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Walter Model

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:52 am
by julian
An excerpt from MS B-701 with a description of Model's personality by Oberst Reichhelm:

'Model was taciturn and not harmonious,a personality at odds with itself. His sense of duty and his temper fought his heart which was soft by nature. Outwardly,his hard will was almost always victorious over his heart-internally,in spite of the raw shell he remained the officer with heart and reason; the heart prevailing in all decisive issues. It was not given to many to recognize the merry and carefree human, because even to those that were close to him he expessed himself seldomly or not at all. His often hearty laugh must have convinced even many outsiders and made this 'curt general' particularly sympathetic. Model did not have many friends as he lacked the leisure for this. He was also very attached to the circle of officers he had created around him and again and again drew to him.
He had an admirable way of adressing his soldiers-even though his intonation was brash-he gained their trust quickly by the manner of his personal questions which brought out with a clairvoyant look the particularities of the activities of each individual, recognized their needs and not last of all ,always knew a way out.
Towards his officers he had a compelling way to seize each by his responsabilities in such a way that nobody could do anything else than do more than his duty.
His appearance in a circle of people ,be it officers or men or other occasions, never gave rise to solemnity. He was immdediately right in the middle, oversaw everything with one look and captivated those present with his gift to adress people,quicky grasping the situation.'

Re: Walter Model

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:48 am
by julian
An excerpt from 'Die silbernen Spiegel Generalstabsdienst unter der Lupe', Hermann Teske Vowinckel Verlag 1952 PP 216-218
Teske was general des Transportwesen for Armygroup Center in 1943-1944.
"Shortly after the collapse the Army Group had been taken away from FM Busch, this time less because of the wellknown 'scapegoat' method of Hitler as because Busch was ill and had to make place for FM Model his estwhile army chief from the campaign in the west. The last one had in the past months as wellknown specialist for retreats from 1943, first at Army Group North then Army Group North Ukraine, mastered similar but not so catastrophic situations as now with center; and brought to a stop the fronts which were flowing to the rear.
Now fate put him before his examination. The crisis like situations which he for months had to restore with sole responability,had brought himself to command with very hard hand and without compromise. On the same line was his clear taking of position for Hitler as he needed an inner hold for his tottering fronts. He had no other choice. Whether he was a follower of Hitler and nationalsocialist in his heart is doubtfull.In the very close contact in and outside of business in the months of july to september the general of transport never heard a positive remark by his commander,but often biting criticism.His nationalsocialist conviction visible to the exterior was for him a psychological means to an end.
Personally, he was of small stature,but tough and with a poisinous biting rudeness,whose object were mostly generals and general saff officers;towards the soldiers he was kind and fatherly. When the general of transport, after an extremely insulting reprimand recieved without guilt, had asked to be relieved by the chief of staff General Krebs,this one soothed him and recounted:" What do you want, he threathened his old chief with a courtmartial yesterday.But the man can do incredibly much and is at the moment our only hope here."
Doubtless,the monstrous responsability which rested on his shoulders, had somewhat shifted the limits which FM Model usually put on his temper.After a severe reprimand he once said to the author , stil in the same reproachfull tone: "And you also have your birthday today." Then he invited him to supper and was the kindest,imaginative and sovereign host. Then he sought communication with the outside world and ordered the Ic to send the radio messages: the Führerhauptquartier was asked whether the promised reinforcements would come soon;the Hungarian Reichsverweser got thanks for the use of his cavalrydivision and his opponent Zhukov he gave advice over the fronts where he should attack the next day (Whether the smart Ic Oberst i.g. Worgitzky sent these messages is unknown).
FM Models means of command were mobility and control of the numbers. According to a cleverly devised system, using all transport means, he daily visited at least six commands, from the forward command post at the front to an army command. His questions were short and concise and his rage big when the answer showed the ignorance of the questioned. Because of his continuous physical and mental presence, above all on crisis points, he aroused respect in all his subordinates which was often greater than the impression of enemy superiority.
Again in the HQ in the center of the method of his general staff thinking, planning and commanding stood the numbers which represented time,kilometers,men,weapons,etc... These numbers became the foundation for his judgments and plans. Thus he became the defense specialist. The offensive with its many indeterminate quantities and unpredictable phenomena suited him less."