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New book on the DAK

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:40 pm
by Fish
Hello all, I just wanted to inform you all of my new book which will be out in late September. The book, entitled Panzer Regiment 8 in WWII, although thats not exactly what I had in mind, will be published by Schiffer Publishing. (you can find it under Mil History/Ground/German and scroll down to the P's.) I feel the book does a good job at detailing the life and times of a German Panzer regiment from its birth in 1936 to it's surrender in 1943.

I was assisted in the book by our own Tom Houlihan who did an excellent job on the maps. Thanks Tom for all your help and hard work.
In the months that follow the book's release, I look forward to your honest and expert critique of the book. I know some of you will find many faults, and as an first time writer, I look forward to them so that my follow-on projects will be that much better.

Thanks to all of you that assisted in the smallest way, either with translations or clarifications to my many questions that I posted over the years.

I also wanted to let know that although it may seem like a sell, the book, if pre-ordered thru Amazon can be purchased for roughly 37 USD instead of the cover price of 59.99 USD which you can order directly from Schiffer.

Just figured you might be interested before it hits the book stores and they make their money off if it.

Best regards to you all


Re: New book on the DAK

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 6:46 am
by HenryLee
Dear Kelvin

I am very interested in your new book. I would like to know the size of the book (large or small format?), whether it is text or photo oriented and number of pages covering the Tunisian battles.



Re: New book on the DAK

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:53 am
by Fish
Henry, thanks for your interest in the book. The final manuscript will be sent to me next week for review and I can give you exact details on the format after that. The book will be hard cover large format, even though it states 240 pages it will be well in excess of that. I turned in a manuscript of 450 actual written pages (12 font in Times New Roman). and over 170 photos. The book is a written history so it covers in writing the regiment's histroy in as much detail as I was able to find. As for Tunisia, a lot of the materials were lost or destroyed in the end however, I cover events from Jan-May 1943 in pretty good detail. There are 100 photos of Africa alone of which about 12 are from Tunisia, with 75 pages of written text. As far as Tunisia goes I feel that I have filled in a number of blanks leftover in the past from previous books, mainly British, but a few German sources.
If you are looking for specific battles and action let me know and I will attempt to give you more details.
I hope later to do a photographic history of the regiment will all the photos I have collected over the years.

Thanks and best regards


Re: New book on the DAK

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 5:19 am
by Tom Houlihan
Having read one of the earlier drafts, I can say that Kevin has made a major effort here. There is a lot of detail. His work with veterans has allowed him to get right in a few of the tanks with the men. Keep your eyes out for this one!

Re: New book on the DAK

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:24 am
by Richard Hargreaves
Looks very interesting Kevin - especially as I'm very slowly plugging away on my own Africa book.

Interestingly, the price on US Amazon is $38. The price on UK Amazon is £48 ($96). Welcome to rip-off Britain. :(

Re: New book on the DAK

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 5:29 pm
by Nacht
Cannot find the pre-order link at US AMazon... Help!




Re: New book on the DAK

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 12:25 pm
by Fish
NACHT, try the link below ... 614&sr=1-1

Thanks for your interest


Re: New book on the DAK

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 1:17 pm
by Nacht
Thanks Fish (Kevin),

I have it on pre-order... this is less cost than purchasing the book on our Schiffer Orders! We'' let you know about anything that glaring errors but glad you are in the authoring 'fold' FISH! Good Luck on dealing with Schiffer!!!

Re: New book on the DAK

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 2:26 pm
by cedric mas
Thanks Fish, I also make an order for it...

DAK is my passion !


Re: New book on the DAK

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 2:35 pm
by Nacht

What happened to your 13emeDBLE? Also colleague where is your AFRIKAKORPS.Org logo?

Why are we the only purchasers of Fish's book? Come on guys!!!

Re: New book on the DAK

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 2:56 pm
by cedric mas

I just succeed to register... :D

And you know how accurate is my power with a computer :roll: @{

I will do it... :oops: :wink:


Re: New book on the DAK

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:42 am
My pre-order is recorded. :up:

Re: New book on the DAK

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 1:13 pm
by Fish
Thanks guys for the support. I hope the book will meet your expectations. I spent almost 6 years researching and building this book. Although there will be some errors found, I still feel the data and stories included in the book are pretty accurate and will help shed a better light on the German side of many of the events and battles fought in Africa. After my first meeting with the vets, I was shocked to learn that none of the vets themselves ever wrote a book about their regiment.
If you have any questions or ever need assistance in any of your projects let me know, I will certainly help. Like many others on this forum, I too do not believe in keeping history locked away, what is shared is not lost.


Re: New book on the DAK

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 2:01 pm
by cedric mas
Thanks Kevin. You are true, the 15. Panzer-division is not "well-covered" by books, especially comparing with 21. Panzer-division.

I used to work also on the 15. Kradschutzen-Btl but let this project for others...

I am impatient to read your work and will give you my comments and opinions on it but I am pretty sure that it will be great ! :[]



Re: New book on the DAK

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:58 am
by Fish
Hello All, Here is an update on my up-coming book. I just spoke with Schiffer and found out that the book, which was scheduled for a 28 September release, has been pushed back until November. As I understand it, the book is being printed in China and so is on it way via that slow boat from...
Anyway I apologize for the delay and no one is more upset than myself as it's tough to tell the veterans themselves that they have to wait a few more months.

To you all that ordered the book, my many thanks, and I hope you enjoy it. Personally I think its a pretty good work detailing the DAK and the battles that were fought.

Thanks again and I'll drop updates as I get them.
