keep the avatars under your control, and limit server space and bandwidth.

(2) Allow members over a certain number of posts the privilege of having the option to upload their own avatar, provided it is under, say, 60k and confines itself to 90x90 pixels and is in either .gif or .jpg format. This would prevent everybody from just uploading an avatar after registering, but who rarely use the board. By imposing requirements for posting (and maybe membership time), you are helping to ensure that only responsible members of the community can post avatars (so that controversial ones are very unlikely to appear), as well as providing incentive to contribute to the Feldgrau community constructively.

Please let me know what you think of these ideas.

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