Fighting in the forests of Russia. Ambush at Melniki - June 1941.
The 267 ID.
On May 25, 1941 the division reached Radom and proceeded from 12 to 16 June 1941 to Deblin (on the Vistula). After crossing the Vistula it was attached to the XXIV AK (Mot).
The 267 ID in the second wave, would act as a covering force for the 1 KD and the 255 ID, except the IR 487 which was to conquer a bridgehead in Domaszewo. At the start of the operations the 267 ID consisted of the following units: IR 467, IR 487, IR 497, AR 267, Pz. Jg. Abt. 267, Pi. Btl. 267 and Nachr. Abt. 267 being its commander Generalleutnant Friedrich-Karl von Wachter.
Order No. 1 of the division for the June 22, 1941 specified:
IR 467 by Jablon Opale was to reach the wooded area west of Żukowo; IR 497 by Horodyszcze - Lyniow was to reach Sosnówka Ozwadowka; Advanced Detachment 267 (Oberstleutnant Matthaei) was to march towards Wisznice, Slawatycze or Wlodawa. The Pi Btl 267, AR 267 and the heavy weapons of IR 497 covering group for the north Brigade of the 1 KD; 13. / IR 467, Pi zug / IR 467, Pi zug / IR 497 and II. / IR 467 covering group for the South Brigade of the 1 KD, the IR 487 strike group south. The IV. / AR 267 and 12. / IR 467 in support of the 255 ID.
On June 20, 1941 at 13:00 the signal code "Dortmund" was received specifying the attack for the June 22, 1941 at 03:15 pm.
FMS MD # 183. Operations of the 255 ID in Russia.
142# 6x Orig_ Foto Gräber i_ R_ 487 Russland bei eBay_de 1918-1945 (endet 20_01_08 212400 MEZ)
Dr.Rolf Hinze "Bug, Moskwa, Beresina",
Erloschene Spuren. Soldat der 267 ID. Eine Illustrierte Dokumentation
Cheers. Raúl M