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Review:Kreuzerkrieg (WWI Naval)

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:45 pm
by sniper1shot
Title: Kreuzerkrieg
Authour: Edwin P. Hoyt
Publisher: The World Publishing Company
ISBN: 67-24477 (Library of Congress Catalog Card #)
5 (out of 5)

OK, having bought a book and read on the SMS Emden in WWI, it was mentioned about the German East Asia Squadron. Well, this book is all about the forming of the Squadron, the ships that formed it and the men that worked on the ships. There are 23 Chapters that go from describing the why the German forces needed a naval presence in the Far East, then the Beginning of the war and where the ships went. Is goes into describing the Allies naval disposition and the allied Admiral that ended up searching for the German Admiral, Admiral Graf Von Spee. The search for coal to feed the ships, the neutral countries and who they 'favoured' are all mentioned.
There is a great description of what happens when the German squadron meets an allied squadron for the first time. The Germans won that battle but in the end because of that, found themselves facing a much stronger allied force and end up going to battle with them off the Falkland Islands.
Knowing nothing of the German navy in WWI other than the odd raider, I found myself reading this book in a couple of days. Very well described on the who, what and why's.
Recommended for the WWI & Naval buff. :up: