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Strudel Anyone?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:58 am
by Robert Rojas
Greetings to Chairman Pipes, his august lieutenants and the community as a whole. Howdy Jason! Well sir, in light of the recent creation of the POST WORLD WAR TWO GERMAN MILITARY section of the forum, old Uncle Bob was also wondering if ANY discussion gravitating upon the POST WORLD WAR TWO AUSTRIAN MILITARY would be permissable under this section? Old yours truly believes (rightly OR wrongly) that such Austrian discussion would also hold relevance to any post World War Two German military discussion. Just curious. Well, that's my initial two cents or pfennigs worth on this contemporary subject of interest - for now anyway. As always, I would like to bid you a copacetic day down by Baghdad-By-The-Bay.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:24 pm
by Doktor Krollspell
Hello Uncle Bob!

One of the Austrian Bundesheer's finest, or at least strongest soldiers must have been the M-47 tank Driver from Graz, Steiermark who squeezed himself into the driver's seat back in the mid-60'ies. Even if he apparently went AWOL from time to time...

Arnold and his M-47
In 1965, when he joined the Austrian Army, his commanding officer withheld the pass to leave the base to take part in some stupid bodybuilding contest. Arnie deserted, won the trophy and was thrown into military jail when returning. It was only then, that the senior officers took a closer look at the trophy, which happened to be the top position of Mr. Universe junior! After that, he was officially allowed to train during his year of service. ... negger.htm

Apart from the Schwarzenegger trivia I do think that discussions about the post-war Austrian armed forces are releveant under the existing section. There's also a book Florian Berger on Austrian (Ostmärkische) Ritterkreuzträger that served in the post-war Bundesheer.


Austro-Swedish regards,


Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:08 pm
by Waleed Y. Majeed