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Moderator: Commissar D, the Evil

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Commissar D, the Evil
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Post by Commissar D, the Evil »

Form up into Phalanx's or the Roman Testudos my smoking friends!!!

There's a new money-maker by Phillip Morris looming on the horizon--the so-called Marlboro 72mm's!!! What this really means is that Marlboro, while keeping the filter the same length, has just chopped off a quarter-inch of tobacco!!!!

Devious tactic from a killer industry! But you've been warned!!! According to the Commissar and Comrade Stalin, anyone who negotiates with a "Marlboro 72" will be shot on sight!!!

(Odd how they managed to keep the barrel length short while ignoring the diameter of it! Clearly not artillery fans.......)

David (P.S., You can have my regular Marlboros when you pry them from my cold, dead hands.....!!!!!)
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Post by phylo_roadking »

While this will no doubt be marketed as "safer" and all that nonsense....I presume there won't be a similar percentage CUT in the price???

Choccy bar makers here in the UK have a similar sneaky way of lining their pockets. First they trumpet a campaign of "15% Extra Free!!!" or "25% Extra Free"....then after a while, the Special Offer wrappers are sold out, and it's back to normal price...

BUT the "normal" price will have crept up unnoticably to 17-18% or 27-30% more than it was BEFORE the offer!

You have to admit - a frighteningly smart way of dubing kids out of their cash!

I can see the same happening here - Marlboro chops off, say, 10% of the overall tobacco length....but the PRICE will only drop by 8-9%... :wink: :wink: :wink:
Last edited by phylo_roadking on Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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John P. Moore
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Post by John P. Moore »

For those members who are still smoking and paying ever-increasing, consider how much money you would have to spend on books if you didn't buy cigarettes. I quit smoking over 10 years ago and I'm glad I did!

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Post by Commissar D, the Evil »

Hi John, that works out to about a book a week for me ($6.00 x7 days). On the other hand, I couldn't read so many books, I couldn't store them and I'd feel like a fool buying them all. And their purchase might even get me on one of those government lists of homegrown Nazi terrorists! Commissar D, the man who read too much about the Soviet Union and the Third Reich!!!

Besides, if one is slowly, but enjoyably, killing one's self with cigarettes, than why worry about how knowledgeable a corpse one will eventually be? :D :wink:

David (Any excuse to hide a lack of willpower.....)
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Post by AAA »

72mm? A rip off indeed. But I would say it is hardly worth smoking anything under 6" and 50 gauge, preferably Cuban but Dominican is fine if propping the Casto bros family business seems improper. A 20-box of those should take at least a week (any faster is liable to be terminal in the shorter term).
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Paulus II
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Post by Paulus II »

Commissar D, the Evil wrote:(Any excuse to hide a lack of willpower.....)
Well....."Death is lighter than a Feather, Quitting is heavier than a Mountain....Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment and the mountain will crumble to dust".

If I could do it then so can you, good luck!!!

Best regards,

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Commissar D, the Evil
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Post by Commissar D, the Evil »

"Death is lighter than a Feather, Quitting is heavier than a Mountain
Oh, now that was cruel Paul................. :wink: :wink: :wink:

Death is lighter than a Feather, Duty is heavier than a Mountain....
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Tom Houlihan
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Post by Tom Houlihan »

Commissar D, the Evil wrote:Oh, now that was cruel Paul................. :wink: :wink: :wink:
Valid, but cruel nonetheless...

Feldgrau für alle und alle für Feldgrau!
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Paulus II
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Post by Paulus II »

No intent to be cruel my friends.....well......not really :D

As Siddharta Gautama (aka Buddha) is supposed to have said:

Do not dwell in the past, don't linger on those 'good' cigarettes in the past.
do not dream of the future, don't look forward to that next cigarette.
concentrate the mind on the present moment , I don't smoke!

After a zillion attempts to quit it was this notion that actually caused my mountain to crumble to dust and made quitting unexpectedly easy 8) .

Sometimes ancient words of wisdom really do work, even when you don't really expect them to :shock:

Best regards,

Cott Tiger
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Post by Cott Tiger »

I stopped 4 years ago. I still miss my Malboro Lights terribly. In fact, I feel like I’m still grieving for the passing of a good friend.

On the up side I do feel 1000% fitter, and I get a helluva lot less grief from the missus.
Up The Tigers!
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