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Information request about Division Wiking

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:48 am
by csalmen

I am doing some personal research on my father's involvement in the Ostfeldzug, as a member of the Panzer-Division Wiking. I have a transcript of a tape he left me which describes in (in German) detail his part in the Ostfeldzug. He died in 1998. My searches for verification or completion of his data, has not come up with the desired results. Maybe a member of the forum can help me advance? As I'm not familiar with military language, I'm likely to make some blunders with terminology!

Here's some info:
Wilhelm Salmen, born 9th Jan. 1914 in Kronstadt (now Brasov) Rumania (is Siebenbürgen, a German enclave in Rumania)
Joined Waffen-SS beg. 1940 (Westfeldzug Cambray, St. Quentin.)

Training Truppenübungsplatz Heuberg 1940
Quotes Felix Steiner as his Divisionskommandeur
Is ordered to Kriegsschule in Bad Tölz on Jan. 17, 1942. Mentions that he was filmed in a propaganda film made by the assistant of Leni Riefenstahl for the Waffen-SS. He' s shown skiing.
Becomes Zugführer of 3. Bataillon, part of 13. Kompanie in the summer of 1942
Receives EK2 in Jan. 1942
Mentions locations they passed: Rostow, Krasnodar, Maikop, Labinskaja, Pyatigorsk up to Ordzhonikidze. Later Vinnitsa.
Mentions crossing of Don at Rostow on Feb. 5th 1943
Big battle in Kursk 1943,
Christmas 1943 in Tanev on the Dnjepr
cauldron (Kessel) of Tscherkassy, Feb. 1944
Becomes Kompanieführer of the 4. Kompanie. Later Kompanieführer and Obersturmführer of the 13. Kompanie (summer 1944)
Receives Deutsches Kreuz in gold just before the capitulation
Is prisoner of war in Bad Aibling and Dachau

Some names he mentions in his account: (spelling not guaranteed) Hugo Mohnhaupt, Dr. Stürzenbaum, Dr. Wokalek, Otto Pausch, General Stahlmann, Gille, Hans Dorr, Leo Andrisske - a.o.

Thanks in advance about any hints leading towards further information, how to find the film.

Re: Information request about Division Wiking

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:16 am
by Richard Schoutissen

Thank you to share this story !

I have a question about the names, was it perhaps Oberscharführer Leo Andriske and Sturmbannführer Hans Dorr ?


Re: Information request about Division Wiking

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 9:48 pm
by John P. Moore
I have provided csalmen some information and documents concerning her father.


Re: Information request about Division Wiking

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:16 am
by csalmen
Hello Richard,

My father speaks indeed of both, Leo Andriske and Hans Dorr. His quote, concerning Leo Andriske: "Ein Freund, Leo Andriske, Oberscharführer und mein Stellvertreter, dem übergab ich den Schluss."

About Hans Dorr: "Inzwischen war unser Originalkommandeur, Hans Dorr, wieder zur Truppe gestossen. Er war schwer verwundet. Er trug zu dieser Zeit schon das Verwundetenabzeichen, das Ritterkreuz und das DKiG und was es sonst noch darunter gab. Hier wurde er als Bataillonskommandeur eingesetzt, um den Durchbruch aus dem Kessel (von Cherkassy) zu schaffen."

Do you have any more information about the above, that could be relevant formy father's story? I'd love to read it!

(I can translate, if you need it.)
Claudia Salmen

Re: Information request about Division Wiking

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 1:25 am
by John Hilly
Hello Claudia! :D
Here's my translation of Finnish etc. history books of the battles Your father was involved (not by name, but giving the hardships he had to go through).
In which Regiment of the SS-Wiking was he, Germania is my quess?


With best regards
Juha-Pekka :beer:

Re: Information request about Division Wiking

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:13 am
by Richard Schoutissen
csalmen wrote:Hello Richard,

My father speaks indeed of both, Leo Andriske and Hans Dorr. His quote, concerning Leo Andriske: "Ein Freund, Leo Andriske, Oberscharführer und mein Stellvertreter, dem übergab ich den Schluss."

About Hans Dorr: "Inzwischen war unser Originalkommandeur, Hans Dorr, wieder zur Truppe gestossen. Er war schwer verwundet. Er trug zu dieser Zeit schon das Verwundetenabzeichen, das Ritterkreuz und das DKiG und was es sonst noch darunter gab. Hier wurde er als Bataillonskommandeur eingesetzt, um den Durchbruch aus dem Kessel (von Cherkassy) zu schaffen."

Do you have any more information about the above, that could be relevant formy father's story? I'd love to read it!

(I can translate, if you need it.)
Claudia Salmen
Hello Claudia,

Oberscharführer Leo Andriske (*10.10.1919 Katscher) was KIA on 25.08.1944 at Zawada. His remains where exhumed to the German Cemetery at Modlin (Poland)

Sturmbannführer Hans Dorr (*07.04.1912 Sontheim/Allgäu) was KIA on 21.03.1945 at Baden/Wien. His remains where not yet recovered.

However, there is a memorial at Sontheim (Bayern) to remember Sturmbannführer Hans Dorr. Check our site here: ... 10890.html.


Re: Information request about Division Wiking

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 9:10 am
by csalmen
John Hilly wrote:Hello Claudia! :D
Here's my translation of Finnish etc. history books of the battles Your father was involved (not by name, but giving the hardships he had to go through).
In which Regiment of the SS-Wiking was he, Germania is my quess?


With best regards
Juha-Pekka :beer:
Hello John,

Germania it was indeed. And thanks for the link!

Best wishes,
Claudia Salmen