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2 Searches: Sudetenland and 194. A.R.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:43 am
by skarsatai
I am looking for some very special an probably rare pics:

1938 Würbenthal Sudetenland Adolf Hitler drives trough this Village on his way from Freudenthal to Zuckmantel.
Very interesting info about this trip. In Würbenthal before Adolf Hitler crossed this village, a Bomb treat was discovered.
before he came trough the small city, Security and Party members with Recon troops searched the whole city checked all houses and the street towards Zuckmantel. Remember, not only the Tchechs were in opposition, serveral thousand german radical communists and social democrat members fled to Sudetia before 1938 in seek for a life outside the german reich.

Any Pics from this trip?

Looking for Pictures from the 194. Artillerie Regiment (under the 94. Infanterie Division) from 1939 til 1943. Especially the russian campaign is in my focus......

thank you reading