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can anything be done about photo removals

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:02 am
by charlieboy
hi everyone
i still find that a lot of photo,s are not available,
i do understand there is a time limit for these things,
as i was told on another thread on this forum.
this is very frustrating to me as a new member.
who like to look up some old threads, only to get to a part where a image is there,
and you cannot access it, some are less than 12 months old. is there anyway this period of time can be,
extended or somewhere where these images could be kept for people like me to view for a longer period.
i dont want to sound like some grumpy old person, but i just thought i would ask the question.
best wishes

Re: can anything be done about photo removals

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:10 pm
by bil
I am a moderator on the mg42 board,we have that problem,but mostly because of server changes.Although it may be a bit late for you,I always recomend saving and pictures you think you will ever want to see again on your computer.A link can also go away.Another method that has mixed results is asking if the original poster could please re-post.I recently had to find and re-post a bunch of pics on a 42 rebuild I did,it took a while.Good luck! ---bil

Re: can anything be done about photo removals

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:24 pm
by charlieboy
hi bil
thanks for your reply.
i hadnt thought about asking the original poster,
to r/e post its a very good idea,but maybe they might not have it still.
i still would like to see more time for the photo's,to be available,
if possible.???
best wishes

Re: can anything be done about photo removals

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 8:37 am
by bil
Some of it may be out of the forums control,for example links to other sites that may not be there still,or links to host sites where the poster may have removed them.I know,it does get aggrivating! ---bil

Re: can anything be done about photo removals

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 4:48 pm
by charlieboy
hi bil
looks like we just have to live with it then :evil:
pretty sad though
best wishes

Re: can anything be done about photo removals

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 8:12 pm
by phylo_roadking
Where possible I STILL copy pics onto my hard drive then into something like photobucket before linking here to them there....

But I've come across even photobucket deleting the odd WWII-era pic because of overt swastikas! :shock: Thankfully - a minimum though....

But using a third party filestore like that at least minimises the problem.

Re: can anything be done about photo removals

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 11:23 am
by charlieboy
hi everyone
and thanks for the replys of the forum members
i am 60 + years old and trying my best to cope with the latest new technology. :shock:
in hindsight i wish i was twenty odd years younger, in that case so many
things do come that much easier to understand, especially now with the modern computers,
that have so many more functions,that load more memory, and also the help desks to guide them??, that they did not have when i was youngerish????
please try to make allowances for this age thing, i totally agree with your reseravations and comments but unfortunately some people like me may have missed the boat??????????? in this situation. re photos saving.
best wishes