German Veterans, vet accounts, MIA searches, KIA info, and on relatives who served.

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Post by HaEn »

Hello everybody; I don't know whether Joscha is "for real" or not, but I think we are spending far too much time and effort on "proving" who is right and who is wrong. Through the years some memories come back more vivid than others. (some are buried very deep though); when you get older, the oldest memories are often the most vivid. Memories are stored in our brains in "gestalts" meaning a "total holographic picture" of the event. Each time it is accessed something may be either added or deleted from it. The older we get, the more changed memories we might have. Old people, myself included better write down what they remember, because a year from now the same fact may look different than now. Additionally there are THREE sides to every story: Yours, Mine, and the facts. Merry Christmas ! H.N.
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Post by David »

I could not of said it any better myself.

Happy Holidays,
'Es geht wieder los'
sid guttridge
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Post by sid guttridge »

Hi HaEn,

If one cannot question the stories of the veterans on this part of the site, what is the point of it being a forum? If veterans, or anyone else, don't want to be questioned, then they should post on a non-interactive site, not a forum.

This part of the Feldgrau Forum has already apparently been prey to fantasists before the Joscha issue even came up. Their input, if not questioned, will change this site from fact to fiction.

Brig is already writing a book to which Joscha has made some contribution. If Joscha is a fake then Brig, for one, is in danger of having very public egg on his face and thousands of his readers are going to mistake fiction for fact and fantasy for history. That is a very serious issue.

This Joscha thing must be pushed through to the end.


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Post by HaEn »

Hi Sid, You are correct, questioning is good, bashing is not. Calling someone in a rounabout way a liar "is not nice". Some of us altkampfers may have our meories mixed up, and i for example have learned more factual things from these discussions than my memory had. Just a thought. ( the 5th one this year). HN.
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Post by Rob S. »

You've got a good memory HaEn, you've been keeping track of all your thoughts of the year :) I think I've read them all. The first 3 being at Marcus' forum?

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Post by Imad »

Those who live in Germany might know better, but is Manfred Rommel, son of the Desert Fox, still alive? I once read that he is a successful businessman and even met with Field Marshall Montgomery's son. I wonder if he has written or said anything about his father in, in a book or any articles?
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Post by Reb »


I met with two comrades from a war that occurred 25 years - not nearly so long ago as yours. And as we discussed old battles and events I found that we had totally different impressions of what we'd seen and experienced in some cases. And these guys were literally at my side in combat for over a year!

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