Search for a relative

German Veterans, vet accounts, MIA searches, KIA info, and on relatives who served.

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Search for a relative

Post by Stemar »


I'm pretty new to this forum and i need a little help in my search for my wife's grandfather.
He was soldier in the heer and was MIA on eastern front around June/july 1944 during Bagration.
She and especially his father are looking for anything that could permit to find state what happen to him after his missing.
What we know so far, given by Berlin WAST :
Enlisted 13 may 1941
His Erkennungsmarke was 52/54 - 4/Ins.Ers.Btl 353 (after further reading on the forum i read it like this : 52/54 (??? does it have any signification.) 4th company of the 353th Instruction ersatz Battalion (a kind of depot unit for the 353th Regiment???)
After that he served in the 205th Artillery regiment at the time he vanished(12th company, 3 Battalion if i remember well German army organization)
This is confirmed by the Postal number (24597D)

All this seems logical (the 353 IR was part of the same division than the 205 AR)

His last letter was wrote 28 june 1944, stamped 08 july 1944, and his was MIA 04 july 1944
The localization given is Barawucha in the sector of Witebsk

After that it seems that his was POW and report to have died 11 December 1944 in Russian POW's camp

The problem is that it seems that the report that state it to die in captivity is surely a kind of postwar arrangement to see his wife at this moment have a war pension payment (don't find the good words in English for that)

So even if he surely died in 1944, researches about the Russian POW camp wasn't successful, the number given by the WAST seems wrong (7125/1. WERNEJE/DONETZ in LISITSCHANSK, LUGANISK district)

So what i'm looking for :

1- Any information about the 205th ID and particularly the 205th AR in 1944 (War diary, organization and so...) or where we can find anything ?
2- Any information about him, where or how could we find something (he was corporal) ?
3- where or how confirmed or find something about Russian POW camps ?

Any ideas and comments will be welcome and many thanks by advance.
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