Tiger Obsession

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Tiger Obsession

Post by gavmeister13 »

Why do so many people seem obsessed with the good ol' Tiger? i know it looks good and was great at fighting but it seems anything to do with panzers focus on the Tiger. any thoughts?
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Tom Houlihan
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Post by Tom Houlihan »

I think a lot of it is due to the feelings that came out of the war. After running into a few Tigers, it seems like all the Allied infantrymen thought that engine sounds on the other side meant "Tigers!!!!" Thus, the conventional wisdom after the war indicated that the Germans had hundreds of thousands of them.

Or something like that! :wink:
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Das Reich
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Post by Das Reich »

Yes, I read this book where the number of estimates made by the Allies as to the amount of Tiger tanks encountered was far overexaggerated. Sometimes the Jagdpanther or a Panther would be mistaken for a Tiger from a far range.
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Post by Liam »

And, of course, the Pzkw IV Ausf F could look quite like a Tiger at distance.
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Post by derGespenst »

Wasn't just the Americans either. Anybody read Tank Rider? Seems the Russians encountered more Tigers than were ever manufactured. Wonder what was in the west . . .
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