Incidents and actions from the Eastern Front - 1941.

German campaigns and battles 1919-1945.

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Re: Incidents and actions from the Eastern Front - 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...............

Fighting in the forests of Russia. Ambush at Melniki - June 1941.

The 267 ID.

On May 25, 1941 the division reached Radom and proceeded from 12 to 16 June 1941 to Deblin (on the Vistula). After crossing the Vistula it was attached to the XXIV AK (Mot).

The 267 ID in the second wave, would act as a covering force for the 1 KD and the 255 ID, except the IR 487 which was to conquer a bridgehead in Domaszewo. At the start of the operations the 267 ID consisted of the following units: IR 467, IR 487, IR 497, AR 267, Pz. Jg. Abt. 267, Pi. Btl. 267 and Nachr. Abt. 267 being its commander Generalleutnant Friedrich-Karl von Wachter.

Order No. 1 of the division for the June 22, 1941 specified:

IR 467 by Jablon Opale was to reach the wooded area west of Żukowo; IR 497 by Horodyszcze - Lyniow was to reach Sosnówka Ozwadowka; Advanced Detachment 267 (Oberstleutnant Matthaei) was to march towards Wisznice, Slawatycze or Wlodawa. The Pi Btl 267, AR 267 and the heavy weapons of IR 497 covering group for the north Brigade of the 1 KD; 13. / IR 467, Pi zug / IR 467, Pi zug / IR 497 and II. / IR 467 covering group for the South Brigade of the 1 KD, the IR 487 strike group south. The IV. / AR 267 and 12. / IR 467 in support of the 255 ID.

On June 20, 1941 at 13:00 the signal code "Dortmund" was received specifying the attack for the June 22, 1941 at 03:15 pm.

FMS MD # 183. Operations of the 255 ID in Russia.
142# 6x Orig_ Foto Gräber i_ R_ 487 Russland bei eBay_de 1918-1945 (endet 20_01_08 212400 MEZ)
Dr.Rolf Hinze "Bug, Moskwa, Beresina",
Erloschene Spuren. Soldat der 267 ID. Eine Illustrierte Dokumentation

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
March's route of the 267 ID.
March's route of the 267 ID.
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Re: Incidents and actions from the Eastern Front - 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...............

Fighting in the forests of Russia. Ambush at Melniki - June 1941.

Start of the operation.

Shortly before 22 June 1941 the flood of the Bug river had dropped enough to allow the use of the crossing points which were foreseen. Although all available dinghies were assigned to the infantry, only a handful of riflemen per company may cross in the first wave. The artillery, vehicles and heavy equipment would get across near Wlodawa and a bridge construction battalion would build one a at that site.

The 255 ID was organized into four groups of attack at the beginning of the operation, the IR 455 would advance south of Wlodawa, the IR 475 near Wlodawa, the IR 465 (less its I. Battalion) would attack in the direction of Priborovo and the I. / IR 465 would do it close to Dolhobrody, this battalion would attack as an independent group, otherwise a big gap would be open with the 1 KD, which attacked near Slawatycze with its southern most elements. The machine gun companies of the 267 ID would support the movement of the regiments of the 255 ID but could not cross the river Bug. To the south opened a gap of 40 km with Army Group South on the railway line Chelm - Kowel. During the night of 20 to 21 June of 1941 all the units had occupied its readiness areas about 2-3 km behind the Bug River.

FMS MD # 183. Operations of the 255 ID in Russia.
142# 6x Orig_ Foto Gräber i_ R_ 487 Russland bei eBay_de 1918-1945 (endet 20_01_08 212400 MEZ)
Dr.Rolf Hinze "Bug, Moskwa, Beresina",
Erloschene Spuren. Soldat der 267 ID. Eine Illustrierte Dokumentation

¡Feliz Navidad - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - Wesołych Świąt!. :up:

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Morning of June 22, 1941 - the river Bug  crossing.
Morning of June 22, 1941 - the river Bug crossing.
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Re: Incidents and actions from the Eastern Front - 1941.

Post by HeinrichFrey »

Very interesting posts. Tank You very much, Raul.
Best Regards

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Re: Incidents and actions from the Eastern Front - 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; thank you very much for your comment HeinrichFrey. Now more follows...............

Fighting in the forests of Russia. Ambush at Melniki - June 1941.

Barbarossa begins.

After the barrage of artillery fire (20 minutes) the infantry crossed the Bug, without finding resistance worth of mention ( border guards and customs agents), theartillery fire was well directed and the smoke grenades exploded precisely according to wind direction . However the artillery missions were completed before the infantry had reached the villages near the river bank. These villages were soon in German hands and only a strong point in Przyborowo resisted until June 23, 1941; it was daylight and gunfire was accurate. Own casualties were few. Artillery, heavy vehicles, vehicles of communications and field kitchens were shipped to the second bank on schedule.

After the capture of the road running north - south to about 3 or 4 kms east of Wlodadwa, the troops were reorganized. Mounted patrols recognized until about 8 km in depth and cyclists' patrols advanced along the route to Oltush, there was resistance. At noon came the order to reach, by midnight, a line running north - south at Oltush level. But the units found some difficulty in finding the direction in the wooded terrain. The few maps available were inadequate and more routes ended in the middle of nowhere.

FMS MD # 183. Operations of the 255 ID in Russia.
142# 6x Orig_ Foto Gräber i_ R_ 487 Russland bei eBay_de 1918-1945 (endet 20_01_08 212400 MEZ)
Dr.Rolf Hinze "Bug, Moskwa, Beresina",
Erloschene Spuren. Soldat der 267 ID. Eine Illustrierte Dokumentation

¡Feliz Navidad - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - Wesołych Świąt!. :up:

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
A battery of artillery  belonging to the AR 267  crossing the Bug river - June 22, 1941
A battery of artillery belonging to the AR 267 crossing the Bug river - June 22, 1941
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Re: Incidents and actions from the Eastern Front - 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...............

Fighting in the forests of Russia. Ambush at Melniki - June 1941.

Across the Bug River.

In the 267 ID, at 03:15 hours the IR 487, with the fire support of 80 howitzers, crossed the Bug and won a bridgehead across the river in Domaszewo, Kobetka and further due north. The III. / IR 487 suffered 10 KIA and 15 WIA in doing so. At 05:00 hours reached the HQ of the 267 ID a report from XXIV AK (Mot) indicating that the Bug had been crossed in broad front; by mid-morning the division should continue its advance to the Bug in order to support the 1 KD and the 255 ID. At 16:00 hours the IR 467 had reached Żukowo and the IR 497 had reached Sosnówka.

At the same time came a new order of XXIV AK (Mot) stating the 267 ID should relieve to 255 ID in the bridgehead along the general line Koszary - Jesioro - Polemieckie - Jez Ostrowski. Therefore, the Pz Jäg Abt 267 and the VA (Voraus Abt) 267 followed the last parts of the 255 ID through the bridge at Wlodawa during the night from 22 to 23 June 1941.

FMS MD # 183. Operations of the 255 ID in Russia.
142# 6x Orig_ Foto Gräber i_ R_ 487 Russland bei eBay_de 1918-1945 (endet 20_01_08 212400 MEZ)
Dr.Rolf Hinze "Bug, Moskwa, Beresina",
Erloschene Spuren. Soldat der 267 ID. Eine Illustrierte Dokumentation

¡Feliz Año Nuevo - Happy New Year -Felice Anno Nuovo - Gutes neues Jahr - Feliz Ano Novo - Bonne Année - Szczęśliwego nowego roku!. :beer:

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
The First  casualties of IR 487, fallen by the Bug - June 22, 1941 (Domaszewo).
The First casualties of IR 487, fallen by the Bug - June 22, 1941 (Domaszewo).
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Re: Incidents and actions from the Eastern Front - 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...............

Fighting in the forests of Russia. Ambush at Melniki - June 1941.

Across the Bug River.

June 23, 1941.

The troops of 255 ID reached Oltush and AA 255 was sent out by Chocislav to Mokrany. The IR 465 would continue with the task of exploration into Lachovce and the IR 475 was ordered to conquer Maloryta. The troops moved ahead with the help of the compass and guided by church steeples and the wooden houses with low ceilings were only a short distance. The AA 255 found the enemy at Melniki. A Russian battalion of motorized infantry with light armored reconnaissance vehicles was expelled from the village, but the forest remained occupied by the enemy. The IR 465 had received the task of raking due east and it could infiltrate itself behind the Russian positions at night, by 23:00 hours the III. / IR 465 had conquered Lachovce and retained the town.

At 04:00 hours the Pz Jäg Abt 267 established a blockade in the dunes northwest of Koszary, while the Voraus Abt 267 occupied a position between Jezioro-Polemieckie - Luki - Jez-Moszny. The mass of the 267 ID crossed the river Bug on June 23, 1941 and by sunset moved east without a fight towards Tomaszowka - Piszcza astride the route leading to Maloryta.

FMS MD # 183. Operations of the 255 ID in Russia.
142# 6x Orig_ Foto Gräber i_ R_ 487 Russland bei eBay_de 1918-1945 (endet 20_01_08 212400 MEZ)
Dr.Rolf Hinze "Bug, Moskwa, Beresina",
Erloschene Spuren. Soldat der 267 ID. Eine Illustrierte Dokumentation

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
General der Infanterie Wilhelm Wetzel (second from left) seen here later as Commander of the V AK in the Caucasus.
General der Infanterie Wilhelm Wetzel (second from left) seen here later as Commander of the V AK in the Caucasus.
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Re: Incidents and actions from the Eastern Front - 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...............

Fighting in the forests of Russia. Ambush at Melniki - June 1941.

Across the Bug River.

June 24, 1941.

On the morning of June 24, 1941, the enemy tried to breakthrough to the east and west from the wooded area but it was detected and the German artillery opened fire. The infantry followed the artillery fire and was committed there. The AA 255 followed the IR 465 towards Mokrany. That day the division was transferred to the LIII AK, which ordered clearing the forest as quickly as possible to assure the road leading from Maloryta due Northeast. At dusk, the III. / IR 465 attacked to the West from Lachovce and IR 455 attacked and captured a village due east of Maloryta with one of its battalions.

The attack carried out by the III. / IR 465 was halted after an initial success. The cross roads about 12 kilometers due northeast of Maloryta was blocked from the north by the IR 475 and from the northeast by the IR 465 (less one battalion).

While the ID 267 was tasked with raking the forest area east of the Bug along the line Nowolisie - Rogoznica - Midna. The IR 467 reached the wooded area 4 kilometers southwest of Piszcza and IR 497 was around Tomaszowka. Struggles with small hostile groups of the 10 Rifle Regt belonging to 45 Rifle Division. At dusk the IR 497 marched to Maloryta at disposal of 255 ID, however the town had been already conquered by the IR 475.

FMS MD # 183. Operations of the 255 ID in Russia.
142# 6x Orig_ Foto Gräber i_ R_ 487 Russland bei eBay_de 1918-1945 (endet 20_01_08 212400 MEZ)
Dr.Rolf Hinze "Bug, Moskwa, Beresina",
Erloschene Spuren. Soldat der 267 ID. Eine Illustrierte Dokumentation

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
March of the 267 ID - First days of the offensive.
March of the 267 ID - First days of the offensive.
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Re: Incidents and actions from the Eastern Front - 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...............

Fighting in the forests of Russia. Ambush at Melniki - June 1941.

Across the Bug River.

June 25, 1941.

On the evening of June 25, 1941, the enemy could break the siege, heading to Mielniki and on its way met two batteries belonging to the III. / AR 267 and the crews were nearly exterminated in the close combat that ensued. There were bodies stabbed up to 17 times with a bayonet. The village of Mielniki was surrounded and elements of the 2. Sanitary Company and some units of the supply trains remained encircled near 36 hours. Northwest of Mokrany numerous attempts to break were repulsed. According to an order received were interdicted with explosives all routes leading to the perimeter of the division.

In the ID 267, the IR 487 and the IR 497 occupied its assigned security sectors without contact with the enemy. The IR 487 sent a battalion to Orcechowo and the IR 497, after securing the road with a battalion, marched in order to support the III. / AR 267 in the direction of Mielniki. The Pz Jag Abt 267’s patrols reported the forest north of the route Wlodawa - Maloryta was free of enemy.

FMS MD # 183. Operations of the 255 ID in Russia.
142# 6x Orig_ Foto Gräber i_ R_ 487 Russland bei eBay_de 1918-1945 (endet 20_01_08 212400 MEZ)
Dr.Rolf Hinze "Bug, Moskwa, Beresina",
Erloschene Spuren. Soldat der 267 ID. Eine Illustrierte Dokumentation

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
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Re: Incidents and actions from the Eastern Front - 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...............

Fighting in the forests of Russia. Ambush at Melniki - June 1941.

Across the Bug River.

Bloodbath at Maloryta.

On the night of 25 to 26 June 1941, the 255 ID reported on the breakthrough of the enemy in the northeast sector of the encirclement. The I. / IR 497 was sent as reinforcement, loaded in trucks belonging to the 255 ID, to Maloryta; the III. / IR 497 reinforced with the 14. / IR 497 followed on foot to Maloryta while the II. / IR 497 secured the road Chocislav - Mielniki facing the Southwest. The III. / AR 267 occupied positions north of Chocislav with capacity of carrying its fire aiming to W, SW and S.

At dawn it was received an urgent appeal for help of the III. / AR 267 which reported that the fire positions had fallen into enemy hands and the OP and isolated groups resisted the attack. The II. / IR 497 was alarmed at 03:50 hours and attacked towards CP of the III. / AR 267. The IR 497’s Commander also ordered the III. Battalion to go to the assault on Melniki, while the III. / IR 487 was led by Dworyszcze to Mielniki to regain together with the IR 497 the positions of the III. / AR 267. The Heavy Squadron of AA 267 followed behind the III. / IR 487. The Vanguard of the 267 ID (VA 267) was directed from Maloryta toward Melniki.

FMS MD # 183. Operations of the 255 ID in Russia.
142# 6x Orig_ Foto Gräber i_ R_ 487 Russland bei eBay_de 1918-1945 (endet 20_01_08 212400 MEZ)
Dr.Rolf Hinze "Bug, Moskwa, Beresina",
Erloschene Spuren. Soldat der 267 ID. Eine Illustrierte Dokumentation

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
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Re: Incidents and actions from the Eastern Front - 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...............

Fighting in the forests of Russia. Ambush at Melniki - June 1941.

Across the Bug River.

Bloodbath at Maloryta.

On June 26 when the resistance weakened a battalion IR 465 advanced in wide front from Lachovce to rake the northern forests. Inside the forest the battalion was shot at from all sides and withdrew from the wooded area with 75 casualties and 20 missing in action.

The enemy was destroyed on June 26 at 15:00 hours by the II. / IR 497 together with the VA 267. The III. / AR 267 had suffered 105 killed in action, including Oberleutnant Benno v. Hoyningen-Hüne and Leutnant Langrohr. Besides the infantry had 60 dead and 48 % of horses were lost.

FMS MD # 183. Operations of the 255 ID in Russia.
142# 6x Orig_ Foto Gräber i_ R_ 487 Russland bei eBay_de 1918-1945 (endet 20_01_08 212400 MEZ)
Dr.Rolf Hinze "Bug, Moskwa, Beresina",
Erloschene Spuren. Soldat der 267 ID. Eine Illustrierte Dokumentation

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
German Cemetery at Mielniki - June 26, 1941.
German Cemetery at Mielniki - June 26, 1941.
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Re: Incidents and actions from the Eastern Front - 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; the end of it...............

Fighting in the forests of Russia. Ambush at Melniki - June 1941.

Across the Bug River.

Bloodbath at Maloryta.

FMS MD # 183. Operations of the 255 ID in Russia.
142# 6x Orig_ Foto Gräber i_ R_ 487 Russland bei eBay_de 1918-1945 (endet 20_01_08 212400 MEZ)
Dr.Rolf Hinze "Bug, Moskwa, Beresina",
Erloschene Spuren. Soldat der 267 ID. Eine Illustrierte Dokumentation

It's all folks. Cheers. Raúl M 8).
German Military Cemetery at Mielniki - June 26, 1941. (110 graves).
German Military Cemetery at Mielniki - June 26, 1941. (110 graves).
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Bloodbath at Mielniki - June 26, 1941.
Bloodbath at Mielniki - June 26, 1941.
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Re: Incidents and actions from the Eastern Front - 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a new story ....................

Rupture of the Stalin Line along the sector Zwiahel - Hulsk and conquest of Shitomir - July 1941.

The SR 93 (Schützen-Regiment) was established on May 12, 1941 after reclassifying the IR 93. The regiment became part of the 13 Pz (created from the 13 Mot ID). The unit remained at around Rosenberg (Upper Silesia) till June 19, 1941 when it moved to its assembly area west of Hrubieszow through Zamość.

Its OoB was as follows:

SR 93: Oberst Radwan

I. / SR 93: Oberstleutnant von Raczeck

II. / SR 93: Major Leroux

At the start of operations in Barbarossa, the SR 93 crossed the Bug river and by Luzk advanced towards Rowno. On June 27, 1941 in Dziatkowice had its baptism of fire and the next day captured Rowno.

On the morning of July 1, 1941 fought by the Horin's crossing point in Buryn. Then the Russian resistance became stronger and finally the advance of the 13 Pz stopped in front of the old border fortifications before Zwiahel. On July 6, 1941, it was reached the Stalin Line by Hulsk. In front of Zwiahel and behind the Slucz run the fortified lines built during the years 1932-1934, the so-called Stalin Line. The III AK (Mot), to which was subordinated the 13 Pz had foreseen the breach of this position south of Zwiahel.

Fuentes: ... SR93-R.htm
German Tanks in Ukraine. Eksmo.Moscou 2006. ... a&start=80
Panzer Tank Album der Wehrmacht Ostfront Rußland mit viel Technik Flugzeugen eBay.
So wurde ddie Stalin Linie durchbrochen. Relato del Corresponsal Werner Müller. Kurzemes Vards Nº 14. 17-VII-41. ... a&start=80

Saludos. Raúl M 8).

Feliz Navidad - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - Wesołych Świąt!. :up:
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Re: Incidents and actions from the Eastern Front - 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows....................

Rupture of the Stalin Line along the sector Zwiahel - Hulsk and conquest of Shitomir - July 1941.

On July 3, 1941 German troops occupied Goschu and by July 5, 1941 had taken Korects, advancing to Zwiahel. The fighting as recalled by war reporter Werner Müller: We crossed the old Polish-Russian border of 1920, high watchtowers still stand over it. A few kilometers away are the first forts, huge concrete colossus, which close the road to Kiev. Amidst the forests that extend behind, our artillery goes into position. Howitzers and mortars, light and heavy batteries, motor and horse-drawn groups, soon were ready to go into action and all the tubes opened fire on the fortifications of the Stalin Line.

Forwards was located Zwiahel, the old Novograd Volynski. The river Slucz that runs there has been transformed into a powerful defensive line. Several defensive cordons sorrounded the city. Anti-tank ditches and barbed wire obstacles complete the picture. Between 1932 and 1938 Zwiahel became one of the most modern and powerful Soviet fortress. Deeply echeloned to the rear and defended by artillery, antitank guns and antiaircraft guns, the Novogrod-Volynski area resembled the Maginot Line which had been attacked by the Germans a year earlier in France. Astride the road to Zwiahel attacked the 14th Pz; on July 6, 1941 had carried out ​​an attempt to take the city but without success and as a result the SR 108 lost three company leaders and the AR 4 three other officers.

Sources: ... SR93-R.htm
German Tanks in Ukraine. Eksmo.Moscou 2006. ... a&start=80
Panzer Tank Album der Wehrmacht Ostfront Rußland mit viel Technik Flugzeugen eBay.
So wurde ddie Stalin Linie durchbrochen. Relato del Corresponsal Werner Müller. Kurzemes Vards Nº 14. 17-VII-41. ... a&start=80

Saludos. Raúl M 8).

Feliz Navidad - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - Wesołych Świąt!. :up:
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Re: Incidents and actions from the Eastern Front - 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows....................

Rupture of the Stalin Line along the sector Zwiahel - Hulsk and conquest of Shitomir - July 1941.

Three days long lasted the struggle around the fortified position. Daring reconnaissance patrols were sent through the fire unleashed by those giants in order to find out the weakest point for the attack. The artillery came forward and took the casemates under direct fire. After a long and fierce fight the hostile artillery in the forts was silenced. From the air squadrons of Ju-88 attacked and eroded the cement giants and their crews.

Meanwhile the 13 Pz was to cross the river at Hulsk, capturing the bridge intact in the town and then through systematic attacks would break the Stalin Line. About 30 meters from the bridge at Hulsk was a strong defensive position built with cement, a bunker. The attack was to be launched on 07 July at 03:30 hours with SR 93 (reinforced) to the right and the SR 66 (reinforced) to the left, each regiment had received as a reinforcement a Platoon of the Pi Btl 4, a heavy Platoon of the Pz Jäg Abt 13 and a battery of the II. / Flak Rgt 26. The Pz AA 13 would secure the left flank.

Sources: ... SR93-R.htm
German Tanks in Ukraine. Eksmo.Moscou 2006. ... a&start=80
Panzer Tank Album der Wehrmacht Ostfront Rußland mit viel Technik Flugzeugen eBay.
So wurde ddie Stalin Linie durchbrochen. Relato del Corresponsal Werner Müller. Kurzemes Vards Nº 14. 17-VII-41. ... a&start=80 ... /IR530.htm

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Feliz Año Nuevo - Happy New Year - feliz Ano Novo - gluckliches Neues Jahr - Bonne Année - Felice Anno Nuovo!!! :beer:
A bunker around Zwiahel... ... ...
A bunker around Zwiahel... ... ...
image002os.jpg (21.55 KiB) Viewed 13365 times
A Pz Kw IV of the PR 4 on the plains of Ukraine.
A Pz Kw IV of the PR 4 on the plains of Ukraine.
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Incidents and actions from the Eastern Front - 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows....................

Rupture of the Stalin Line along the sector Zwiahel - Hulsk and conquest of Shitomir - July 1941.

Meanwhile it was approaching there the 299 ID, which already on July 7, 1941, marching by Rovno, had reached the Horyn by Tuezyn; the vanguards of the IR 530 were in the town of Nowinye. This division would be engaged against the Stalin Line by the Slucz in Zwiahel.

The penetration must be achieved; assault teams, composed of infantry and sappers, carried out coordinated attacks on the bunkers, while heavy artillery fire held the enemy crews. Gaining ground inch by inch the German soldiers succeed in blowing up the steel and concrete domes with powerful shaped charges, as it happened a year earlier in France ... ... ... Inside one of the conquered forts, the Germans attackers found among the corpses, one of a woman-commissar, who led her soldiers to the end.

Sources: ... SR93-R.htm
German Tanks in Ukraine. Eksmo.Moscou 2006. ... a&start=80
Panzer Tank Album der Wehrmacht Ostfront Rußland mit viel Technik Flugzeugen eBay.
So wurde ddie Stalin Linie durchbrochen. Relato del Corresponsal Werner Müller. Kurzemes Vards Nº 14. 17-VII-41. ... a&start=80 ... /IR530.htm

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Destroyed Soviet armored train around Zwiahel ... ... ... ... ...
Destroyed Soviet armored train around Zwiahel ... ... ... ... ...
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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