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Fathers O.T. Diary August 1943

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 6:27 am
by canadien
August 1, 1943 Sunday
Talk with Helga, short and not solved. Discussion with Romi in the evening. Romi is waiting for her true love

August 2, Monday
Clean up office.

August 3, Tuesday
Get Fly, Mutter F. is coming

August 4, Wednesday
Swimming, discussion with Mutter F
August 5, Thursday

August 6, Friday
Untersberg with Fly

August 7, Saturday

August 8, Sunday
Last day. Take the last train with Fly to Salzburg and leave at1:40 am for Vienna.

August 9, Monday
Vienna. Harry is here. Supper with Frau Deutsch.

August 10, Tuesday
Gerti and Wuki, theater “Munchhausen”.

August 11, Wednesday
Leave at 9:30 am for Brest

August 12, Thursday
Brest. Soldatenheim (Soldiers facility), food, movie, then to Minsk

August 13, Friday
Minsk, Slobin overnight. Leave at 5 am

August 14, Saturday
11 am Gomel, on to Unetscha. Unetscha 8 pm.

August 15, Sunday
Unetcha, Brurien and Gross, new job. New camp leader, Birner.

August 16, Monday

August 17, Tuesday

August 18, Wednesday

August 19, Thursday
Drove 12 hours to Bryansk for tools etc. (Arrived at11 pm). Nata ist at Schuchnigg, she is well.

August 20, Friday
Sleep at the railroad station. Say “Hello” to Nata in Schuchnigg, leave for Timanowka and back to Bryansk by 5pm. Sleep overnight at Nata’s.
August 21, Saturday
In the morning in Schuchnigg. Afternoon with Nata.

August 22, Sunday
With Nata

August 23, Monday
Back to Unetschka leave at5:30am arrive 4:30pm

August 24, Tuesday

August 25, Wednesday

August 26, Thursday

August 27, Friday
Prepare myself to fill in for Wanderbauer

August 28, Saturday
Unit Munich is leaving. N. (Nata) is devastated and wants to stay with me. I am writing her, asking her to stay with me. Zauner is driving there as courier

August 29, Sunday
Went for a bike ride with Mr. Tenert. Mariechen is doing the cooking

August 30, Monday

August 31, Tuesday
Zauner is back with Lidia and a letter from Nata. N. can’t come. Troidl will not issue papers