Police procedure in the Third Reich

General WWII era German military discussion that doesn't fit someplace more specific.
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Daniel Alfonsea
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Police procedure in the Third Reich

Post by Daniel Alfonsea »


What would be the usual Police procedure in the Third Reich, as regards serious crime like murder?

I imagine the first policemen on scene would be a Schupo patrol in a city, Gendarmerie on rural zones. And then Kripo investigators, both detectives and crime scene specialists. Did it exist something like the Coroner's Office, which would send a forensics specialist in case of violent deaths, and perform the autopsies? Would the judge on duty appear at the scene, or some kind of judicial representative?

Who would conduct these duties if the crime was commited by a member of the armed forces, on a member of the armed forces, or both?

When would the SD or Gestapo intervene or take over the investigation? And did they have all the needed specialists, or used Kripo attached personnel?

Any insights?


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