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Anyone still play Avalon Hill games?

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:40 am
by Bill Medland
I find board games far more entertaining than PC games, which I cant really get into.
This may be because I remember the time before we had computers.

I gave a lot away during the last 40 or so years, but I kept my favorites....

Third Reich ( 3rd edition and Advanced edition)

Guns of August (WW1)

Panzer Armee Afrika

Squad Leader ( with Eastern Front add on)

Panzer Leader

Panzerblitz (with EVERY add-on possible!)

Richthofens War

I also still play some of the old SPI games etc,
my favorites being "Sealion 1940" and the "Bomb Plot 20th July 1944".

Cheers, Bill.

Re: Anyone still play Avalon Hill games?

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 4:53 pm
by Tom Houlihan
All I have left is Squad Leader, but I haven't touched it in years. The rest of my games were lost in a fire years ago.

When I get the itch, I pull up Steel Panthers on the computer. It's not the same, but I can take a week to play a scenario, and I don't have to worry about the verdammt CAT jumping on it!

Re: Anyone still play Avalon Hill games?

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 11:45 am
by Bill Medland
Hi Tom,

I like Squad Leader, but I felt that it runs quicker and flows better without the AFVs added in "Cross of Iron".
In the Stalingrad type battles you really feel it when you loose your HMGs. Although it is a great feeling when
your engineers go in for an assault with flame throwers and the enemy are wiped out to a man.

I have been tempted to buy some of the older games on e-bay, "Luftwaffe" went recently for 25 dollars.
I liked "Luftwaffe", but a real bugger if your rocket fighters were not placed close enough to the bombers flight path.

Yes, cats are a real problem, I have four! :shock:

Cheers, Bill.

Re: Anyone still play Avalon Hill games?

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:30 pm
by Tom Houlihan
I played Fortress Europa well into Fall, 1946 one time. Then the cat jumped up, and caught the edge of the board hanging over the side if the table.

Re: Anyone still play Avalon Hill games?

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 12:49 am
by Bill Medland
The cats have the whole house and a large garden, but they prefer the "village" on my model railroad! :down:

Yes there is nothing worse than stopping for a meal and planing your next moves in your head whilst eating,
only to find a huge cat sitting on the map, spread out washing his balls! They look up and seem to say "What have I done?"

Sorry to read about you having lost stuff years ago in a fire..... the nightmare of every collector.
Some 15 years ago I lived in a different city and the man who lived on the ground floor under me,
insisted in burning candles and he was a known drunk........ I often gave a thought to my original Third Reich book collection :shock:

Large gaming community here in the USA!

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 3:56 am
by Russ Schulke
There is a giant gaming community here in the USA, This week the Origins convention is going on in Columbus, Ohio the World Boardgaming Championships (WBC) are in Pennsylvanian in August.

I play “Streets of Stalingrad” exclusively! @{

SOS3 ... rd-edition


Re: Anyone still play Avalon Hill games?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 10:54 pm
by David W
I have Afrika Korps and Panzerblitz. I did not know that the latter had any add ons.

I would have thought that the board wargame would have translated beautifully to PC. I can see many advantages as well as being feline proof, but have never come across any . Allied General was the only one I found, and I don't know that it was originally a board game.

Re: Anyone still play Avalon Hill games?

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 12:22 am
by Bill Medland
The Panzerblitz add-ons were mostly in magazines and you had to cut the counters out and mount them on card yourself.
Lots of added 1941 items like Pz I and 37mm AT guns etc. Late war helicopters and the Maus tank, are just a few.

A lot of the "add-Ons" are available on the internet to print out and mount, I am sure I still have the link somewhere.

Cheers, Bill.

Re: Anyone still play Avalon Hill games?

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 2:41 am
by Bill Medland
PANZERBLITZ counters (may have to re-size image before printing out).
pb1.PNG (16.82 KiB) Viewed 10411 times
pb2.PNG (11.73 KiB) Viewed 10411 times