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Rudi Salvermoser TV Star

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:16 am
by John W. Howard
Anyone else see our own resident film star Rudi Salvermoser on Greatest Tank Battles?? He did a great job relating his experiences on the Narva Front in a StuG with GD. Thanks for sharing your experiences Rudi :up:

Re: Rudi Salvermoser TV Star

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:50 am
by ReinhardH
I only recently finally got cable tv. What gtb episode is this? Would love to see it. Hopefully I did not miss it!

Re: Rudi Salvermoser TV Star

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:32 am
by John W. Howard
Hello Reinhard:
It was the episode dealing with the Baltic States. I hope you are able to see it. It had a few of Otto Carius' exploits in it as well.

Re: Rudi Salvermoser TV Star

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:26 pm
by Annelie
Yes, watched it a couple months ago.
It was through an interview with an Canadian film company.

As Rudi says, they ommitted what he thought quite a few important points.
I am sure Rudi will see this thread and put some input here?

Re: Rudi Salvermoser TV Star

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:55 pm
by John W. Howard
Hello Annelie:
I actually thought an extensive interview with just Rudi would make a fine documentary. He came off very well on camera. It does not surprise me that some of Rudi's important points were left out; documentarians are only really interested in getting their story out there, not LISTENING to those who were actually there. Hope you are well.

Re: Rudi Salvermoser TV Star

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:55 am
by Annelie
Hello John,

It does not surprise me that some of Rudi's important points were left out; documentarians are only really interested in getting their story out there, not LISTENING to those who were actually there
Yes, I have to concurr with you on that, and also that Rudi does very well on camera. He wasn't anything like I expected.
Strange we sometimes have an image of someone whom we have never seen and in real like he looks nothing like it.
I expected him to look much older! :D

Rudi's story would indeed make a good documentary.

Re: Rudi Salvermoser TV Star

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 7:50 pm
by Tom Houlihan
So? Who's gonna do the Salvermoser story? :up: :[] :beer: :beer:

Re: Rudi Salvermoser TV Star

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:15 pm
by haen2
Sorry i missed it.
What is the EXACT name of the episode ? I have Comcast Xfinity and may be able to backtrack to see it.
If not / Oh well.

Re: Rudi Salvermoser TV Star

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:31 pm
by John W. Howard
Hello Hugo:
The episode covers the fighting around Narva and has Rudi in a Stug and quite a bit about Otto Carius and his Tiger. Hopefully they will replay it, so you can see it. I am not really sure of a title, but I thought it was very good. It has to be difficult for vets to talk about the war, especially in front of a TV camera, but it is so beneficial for those of us trying to understand those times and the sacrifices made. Armored vehicles hit with AP projectiles created horrific wounds for the crew, and it is important to hear the survivors' stories, if for no other reason than to let folks know that war is not just a video game; people are killed and maimed in horrible ways that not many want to talk about. Thanks again Rudi. Hope you are well Hugo.

Re: Rudi Salvermoser TV Star

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:39 pm
by John W. Howard
I forgot that I had saved the episode on my DVR; it did have a title called "The Battle For The Baltics". I saved it so my father can see it. Oddly enough he has a soft spot for German soldiers, despite the fact they came very close to killing him on a few occasions 8) I hope you find it Hugo. Best wishes.

Re: Rudi Salvermoser TV Star

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:38 am
by Rudi Salvermoser
Hello Everyone,
thanks for your kind remarks.
BTW, the DVD (orCD) is available from "" under the name:
The TV show was actually the playing of the referred CD.
When they approached me the first time to have an interview with the company, I hesitated to have an interview with my excuses that it had been som many years ago to remember many details - however, at the end, the won and I gave in.
I am still doing OK, could be better but could be worse.
I am certain that most of you have read my interview on

Best regards from Florida,
Rudi Salvermoser

Re: Rudi Salvermoser TV Star

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:19 am
by Annelie
thanks Rudi for the information, I will be placing an order.

Re: Rudi Salvermoser TV Star

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:32 am
by Annelie
Just in contact with breakthroughentertainment
and they replied that they can be purchased at ... B0055HK6V6

Re: Rudi Salvermoser TV Star

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:12 am
by Tom Houlihan ... 919&sr=1-1

This is the American version of Annelie's post.

Re: Rudi Salvermoser TV Star

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:22 pm
by chambers
Great news!!!

I missed it, don't get that channel :(