Hello to all

; a little complement.................
Hitler visit to Kiel on 22 and 23 May 1933.
Goebbels' diary: two days on the fleet: wonderful. With Hitler and Papen. Large reception. Blomberg, Raeder. Raeder committed with the Navy to Hitler. Parade of the garrison. Hitler presided from the front. Admiral Gladisch. A fine man. He takes me with him to one night exercise in the Leipzig. So it was only a kind of good will tour.
Sources: Ferdinand von Bredow: Notizen vom 20.2.1933 bis 31.12.1933. Tägliche ... By Irene Strenge
Any special circumstances for Kriegsmarine in those days (22/23 May)? TIA. Cheers. Raúl M

Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.